
Quintessential Quintuplets: Live Life To The Fullest

One day, an 11 year old Uesugi Futaro received a system that popped out of nowhere. Futaro did not know this, but this one small change would impact his whole life forever. Warning: This is a Crossover fanfic that has Quintessential Quintuplets+ Tokyo Revengers + Haki Powers + some weapons from other anime + some other logical ones. Don't say I didn't warn you. Ps: Takemichi doesn't exist

some_writer · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

Post Midterm Shenanigans

Fuutarou arrived in the library and sat down on one of the seats near a large table. He sighed as he looked at his report card, unfazed at the scores which was full of the number 100.

"I should do it with a blindfold and one hand tied behind my back one day." Fuutarou mumbled as he folded it and put the paper in his pocket.

It has been a couple of days since the midterm exams ended. Unfortunately for the sisters, it means that Fuutarou has to return back to his home now.

They enjoyed their time together with him, and he too with them. It was unfortunate indeed, but it made them treasure the time he spent with them even more.

He leaned back against the chair and groaned. He shouldn't have arrived early, now he has to wait for them. Fuutarou rubbed his eyes and looked up at the ceiling.

"A small nap couldn't hurt." He whispered before closing his eyes. He opened his eyes immediately after as he heard giggling from behind.

"Fuutarou-kun!~" Fuutarou blushed as Ichika cupped his cheeks and squished then. He looked at her face and noticed her mischievous grin on her.

"You're so squishy!~" The eldest Quint teased him as she started squishing his face gently. Fuutarou chuckled as he let himself enjoy it.

"Chu!~" Fuutarou widened his eyes in shock as Ichika leaned down and kissed him. Ichika leaned back and giggled at his reaction.

"D-don't do that out of nowhere." Fuutarou grumbled while covering his mouth with his hand.

"But I want to. Give me one again~" Ichika replied, gigging as she managed to make him blush brightly with her words again.

Fuutarou sighed and removed his hand from his mouth. "You really are too good at this sometimes, Ichika." He whispered. Ichika smiled warmly at him.

"But you like me that way, don't you?" Ichika asked before she went from squishing his face to gently caressing it. Fuutarou smiled warmly at her.

"Yeah, it makes you more perfect than you already are." Fuutarou whispered. Ichika widened her eyes and blushed brightly.

"R-really? Me? P-perfect?" Ichika asked, not believing what she heard. Fuutarou nodded.

"Yup, you and your sisters are as perfect as a woman can be." Fuutarou replied. They stared into each other's eyes for some more before Ichika slowly leaned forward to his face again.


They jumped and looked at Nino, Itsuki, Miku and Yotsuba who were all blushing brightly at the scene before them. They arrived just in them to see them leaning closer to each other.

"O-oh! Don't mind us while you snog each other's faces off!" Nino stuttered out. Miku crossed her arms and pouted.

"That should've been me."




Nino, Yotsuba and Itsuki said at the same time.

"What did you just say?" Itsuki asked her. Miku blushed brightly, wishing she could disappear off the face of the Earth.




After sitting around the table with Fuutarou standing near the head of it, Miku looked at Fuutarou.

"Be sure to teach us about the parts we got wrong, okay?" Miku asked Fuutarou while smiling at him.

Fuutarou nodded.

"Got it. But before that, show me your report cards." Fuutarou requested. Ichika smiled at him before taking out five report cards out of her bag.

"We'll get straight to it then, here are all of our report cards that I gathered before I came here." Ichika replied while handing him the cards. Before Fuutarou could even glance at it, Itsuki's phone started ringing.

"It's dad." Itsuki muttered as she looked at who called before answering it.

"Hey dad." Itsuki greeted her father.

"Itsuki-kun, is Uesugi-kun here with you? If so please pass the phone to him." Maruo asked her. Itsuki was confused as to why he needed her tutor but replied nonetheless.

"Yes, he's right in front of me. I'm passing the phone now." Itsuki handed her phone to Fuutarou who then held it close to his ear.

"Hey Uncle Maruo." Fuutarou greeted Maruo with a neutral tone.

"Hello Uesugi-kun. Are all my daughters currently with you?" Maruo asked with that usual stoic tone of his. Fuutarou nodded.

" Yup, they're all right in front of me. I was just about to find out about their test results before you called." Fuutarou replied.

" Really now? I was going to ask them individually, but let's hear it from your mouth. Turn on loudspeaker mode please." Maruo requested, confusing Fuutarou.

" Uh.... Why? "

"So that if you do lie about the results, my daughters will be able to tell the truth." Maruo explained. Fuutarou suddenly narrowed his eyes and had a dark aura around him.

"I can assure you Uncle, I won't need to lie." Fuutarou replied while the girls shivered at his scary expression. He scoffed a little at Maruo's words before he put the call on loudspeaker mode.

"Alright, you're on loudspeaker mode. We're in a library so don't be too loud. I'll read the results now." Fuutarou muttered as he checked Ichika's report card. He grinned broadly before reading the others.

After he was done, Fuutarou had a grin so big that it looked very scary.

"They all passed, Uncle Maruo. Some of them even got Bs and Cs on a couple of papers." Fuutarou told Maruo who widened his eyes a little on the other side of the call after hearing the news.

He smiled a little. 'I made the right call hiring him. ' He thought before opening his mouth to speak.


"Yeah, Ichika got a C in math. Yotsuba got a C in Japanese. Nino got a B in English with Miku getting the same in Social Studies. Oh, and Itsuki got an A in Science." Fuutarou explained before looking at the Nakano sisters with a warm smile gracing his lips.

" Good job my cute students, I'm so proud of you all. I'll treat you to some food later. " Fuutarou whispered to them, making them blush snd smile warmly at him.

"Interesting...." They heard Maruo mutter out.

"Congratulations, you five. I'm happy to know that you're all working very hard under Uesugi-kun's tutelage. Keep up the good work." Maruo congratulated them, still using that stoic tone of his.

"Fuutarou." Miku smiled as she gave him a loving hug, surprising the girls and Fuutarou.

"Miku...." Fuutarou whispered before smiling down at her. He hugged her back and gave her a few head pats, making her blush at the amount of affection she was receiving.

"Thank you for working so hard tutoring us. You gave ne hope. You make me believe that I can graduate with smiles on my face with my sisters by my side. This was nothing in comparison to what you have already done and will do. Thank you." Miku then looked up at him with a cute smile on her face.

"So here, take this as my token of appreciation, Fuutarou." Miku whispered before a blush spread across her cheeks and her heartbeat quickened. She raised her hand and cupped Fuutarou's cheeks before pulling him in.

"Chu!~" Miku gave him a big kiss on his cheek. Fuutarou widened his eyes and blushed vividly at her actions. Her sisters were all watching in disbelief at their shy sister's actions.

Miku giggled a little as she released her kiss and hugged Fuutarou again. As they hugged, Miku felt her heart beating extraordinarily fast. It felt like it was about to pop out of her chest any second.

And as she hugged Fuutarou, she felt more connected to his aura. His scent was intoxicating. His warmth was engulfing.

The longer she held onto him, the more addicted she became to his touch. She wanted to stay like this forever. She wanted him to take her away and make her HIS.

Her face reddened as she snuggled into his chest. Fuutarou could only hug her back, still processing what the third sister did.

'What is this feeling? Why does it feel like my heart is about to burst? Don't tell me… am I falling in love with my tutor?' Miku felt like her face was on fire with how red her blush was.

She didn't put up a fight with the strange feeling in her heart. She immediately accepted it, made it one with her.

Miku won't deny it now, she had a crush on Fuutarou.

"Are you listening to me, Uesugi-kun? It's very quiet on your side." Maruo's stern voice snapped all of them out of it. Fuutarou gulped, thankful that it wasn't a Facetime call or else he would've been fired from the spot for what he and Miku did.

"Can you repeat it again?" Fuutarou asked Maruo who chuckled.

"For doing such an exceptional job, you're getting your salary early with extra pay and also a raise. The money has already been transferred to your bank account, spend it wisely." Maruo explained, making Fuutarou's jaw drop and the Nakano sisters look at the phone in surprise.

"Before I go, I have one last thing to say. How is your relationship with my daughters? " Maruo asked as Fuutarou picked up the phone. He grinned as he looked at the quintuplets.

"Even though I'm their tutor, they have uh.... very special places in my heart. They're very precious to me, uncle." Fuutarou explained, not caring if it sounded like a confession because it was true making them blush vividly and their jaws drop to the ground.

'Holy crap!! He's saying that he loves us!!! KYAAA!!!!!~ I'm gonna melt!!!!' Yotsuba shouted in her mind as she covered her flustered face with her hands.

'Fuutarou-kun! I'm gonna kiss you so much later!!' Ichika shouted while she smiled widely and her eyes shined brightly.

"That's.... a very interesting choice of words, Uesugi-kun." Maruo commented over the phone with narrowed eyes. Fuutarou rolled his eyes.

"Maybe only to you, uncle. To me it's nothing but the truth. I don't know if tutors are supposed to be friends with their students, but you know me, I'm Uesugi Fuutarou and I don't give two shits about tradition." The Quints' jaws couldn't get any lower, Fuutarou was bold enough to curse while talking with their father.

Maruo remained silent.

"One thing's for sure Uncle Maruo, I'm glad to be able to tutor your daughters. You don't need to worry about me pulling something behind your back, I'm not and will never be that kind of person."

"You don't need to worry about their grades much with me around, I'll make sure they graduate with smiles on their faces. " Fuutarou declared confidently. He might be taking it too far, but all he's been saying was the truth.

Maruo stayed silent for a while before he finally sighed.

" Like I said, what an interesting choice of words, Uesugi-kun. But because it's you we're talking about, I'll let it slide. I wish you the best of luck tutoring them. See you later. " Maruo said before ending the call.

He sighed as he stared at the phone for a while before putting it back on the table. He looked at the Nakano sisters who were looking at him while still having big blushes on their faces.

Nino was scowling at him while blushing vividly for saying those words to describe his relationship with them while the rest were either flustered or embarrassed that he used those words.

"Uesugi-san!!" Yotsuba shouted as she ran towards him. Fuutarou widened his eyes as she leaped towards him.

He caught her and she hugged him tightly while wrapping her legs around his chest. She grabbed his face and brought her lips closer to it.

"Chu!~ Chu!~ CHU!~"

Yotsuba gave him a barrage of kisses to both cheeks before she burrowed her head into his chest, enjoying his warmth.

Fuutarou was stunned at her actions. He was blushing vividly too. He looked at the rest of the extremely flustered sisters and gulped at Ichika who was staring at him lustfully with a pervy smile on her face.

"S-so, wh-who wants some i-ice cream? There's a Baskin Robbins nearby." Fuutarou asked nervously, trying not to have eye contact with Ichika. Ichika giggled and bit her bottom lip.

"Ice cream? That sounds nice. But I want your cream, Fuutarou-kun~"


"Hehe~ Just kidding!~ Or am I?~"

Fuutarou gulped and backed up a little as he saw Ichika lick her lips while staring into his golden eyes.

He's going to be more cautious around her from now on.

To be continued....