
Quirkless Gang - Villain Midoria

Izuku Midoriya has grown up quirkless and bullied by his classmates because of this. Inko Midoriya has been coming home drunk since Izuku was 6 and physically abusing him. He is depressed in life, the only things good are heros and a website he's found. www. quirklesspals. net The more he is mistreated the darker his eyes get and it only takes one last shove to push Izuku over the line and rebel in the name of all those without quirks. THIS IS NOT MY BOOK I JUST THOUGHT IT WAS A GOOD IDEA TO SHARE IT ON THIS website

LickSuckEatMyBut · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
58 Chs


Kurogiri sighed inwardly. The Quirkless Rejects were at the bar, again. Well, five of them were. Deku, Grimlin, Jester, and the Fox twins. Tomura and Jester, who had a strange bond over video games, were in what Kurogiri had deemed the "tantrum corner" playing games.

Fox were over at one end of the bar drawing. Each drew something, passed it, and the other twin added to it. This had been going on for a while. They were pretty good at clothing design.

Grimlin sat closer up the bar drinking. Deku was also at the bar, which would be all fine and dandy if it weren't for the fact that he, too, was drinking. Kurogiri spends a lot of time observing people and could tell that Grimlin wasn't too fond of his leader taking part in this practice.

"Say, Giri," piped Deku. "Hmm?"

"The League of Villains haven't done much recently, have you?" A gaming controller flew across the room. Kurogiri caught it in a warp gate, as he does more often than he'd care to admit, and deposited it back in Tomura's lap.

"No, we haven't," replied Kurogiri. "Why do you ask, Deku?"

"Well, the UA Sports Festival is coming up. We are expecting a little something something to happen and we could use the League's help." Kurogiri watched as Tomura got up and walked over to the greenette. He was surprised that the teen didn't flinch as Tomura wrapped his hand around Deku's neck, keeping his middle finger lifter. Childish. "Why would we help you, Rejects?" he mocked in his scratchy voice.

"Tomura, let us at least hear what Deku has to say first." Everyone was watching, tense. Waiting to pounce if need be to defend their leader. "Tsk," Tomura let go and sat on a bar stool.

"The Quirkless Rejects are about to expand in size exponentially," stated Deku, "and we need a stage to let the world know that." Ah. They want me to warp them. It was usually what people wanted when they asked a favor.

"So you need us to get you inside of the stadium, am I right?" questioned Kurogiri. Deku nodded, confirming his suspicions.

"As well as get out." Deku slid a button and a small screen across the bar to Tomura, smart to give it to what the League recognized as their 'leader.' "The button is for the Quirkless Rejects. The screen is for the League of Villains. Each of our group will wear a wristband that, when that button is pressed, will send each of our cordinates to be displayed on that screen. At that point, Kurogiri, you will need to warp us out."

Tomura glared at Deku. "What does the League of Villains get out of this?"

"Publicity," replied Deku, calmly. Kurogiri knew that Deku was well aware of how riled up Tomura was about not getting much coverage. To be fair, we haven't really done anything since the UA attack. "You can make as much of a ruckus as you want within the stadium, or outside of it if you so wish. Not only will you for sure get on the news and live broadcasting, the League of Villains and the Quirkless Rejects will inevitably be associated with each other after their second time attacking together. Having your organization known for being affiliated with a more well known 'villain organization' such as the Quirkless Rejects will be a sure fire way of getting more publicity and focus on you guys."

It made sense. Kurogiri knew that Tomura would take the bait, this was just up his alley. He also knew that Deku was no idiot and knew exactly what he was doing. He was pulling Tomura's strings.

Tomura grinned. Expertly pulling them. "Fine, reject, you got yourself a deal."

Deku's sunglasses showed the happy screens. "Pleasure doing business with you. As soon as that 'something' happens, you will know. That's when we need to be warped in."


Before Deku stepped into the warp gate to leave the bar, he leaned over the bar to Kurogiri and whispered, "When we are warped in, place me right in front of whoever is on the second place podium." He left without another word.

Deku of the Quirkless Rejects, thought Kurogiri as he closed the gate. What a truly terrifying man you are.


Giran sat on his sofa in his office. He was looking at a dark green envelope with the white "QR" insignia on it. Inside held the next request order from the Quirkless Rejects.

Giran owned the envelope and pulled out a blank piece of paper. He pulled over a blacklight and shown it on the paper to reveal the words, a common practice in his line of work. His eyes widened as he read the words.

G, we need several large ground shakers (aka explosives) that can be screened (set off) over the lines (a far distance).

- QR

While Giran didn't know what they were needed for, he was absolutely excited. He knew that, after their first request of meeting Stain, working with the Quirkless Rejects was going to be a fun partnership. They're great for business, that's for sure.

Giran knew that the Quirkless Rejects would pay most any price he set for whatever they requested, but due to them being high on his priority list, he didn't scam them. Not that much anyways. They were almost reaching the level that the Yakuza were at on his list. In fact, he was surprised that Deku hasn't asked about them yet.

He might soon as the Yakuza are starting to move again, thought Giran.

Giran smirked and dialed his weapons dealer from the dark undersociety.


"You are leaving the Quirkless Rejects?" asked a stunned Izuku. No, how, what!?

Bubblegum shook her head. "Not forever. It's just m-me and Doom, well, we are..." she trailed off.

"You're what?" Izuku asked with a little more mence than he had intended to put behind his tone.

"We are pregnant," Doom stated boldly.


Everyone stared at the couple. Jester, being the immature kid he is, asked, "Where and when did you even find the time to do that?" Bubble blushed furiously and Grimlin whapped the ginger upside his head.

"We will leave New Year's Day," continued Doom. Ironic... "Until our baby is born and maybe a year or two after that. That is how long we will most likely be gone."

Dang it, thought Izuku, I can't get mad at that. So he smiled the best that he could. "Well congratulations first off! We understand completely. May I ask will you will stay? You are outlaws after all."

Bubble finally recovered enough to reply. "In the apartment building over. We already have fake ID's from Giran and with our jobs and Acebook accounts we will seem legit enough to look as normal people without much suspicion." Izuku nodded. "We also want you all to be part of our child's life," she finished quietly.

"Awwwww!" cooed Animation. "We will be godparents!!!"

They spent a good half hour talking, thinking of both girl and boy names and other baby stuff. At some point they all left to their own devices, leaving Izuku in the living room alone.

He tried. He tried oh so hard. But as the silence lulled on, it felt so suffocating. Izuku couldn't help it when his arms wrapped around himself, his brain short circuited, and he doubled over laughing hysterically. Tears filled his wide, emerald eyes but didn't fall.

At some point a pair of headphones with a soft tune were put over his ears and Izuku blacked out. He woke up in his bed again.


<Mikumo has come online>


Are you at home?

<Aizawa has come online>





Can I come over?

If it's ok with you of course.

-Shouta's eyes widened. Can't say I was expecting that.-


Sure kid.

<address attachment>


Thanks! See you soon! ^-^

<Mikumo has gone offline>

Shouta was sitting on his leather couch when the soft rapping of a knock on his front door sounded. He got up and opened it. Mikumo and Honey stood infront of him.

"Hi Dad!" the boy said cheerfully. Shouta smiled softly and ruffled the kids hair. "Hey kid."

Shouta stepped out of the way and gestured for Mikumo to come in. The greenette took off his staple red hightops and looked around. "Wow! This is so fancy and big!" he exclaimed.

"Is it?"

"Yeah, a lot bigger than our apartment." Shouta closed the door and sat down on his couch again. Shepard came walking from down the hallway.

"Is that your cat?" asked Mikumo. Shouta hummed. "Yeah, Shepard." The cat took one look at Honey and bolted. Mikumo chuckled before he walked over and sat on the couch.

Shouta narrowed his eyes slightly. He's tense.

"What's wrong, kid?" he inquired. Mikumo was silent for a second as he just pet Honey. "Deku met your student." Shouta raised his eyebrow.

"Which one?"



"H- he offered Todoroki a spot on the QR."

Shouta choked.

"He did what and why?" Mikumo looked away. "Todoroki has a hard past too and Deku thought it was a good reason for him to join. I just thought that I should warn you he may or may not do something at the Sports Festival. Oh, also, we are attacking the arena."

Shouta sighed and rubbed his eyes. "Well, thanks for telling me, but why are you telling me this? Nevermind, that was a dumb question. What are you asking me to do?"

Mikumo looked up at him, finally. "I want you to help evacuate everyone." What?

"Isn't that the opposite of what you should want?" asked Shouta. Mikumo shook his head. "No, that's the opposite of what Deku wants," he said. "Its inevitable that there will be injuries but I personally would like them to be few and far between."

Shouta nodded. Right, sometimes it's hard to remember the separation. "Just don't go after Todoroki," Mikumo finished. Shouta sighed, again, but nodded. "Okay."

Mikumo was still tense though. "That's not all, is it kid?"

Shouta didn't expect tears to fill his sons blue eyes. "Mikumo?" The greenette looked away again, tightly holding on to Honeys vest. Shouta did the only thing he could think of, he scooted closer and wrapped one arm around the boy, pulling him to his chest.

"Mikumo," he whispered, "what's wrong?"

"Y-Yul and Francy are l-leaving," the teen choked out. What? "Francy i-is pregnant s-so they said t-that they are l-leaving for two y-years," he sobbed.

Shouta hugged the boy tightly. He really didn't know how to deal with these kind of things yet but Shouta figured that he should probably learn soon.

"It'll be okay, Mikumo?" is all he could manage. For now, I'll just be here to lend an ear. So Shouta did.

Mikumo ended up sleeping over. It was nice. They had dinner together and watched a movie. Shouta noticed a sudden weight on his shoulder, Mikumo had fallen asleep. Shouta smiled softly and gently laid the kid down. He pillow under Mikumo's head and pulled a blanket over him. After turning off the TV, Shouta went to his own room.

Shepard curled up on the hero's bed and Shouta left for his nightly hero rounds.


Kyota Bridge, October 31st, Halloween Night, 9:50pm.

The eight members of the Quirkless Rejects stood on Kyota Bridge in full costume watching traffic go by.


Deku smirked. "Look," he said. Out of the darkness, a few people were walking towards them with masks on. Some held signs.


Deku looked around at the multitude of new people with masks and signs that read something along the lines of "QUIRKLESS REJECTS", "VIVA LA QUIRKLESS", and "SCREW QUIRKS."

Deku grinned under his mask, sunglasses showing happy.

"Welcome, friends, to the revolution."