
Quintessential Quintuplets: Live Life To The Fullest

One day, an 11 year old Uesugi Futaro received a system that popped out of nowhere. Futaro did not know this, but this one small change would impact his whole life forever. Warning: This is a Crossover fanfic that has Quintessential Quintuplets+ Tokyo Revengers + Haki Powers + some weapons from other anime + some other logical ones. Don't say I didn't warn you. Ps: Takemichi doesn't exist

some_writer · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

First Day

"Here Fuutarou. My old outfit when I went to train at Master Gyatsu's place. Washed it yesterday just for you." Isanari explained as he handed Fuutarou an outfit stacked and folded neatly.

"Thanks, dad. I'll cherish it, seriously." Fuutarou thanked gratefully with a smile on his face as he looked at the outfit. Isanari chuckled before patting his son's shoulder.

"Don't sweat it, son. I was gonna give it to you anyways. Go change into it, I bet you'll pull all the girls with this. " Isanari teased with a smirk on his face. Fuutarou went to the bathroom and changed into it.

He looked at the bathroom mirror with an expression of awe. The outfit looked good on him and was just the perfect size. [Pic]

Fuutarou exited the bathroom and showed off the outfit to his father who laughed and nodded.

"You look good, son! Now you just have to be confident in what you do and all the ladies will flock towards you in no time!" Isanari encouraged. Fuutarou sighed.

"I ain't no playboy, dad. I want a girl who will love me with all her heart with me doing the same. " Fuutarou replied. Isanari shook his head.

" Those kinds of women are rare gems nowadays. You're mother was one of those rare gems and I'm proud that I can call her my wife." Isanari commented with a proud smile on his face. Fuutarou smiled with him.

" Alright, let's not waste anymore time. You have to go now. But before you do, please give these to Master Gyatsu. " Isanari handed him a plastic bag full of boxes.

" What are these? " Fuutarou asked as he grabbed them.

" 5 boxes of strawberry flavored and 5 boxes of mango flavored cupcakes. Each box has six cupcakes. Master Gyatsu is a frequent customer. Be sure to get the payment from him. The price is ¥16500.

If you do, I'll give you your cut for being a good delivery boy. " Isanari promised. Fuutarou nodded, excited about getting some money of his own.

" You got it, dad! I'll be going now! See ya later!"

" Bye son! Stay safe out there!!"



" Ah! Welcome back Fuutarou!" Master Gyatsu smiled at Fuutarou as the 11 year old approached him while holding a plastic bag in each hand.

"Hi Master Gyatsu! These are the cupcakes you ordered, the price is ¥16500." Fuutarou explained as he handed Gyatsu the two plastic bags.

"Ah, thank you. I already have the money ready. Here you go." Gyatsu handed Fuutarou the money. Fuutarou counted it and nodded after it was the exact amount of the total price requested.

"This outfit is the exact outfit Isanari wore when he first started training with me. How nostalgic. But let's not dilly-dally now, follow me!"



" Holy shit.... " Fuutarou whispered as he laid on the ground exhausted as hell. He had just finished three hours of training with Gyatsu.

Those three hours were pure hell. Even though Gyatsu looked kind, during training he was even worse than a drill sergeant.

But halfway through the training, Fuutarou remembered the quote his father told him a day ago.

'These hard times, this pain, these lessons one day will be your strength, your awareness and your blessings. '

Remembering that quote, Fuutarou got reinvigorated and tore through the rest of the training hours.

[Punch: Lvl 3

Strike with the fist. Reduce stamina to throw a punch by 6% and increase punching speed and power by 6%]

[Kick: Lvl 3

A blow or forceful thrust with the foot. Reduce stamina to throw a kick by 6% and increase kicking speed and power by 6%]

"Are you absolutely sure these exercises are going to help me break steel with just a simple kick? I've been punching and kicking that punching bag all day. " Fuutarou asked Gyatsu who was sitting beside him.

" Everything is hard before it is easy. Never be embarrassed to struggle, there is absolutely no shame in working hard to get to where you want to be. " Gyatsu advised him seriously. Fuutarou nodded, taking his words of advice to heart.

" Just where do you and dad get these philosophy things from?" Fuutarou wondered. Gyatsu chuckled.

" These are the lessons we learned during our lifetime, Fuutarou. These words come with time, experience and pain. " Gyatsu explained while handing Fuutarou a water canteen.

"Thanks." Fuutarou whispered before drinking every last drop of water from it.

"Let me tell you a story about your father." Gyatsu muttered mysteriously. Fuutarou sat up and looked at Gyatsu with an excited expression.

'Finally! Someone who knows about dad's past! I've been trying to ask him about it for ages now but he always 'leaves it for another day'!' Fuutarou thought in his mind. Gyatsu sighed.

"Your father was a gangster in his high school days. He was in a biker gang called the Black Dragon. It's a gang that has been actively ruling Japan for generations, first established in Shibuya by Sano Shinichiro. " Gyatsu revealed, shocking Fuutarou to the core.

" Dad.... was in a gang? Heh! Why am I not surprised? " Fuutarou grumbled while palming his face. Gyatsu chuckled at Fuutarou's unexpressive reaction.

"Let me tell you more about Black Dragon, it was the top delinquent gang in the Kanto region for generations. Your father was in the first generation along with three others who helped Shinichiro Sano to found the gang." Gyatsu explained calmly, making Fuutarou more and more interested in it.

"Thankfully the gang your father and his friends created prospered as it upheld its virtuous ideals." Gyatsu added before Fuutarou raised his hand.

" What happened to the gang now? Is it still active? " He asked Gyatsu.

" Shinichiro Sano has passed the leadership position to another person. Black Dragon has a unique structure with a systematic succession process.

It operates through the rise and fall of an 'era,' called a 'generation,' that is led by a generational leader, who was handpicked by either his predecessor or the preceding generation's members. The founder Shinichiro Sano himself personally appoints the leaders." Gyatsu explained. Fuutarou nodded.

" Woah, I didn't even know that there was a gang here in Shibuya. That's what dad's been keeping from me all this time?" Fuutarou whispered. Gyatsu nodded.

"Yes, I've known of his delinquency ever since he stumbled across this dojo. He's not a bad person at all, just one who enjoyed his life a lot and had a little bit too much fun. " Gyatsu smiled sheepishly. Fuutarou chuckled a little.

"Don't tell your father I told you this piece of information. He will muster up the courage to tell you, please let him do that. What do you think about your father being in a biker gang, Fuutarou? "

" I think it's kinda awesome to be honest. Riding around, being free with no burdens. Yeah, that's the life I want in the future. " Fuutarou whispered.

" Unfortunately, the world doesn't work that way. Look at your father for example, he neglected his studies and he and his children are now living in an apartment that can barely be even called an apartment. " Gyatsu explained seriously. Fuutarou looked down with a frown on his face.

" I'm not trying to insult you and the situation you are in at all. I'm just offering you advice. Please do not do what your father did.

Study hard and be active in school. Get yourself into a good highschool and college. Get a good paying job and save up for a house. Maybe then you can live your life however you want with no burdens on your shoulders. " Gyatsu advised while putting a hand on Fuutarou's shoulder.

" I want to help him, you know. But I can't. Dad always says I'm too inexperienced and I needed to age up to get a part time job. " Fuutarou muttered gloomily. Gyatsu hummed while rubbing his waist length beard.

" Perhaps he can solve your problems."

"Who can?"

"I'll tell you about him tomorrow Fuutarou

Go home now, it's getting late. You wouldn't want your family to have dinner without you."

"Ah, right! I'll see you tomorrow then, Master Gyatsu!!"




The next day. It was a Monday, meaning that Fuutarou had to go to school. He dreaded that place, especially the teachers and the homework they give.

The only thing enjoyable about that place was the friends he made there and the cafeteria food.

"Still can't below this thing exists." Fuutarou whispered while walking home from school. He looked at the new skills he created while he was there.

[English: Lvl 5

Increased reading, writing and comprehension speed by 10%]

[Mathematics: Lvl 3

The abstract science of number, quantity, and space, either as abstract concepts (pure mathematics), or as applied to other disciplines such as physics and engineering (applied mathematics).

Calculation speed increased by 6%]

[Science: Lvl 3

The systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation, experimentation, and the testing of theories against the evidence obtained.

Brain Processing speed increased by 6%]

[Sprinting: Lvl 4

Run at full speed over a short distance. Decrease stamina used when sprinting by 8% and sprinting speed increased by 8% ]

Fuutarou was addicted to seeing the levels going up now. But he had his limits and can't stay on the grind for a long time.

"Now it's time to find out from Master Gyatsu about the guy who's going to solve my problems. Heh! I can't wait! "

To be continued.....