
Uncle Maruo

The lunch period had already ended, Fuutarou arrived back in his class and sat on his seat with a bored expression on his face.

Other students were frantically taking out their textbooks and workbooks for their next class. There were also others who were hastily copying their classmate's homework since they didn't finish theirs.

Fuutarou wasn't doing any of those. When the teacher tells them what to take out, that's when he'll reach into his bag.

He yawned and wanted to take a quick nap but cursed as the teacher walked in before he could even begin to lay his head on his table.

"Class, today we have a new transfer student. She's one of the 5 transfer students that joined our school. Please come in!" The teacher invited someone outside the class cheerfully. The transfer student made her way to the front of the class and introduced herself.

"I'm Nakano Itsuki, I hope we can get along." Itsuki introduced herself with a small smile on her face. Fuutarou widened his eyes and looked at the empty seat to his right.

He heard the chatter amongst his peers. They were all surprised that the transfer student came from a rich all girls school, called Black Rose Girls School, an elite all-girl school typically attended by rich families.

He ignored the chatter amongst his peers and focused on what his teacher was about to say.

"Nakano-san, your seat is right beside Uesugi-san. Uesugi-san, please raise your hand so that Nakano-san knows how handsome her seatmate is. " The teacher requested with a smile on her face.

Fuutarou sighed and unenthusiastically raised his hand, his classmates chuckled at his bored expression.

He looked at Itsuki with a smile on his face and waved at her as she approached her seat. "Hey, didn't expect us to be in the same class, guess fate really brought us together. Welcome to my domain, Itsuki-chan. " Fuutarou grinned at her.

Itsuki blushed at seeing him, 'He's in my class? Are you kidding me?!' She was still reeling from Fuutarou calling her beautiful again at lunch. She wasn't ready to see his handsome face again. She felt like she could die of embarrassment at any moment.

She took a deep breath to calm herself down. It was her first day in her new school. There was no way she was gonna mess it up by becoming a stuttering mess in the entire class.

Itsuki took her seat next to his. The teacher then commenced the lesson. Itsuki struggled to focus due to the fact that her thoughts kept revolving around the man next to her. She was still thinking about the way he called her beautiful twice earlier. Every time she thought about it, her heart began to beat faster and her face heated up.

This feeling was completely foreign to her. But it wasn't unwelcomed. It made her feel good in a way. But it was still confusing. She had to get to terms with these feelings as soon as possible. But for now she had to focus on class.

Fuutarou was completely in a trance. He could not help but subtly stare at her throughout the whole class. Words could not begin to describe how beautiful she was.

Itsuki noticed his stares. She got flustered and quickly turned away when they gazed into each other's eyes that one time, it made Fuutarou smile and chuckle to himself.

As Itsuki was fighting her own thoughts and trying to concentrate on the class, Fuutarou was also deep in his mind.

'So she would be one of the daughters that I'm gonna be tutoring eh? Alright, this should be interesting.'



Fuutarou was walking home when he received a call from a person called Maruo Nakano. He picked it up and put his phone near his right ear.

"Hello, Mr Nakano." Fuutarou greeted his new employer when he picked up the call.

"No need to be so formal with me, Uesugi-kun. Just call me Uncle Maruo. " Maruo corrected him. Fuutarou was a little surprised at how casual his employer sounded, but he didn't think much of it and just went along with his harmless request.

"Okay then, Uncle Maruo. I just got the news that you're hiring me to tutor your daughters." Fuutarou reported to him.

" Indeed. They are also quintuplets, 5 sisters born from the same egg. I want you to teach them until graduation. And of course you will be paid at the rate of 5 students. " He answered. Fuutarou smiled at that. His life was getting exciting again.

"Why did you choose me to tutor your daughters, Uncle Maruo?" Fuutarou asked because he needed to know. Fuutarou can't see this, but Maruo raised his brows a bit at his question.

"Uesugi-kun, surely you keep track of your educational achievements? You achieved something most could ever dream to accomplish. Full marks on every exam starting from when you were in sixth grade elementary school. "

" Besides that, I am aware of your family's debt problem. I've tried to help your father out by lending him some money in the past but he would always refuse. The reason being that it wasn't fair to use someone else's hard earned money to fix his own problems. "

" He wanted to earn his own money and pay off the debt on his own. I thought he was being an idiot, but I still respected his decision. But with this tutoring job, you should be able to help to get rid of that debt completely. "

" And Isanari won't be able to say anything to me because you would have earned that money yourself by helping my daughters graduate. And let me tell you, they really need your help. " Maruo finished his last sentence while emphasizing 'really', making Fuutarou's sweat drop at the last sentence.

'Are they really that dumb? Well he's right about dad not accepting Uncle Mario's money, I would have probably done the exact same thing. I prefer to earn my shit too. After all, an Uesugi doesn't take handouts!' Fuutarou thought in his mind. He opened his mouth to ask another question.

"Why do you ask, Uesugi-kun?" Maruo asked, referring to Fuutarou's previous question.

"It's nothing Uncle. I'm full of confidence now! I promise you, I will help them graduate with high marks and happy smiles on their faces!!" Fuutarou exclaimed passionately. He was excited to be starting a new path in his road of life, the pay just made it all the more better.

On the other side of the call, Maruo nodded, glad that Fuutarou was motivated to help his daughters. "I thank you for taking the time to help and teach my daughters. They will be in your care then. I may not have time to always be there and spend time with them, but I still care for and love them."

" I'm confident in your ability to tutor them. Their current grades are abysmal and at their current rate, they will flunk out of highschool without your help. They desperately need you. Their future is in your hands." Maruo told Fuutarou ominously. Fuutarou smirked, liking Maruo and his personality more already.

"I won't let you down, Uncle!" Fuutarou swore he heard the stoic man chuckle in response but he didn't think too much about that.

"You better not. You will begin tutoring them tomorrow after school. I will text you the address of their apartment where you will be tutoring them.

I'll also let them know that you will be coming. Let me know if you need anything or if they give you any trouble. I imagine they might not like the idea of a stranger coming to their home and tutoring them. " Maruo explained. Fuutarou smiled at his words.

" Then it's a good thing I've already met one of them. " Fuutarou revealed, surprising Maruo a little.

" Oh? You've already met one of my daughters? Which one?" Maruo asked with an intrigued tone.

" It was Itsuki. We had lunch together and she's in my class too, seated right beside me." Fuutarou answered.

"Ah, Itsuki-kun. I see you met the youngest one. Out of all of them, she is the most ambitious. She takes the most from their mother as well. Her dream is to become a teacher just like how her mother once was." "You're probably laughing at the irony but it's true. If you two had already been acquainted then I'm sure she will have no problem learning under you."

" I fear that it will take a while for her sisters to warm up to you but please be patient with them. They have gone through a lot. I think you, of all people, would understand what they have gone through right? " Maruo asked him, making Fuutarou frown. It didn't take a genius to understand what Maruo was referring to. Both he and the Quints had lost their mothers.

'I can't imagine the pain they must've felt when she passed away. Losing your mother at such a young age. Fate sure can be cruel sometimes.' Fuutarou mused, empathizing with their tragic loss.

"Yes, I do. Don't worry, I'll be patient with them. They might not like me at first. But that doesn't matter. I'll do my best to tutor them and they will graduate! I bet my life on it!" Fuutarou answered with his confidence at an all time high. He hadn't felt this way since he fought Mikey all those years ago.

"That's what I like to hear, Uesugi-kun. I expect you to follow through. I'll see you soon. Have a good day and take care of my daughters." Maruo ended the call soon after he finished his last sentence, leaving Fuutarou alone with his thoughts.

"Lot of pressure, on the first day as well." He mumbled before grinning savagely.

" That's what I wanna feel! The excitement of being challenged! Oh I can't wait to tell Shinichiro and the boys about this!"

To be continued.....

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