
Quirkless Gang - Villain Midoria

Izuku Midoriya has grown up quirkless and bullied by his classmates because of this. Inko Midoriya has been coming home drunk since Izuku was 6 and physically abusing him. He is depressed in life, the only things good are heros and a website he's found. www. quirklesspals. net The more he is mistreated the darker his eyes get and it only takes one last shove to push Izuku over the line and rebel in the name of all those without quirks. THIS IS NOT MY BOOK I JUST THOUGHT IT WAS A GOOD IDEA TO SHARE IT ON THIS website

LickSuckEatMyBut · Anime & Comics
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Throughout the couple years he had been on Quirkless Pals, Izuku had been in many chat rooms and many that faded out, but he often thought back to his first one with LittleLife, SpliTtHeCheeSe, Grimlin, and ReadySetDIE. It faded out but he never deleted the chat. Even when he had no chats to talk in, Izuku posted on that site every day, or almost every day, because that was a place he could be himself.


- December 25, 2016

Merry Christmas everyone! :D

Yeah yeah, it's pretty sad for me to be posting on Christmas but I don't have anyone to celebrate it with til mom wakes up. She took today off guys so we could celebrate together meaning I'm safe for the day! What could possibly be a better present than that!?

Well, you already know what but that's beside the point. Either way...


I'm sure you all know the 12 Days of Christmas song, right? Well if you add up all of the all the gifts it equals 364 gifts. Coincidence? I think not!

Moving on. Me and mom set out store made cookies last night and some milk, cause she also took off last night and guess what that means... SAFE TWO DAYS IN A ROW! Can I get a YEAH!

-_- sorry Mic.

It's about five in the morning now so I've got about an hour. In the comments below all of you always show your support for me and my struggles and I just wanted to say that you guys are amazing and I couldn't make it without you! *sending out love and affection*

Well, Merry Christmas friends!




-July 15, 2017

Drumroll please!

*cricket cricket*

Thanks guys.

IT IS MY BIRTHDAY! I am officially 13 years old and still celebrating it with no one! Yay!

While mom's beatings have been a little harsher the past couple weeks, I know it's because she is just working hard to earn money to celebrate it in a fun way! Or she just really hates me!

*cries* haha. ;(

Without further a due... Random Fact!

August is actually the month when the most birthdays are celebrated. Guess I got left out of the loop again! Yeah.

Either way, it's gonna be a great day! I hope. Nope nope! Got to stay optimistic! Mom said she'll be back early so she isn't going to the bar, happy thoughts!

Ah... puppies and kittens and heroes.

There we go, all better!

Alrighty guys I'll post about the "party for two" me and my mom are "holding" tomorrow! Ta Ta!




-September 12, 2017-

It is exactly one month into my second year of middle school and it already sucks. Stay toon for why I hate my school! For the moment however...

RANDOM FACT! It takes five pounds of pressure to crack someone's nose into their skull. Wish I could do that. Maybe I should start taking self-defense? Tell me down in the comments if you think I should! XD

So today at school you know who's lackeys decided "Oh! Let's go beat up the quirkless kids!"

So yeah, I got punched a good many times. Oh and did I mention I got pushed down the stairs and sprained my ankle??? Well I did! When Mom gets home it's gonna suuuuuck! >:/

*sighs loudly*

Why can't I just get through a day without pain??? Until next time...




-January 1, 2018

Happy New Years everyone! Starting off the new year on a good note! No beatings usually happen in the first week of the year because mom if off of work so yay! ^-^ So let's give you guys a RANDOM FACT!

If you refine the dust on the highway you can make platinum. Of course, that'd take a lot of work and money but it's still pretty fascinating!

Winter break is about to end though so that's a little bit depressing. Means I have to go back to school and deal with all that junk but let's not focus on the depressing stuff! It is the New Year guys! Let's see...

Resolutions. I will be top in my class again, not that anyone cares. I will learn self-defense. And... I will maybe take up the guitar again!

You guys don't know this but I play the guitar, the acoustic, but stopped in maybe June of last year? +_- It'll be fun to play again. Maybe I'll post an audio clip of me playing sometime! Until tomorrow friends!



Yes, Izuku might not have many friends offline and might not talk in any chats on Quirkless Pals anymore, but he had this site. And everyone who commented on his blogs were so supportive. He didn't need real friends.

In all honesty, Izuku was so grateful for Quirkless Pals because without it he might just snap.