
Quintessential Quintuplets: Live Life To The Fullest

One day, an 11 year old Uesugi Futaro received a system that popped out of nowhere. Futaro did not know this, but this one small change would impact his whole life forever. Warning: This is a Crossover fanfic that has Quintessential Quintuplets+ Tokyo Revengers + Haki Powers + some weapons from other anime + some other logical ones. Don't say I didn't warn you. Ps: Takemichi doesn't exist

some_writer · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

High School

March 19, 2016

"One more month and I'm gonna be 16 and going to high school. Damn, time does fly by. My heart is getting emptier the longer you're without me, Rena." Fuutarou whispered as he made his way towards the barber shop. He looked at the BMW car key in his hand.

"Two more years until I can get a driver's license and finally drive Kazutora's dad's car." He added before entering the shop.

" Welcome, please sit down here. What kind of cut would you like? " The barber asked Fuutarou who looked in the mirror.

"Dye my hair to black please, I'm about to go to high school. I need to blend in, whatever good that does." Fuutarou grumbled. The barber chuckled.

" You need a cut?"

"Yeah, I do."

"Then please sit down, sir. I'll get the hair dye ready."



" Woo!! I look good! Thank you man! " Fuutarou shook the barber's hand after checking out his new haircut. The barber chuckled and nodded.[Pic]

" You're welcome sir."

"You know what, as a tip. I'm gonna tell all my friends to come here if they need a cut. I have loads of them, so you better be prepared to work! " Fuutarou added. The barber smiled and bowed at him.

" Thank you very much, sir. "

"No problem, see you again."



" Bro, no homo but you look handsome as fuck! " Draken greeted Fuutarou as they dapped each other up and hugged for a few seconds.

" Thank you, thank you. So what's the agenda for today? " Fuutarou asked them.

" We got ten new members wanting to join the gang. I want to collect some fees so that I can buy materials to make them their uniforms. " Mitsuya explained. Fuutarou nodded.

"I'll do that with you, Mitsuya. Man, a lot has changed since we first started Toman hasn't it? " Fuutarou mumbled with a nostalgic smile on his face. He remembered when they just started out and fought the Black Dragon.

He remembered discussing with everyone about Toman's structure. It mirrored the typical composition of a delinquent gang. Its top administration consisted of two leaders often addressed as is or 'Boss,' with a Vice-Leader or 'Vice President,' at their side. Subservient to its leaders were Division Captains who led one division each consisting of at least 20 men.

Under them were their respective Division Vice-Captains who are usually their close companions or advisers, and personally appointed Squad Captains for its attack and elite squads. Under the Squad Captains were the division members.

Toman had six divisions, amounting to approximately 120 members. Its member count helped it be recognized as a large motorbike gang in Tokyo.

The two additional captains were named Nahoya Kawata and Yasuhiro Muto. Nahoya or mostly known as his nickname Smiley, is the Sixth Division Captain. He is the older twin brother of Souya Kawata, or Angry who is his division's Vice Captain. Prior to his and Smiley's allegiances to Mikey, he established the Twin Devils Gang with Smiley.

Yasuhiro Muto, or Mucho is the Fifth Division Captain. Although it is unclear how members were assigned to a division, Toman's original five had unique qualities that differentiated them from the others.

The first was intended to be an attack unit and the second as the elite guard during the gang's foundation.

The Fifth Division was later formed to be the gang's 'Public Morality Council,' in which its members were given the duty to investigate division members without the express permission from Toman's higher-ups.

This meant that only Fifth Division members were allowed to initiate infighting as long as it was for the benefit of the gang.

Assigned to this division was Mucho who is also physically strong, who was capable enough to facilitate such investigations.

"I know right? Running a gang is more complicated than we thought. I heard you're going to study in Asahiyama High School. " Mikey looked at Fuutarou who nodded.

" It was easy to get in there, being the highest scorer in the entrance exam. I got full marks in every subject. " Fuutarou replied to him with a smirk on his face.

"At this point who's surprised?" Kazutora added, making everyone chuckle a little.

"I heard you got yourself a little spy now, Fuutarou." Baji commented while grinning savagely at him. Fuutarou smirked and nodded.

"Oh, Yamagishi? That guy's a genius at gathering information. He's the 'Walking Delinquent Encyclopedia.' Give him a day and you'll have all the scoop about whatever gang you want info on. " Fuutarou explained, making everyone impressed with Yamagishi even though they never met him before.

"Why did you dye your hair again?" Pah-chin asked him while eating a onigiri. Fuutarou hummed softly.

"The high school he's about to go to is the most prestigious one in Tokyo. Do you really think they'll allow someone with blonde hair into their classroom?" Kazutora asked them. Fuutarou snorted.

" Relax guys, maybe in the final year I'll change it back to the original one. I'm not letting my hard work go to waste. " Fuutarou added. Draken laughed hysterically.

" Hard work!? Bro you read Einstein level textbooks while drinking cola! High school is gonna be a breeze for you! " Draken accused. Fuutarou raised a brow at them.

"You guys need any help with your schoolwork you can just ask me for tips. I'm open to any question, Social Studies, English, you name it." Fuutarou offered. They looked at each other and shrugged.

"Sure, but don't chicken out when we ask you about everything."

"I'm open to a challenge, Ken-chin. "

" How many times did I tell you to not call me that, Skyscraper? "

" I dunno, I lost count when you told me about it the first time. "

" Jesus.... "




" The Shibuya ward, Shinagawa Ward, Meguro Ward and now the Minato Ward? For a gang as small as Toman, you guys are moving up quicker than I expected. It took me a while to get all of Japan under the Black Dragon's rule. " Shinichiro commented as he was sitting behind Fuutarou who was riding his CB250T and zooming down the car filled roads of Tokyo.

"Not everyone wants to join a gang, Shinichiro. They all have dreams of their own." Fuutarou replied. Shinichiro hummed.

"Just promise me that you do not become a criminal organization. In my days, me and your dad cleared the streets full of robbers, pedos, rapists, drug dealers, human traffickers and so much more. They used to call the Black Dragon heroes you know. " Shinichiro requested.

" Do not ruin your life for quick pleasure and quick money. Me and Isanari have seen things that fucked us up mentally. " He mumbled. Fuutarou nodded.

" I won't, you better tell the same thing to Mikey. He's still a kid at heart and is closed off to the dark side of the world." Fuutarou requested.

" I plan to." Shinichiro replied quietly.

" And we have arrived at Ichiraku Ramen."



" Number 1 again. " Fuutarou muttered and threw the midterm exams report card away.

Ever since he started studying in Asahiyama High School, Fuutarou quickly rose to the top academically and stayed there for all eternity. He did make some friends and that was it. His school life was getting boring very quickly and he didn't like it there anymore.

He laid on his futon and yawned. Raiha laid on her futon which was beside his futon.

Over the years, Raiha has matured a lot and is now essentially the head of the family. She takes care of financial matters(taxes, budget etc) and cooks for the family.

Her and Fuutarou's mother's absence forces her to spend more time at household matters, leaving her to hold back a lot of things a child normally does.

She cares a lot about her brother and is concerned about his life, even when both of them have grown up significantly.

Raiha is basically Fuutarou's confidant when Isanari is out at work. She's mature enough for Fuutarou to share the stuff he does (Toman etc).

"You look bored, big bro. I thought you would be more happy to get number 1." Raiha commented. Fuutarou sighed.

" When you reach the top and stay there, you'll get bored of the view eventually. There's nothing else exciting going on in my life. The only thing that gets me excited is spending time with you and dad, working in Shinichiro's bike shop and hanging out with the gang and expanding our territory." Fuutarou explained. Raiha hummed.

" Where do you think Rena is right now, big bro? " Raiha wondered. Fuutarou chuckled.

" Wherever she is, I hope she's keeping up her end of our promise. If not then when we meet again, I'll see what I can do to help her." Fuutarou replied seriously. Raiha sat up and grinned at him.

" Big bro, can you please help me? I'm stuck on my math homework. " Raiha requested cheerfully. Fuutarou chuckled and nodded.

" Sure, let's see it. "



"Maybe I should consider tutoring." Fuutarou muttered as he and Shinichiro were eating ramen in Ichiraku Ramen.

"It ain't easy transitioning jobs." Shinichiro pointed out. Fuutarou sighed and looked at his bowl of ramen.

" I dunno, bro. There's still some debt left to pay off. Me and dad are doing the best we can but those shitty yakuza just keep increasing the amount and interest. Why did dad even borrow money from them? " Fuutarou wondered.

" He tried to save your mom by borrowing money so that he could afford the best treatments from the best doctors in Asagaya Hospital. Well, you know how that turned out. " Shinichiro whispered. Fuutarou sighed and shook his head, all that effort for his mom to pass away in the end.

"She was a great woman, Fuutarou. I've never met a woman as perfect as her." Shinichiro muttered, Fuutarou nodded silently.

" Back to what we were originally talking about, I heard that tutoring pays a lot so I'm considering it. " Fuutarou explained.

" If you wanna do it, I'm supporting your decision. I'm not gonna be salty if my friend wants to switch jobs to pay off his debt. " Shinichiro replied.

"Hey, tutoring isn't an everyday thing right? One tutoring session should only take a couple of hours. So I should still be able to work at your bike shop while doing that." Fuutarou pointed out.

"That is unless you wanna die of too much stress. " Shinichiro joked, making Fuutarou chuckle.

"You definitely are salty, Shinichiro."

"Me? Salty? Never! I'm always sweet....to women that is."

"Damnit..... "

To be continued...