
Granted Wishes

My mind froze at the voice. It gave off an unbearable pressure, a pressure that might have broken my mind if my will was any weaker.

"Wh- What are y-you?" I stuttered out. I felt like a mouse before a lion. No, even that metaphor couldn't recreate the sense of helplessness I was experiencing.

"Well, that's not really that important is it? But you humans sure do love your labels. Are you religious? Hmmm, it seems not. Then just call me a higher being."

I don't know what this 'higher being' had just done, but it seemed to gleam even more information about me. My panic only rose from there. I felt naked under this beings gaze. If it even had eyes.

"I'm quite impressed you haven't lost your sanity yet, most of you feeble humans don't even last a greeting. I'm here because you caught my attention when you died. I was impressed with your courage." it stated flatly, and all of a sudden the pressure on my brain was gone.

Did I finally snap? Or did the being turn it off like a switch. Either way, this thing knew its affect on humans, and that still didn't stop it from speaking with that mind breaking pressure.

"Th-ank you." I muttered weakly, still recovering from whatever it had done to me.

"What do you- what do you want from me?" I asked, finally building my voice back up.

If I could've sworn I felt something akin to a malicious smirk directed at me.

"An interesting story. As such, I've set the stage based on what you truly wished for."

A chill ran down my spine as I could only begin to guess what this being would consider interesting.

The being chuckled, as if finding my thoughts and my fears amusing.

"Show me something interesting." the being stated and with that, I felt like I was pulled from whatever subspace I was in.

All of a sudden, a blinding light pierced my eyes. I wailed in both surprise and pain, not realising how comfortable I had been in that space. The sterile air burnt my nostrils, I felt the stickiness of blood that wasn't mine, and the inability to control my appendages caused me to internally freak out for a few seconds.

That was when I noticed the other people in the room. There was a man with dark black hair, skin that pointed to Asian descent, a sharp jaw line, clean shaven face and a body like a mountain man.

He was easily 6 feet. His intimidating stature was mitigated by the gentle look on his face.

I soon turned to see the woman holding me, she was much smaller than the mountain of a man that was looking at me, however she was no less attractive. Long black hair cascaded down her face, she had a straight but small nose placed perfectly on snow white skin, and deep brown eyes.

I took comfort in how attractive my parents were, with any luck I would become decently attractive.

At least, I assume they are my parents, but with what that creature just said to me, I wouldn't be surprised if there was some twist waiting for me.

Boy was I right.

As it turns out, they were my parents. Once my mother and I had been cleared to leave the hospital, I was whisked away into the back seat of the car. My mother promptly fell asleep while my father drove. He would occasionally give my mother a loving glace, but mostly kept his eyes on the road.

Much to his frustration, we got caught in traffic, and came to a standstill. He turned in his seat and whispered to me.

"You look just like your mother, Alex."

He whipped round in his seat when we both heard loud crashes coming from in front of us.

A car landed on the bonnet of ours, and my head whipped forward from the impact.

I screamed from the pain and started crying, under normal circumstances I would have just cursed, but due to my new body, I screamed until my throat was raw.

When I looked up I saw the destruction of many cars, and the bloody mess that was once my parents. I didn't even get chance to grieve as a figure that completely dwarfed my father approached the car.

Its arms we long and thick with writhing muscle, the creature was well over 3 metres tall, and it had a hairless tail that was thicker than the legs of body builders.

My crying ceased as I shivered in fear. This thing was throwing all forms of attacks at any vehicle that was in its range.

2 people soon showed up before the creature could reach the car I was in, and seemed to hose the creature down with water that projected from their hands. The water seemed highly pressurised as it physically moved the creature, before knocking it off its feet.

The people around me cheered, unaware of all the life that had just been lost. Either that or just uncaring.

Meanwhile I had been orphaned within the first day of living, and became utterly shocked with my new reality.

One of the anime and manga I had enjoyed while being alive, had just become my new reality.

"That's right, and you'll be thankful to know I gave you one of your favourite powers, although I had to alter it a little to match your personality and the constraints of this world."

Anger seethed from me. This being had done this to me. It had taken away my parents for its own pleasure, I'm sure of it.

"And what would that be?" I asked internally, containing my rage to the best of my ability.

"The abilities of the shadow monarch. Due to my benevolence I changed the one of his core abilities, you do not have to kill enemies to gain an army, you just have to use your own energy to create them from your shadow." I felt the creatures grin. I know it did this solely for the fact that I wouldn't kill if I didn't have to.

And in this world, unless I would become a villain, killing is not allowed. There are no wars to be fought yet either. Hence I would have never used the quirk.

"Thanks for the kindness" I snapped back.

"This is the last you'll hear from me, make sure you show me something entertaining."

I had become stuck in the world of My Hero Academia, with a being forcing me to live an 'interesting' life. I had been orphaned before even getting to say a single word to my parents, all due to this creature.

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