
Quintessential Quintuplets: Live Life To The Fullest

One day, an 11 year old Uesugi Futaro received a system that popped out of nowhere. Futaro did not know this, but this one small change would impact his whole life forever. Warning: This is a Crossover fanfic that has Quintessential Quintuplets+ Tokyo Revengers + Haki Powers + some weapons from other anime + some other logical ones. Don't say I didn't warn you. Ps: Takemichi doesn't exist

some_writer · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

During Midterm Shenanigans

Minutes into the social studies test...

Fuutarou was staring at the empty test paper on his desk with a stoic expression. He immediately noticing the questions were extremely different from the ones his classmates received.

Meanwhile, his History teacher, Bald Rat was smirking evilly at Fuutarou.

'Heh!! Having trouble, Uesugi?! You were always getting full marks on every test I put while making that apathetic face! You'll get no sympathy from me this time!' Bald Rat thought with a triumphant smirk on his face.

'I've prepared tons of tough questions specifically for you!! All are tough questions only the geniuses of geniuses can solve! I hope you thoroughly enjoy them!!' Bald Rat laughed evilly in his mind but something made him stop.

Fuutarou looked at his test paper before looking up at Bald Rat. Bald Rat widened his eyes in horror before he stepped back and crashed into the whiteboard, gaining every students' attention onto him.

'I-i-impossible....Th-that expression.... H-he.... HE ISN'T FAZED AT ALL!!!!' Bald Rat shouted in his mind while shaking in fear at Fuutarou's bored expression.

Fuutarou stared at Bald Rat for a couple more seconds which felt like days for the teacher before looking back down at his test paper.

Bald Rat sighed loudly in relief as the torture was over. He sank down and sat on the ground, needing lots of time to process what just happened.

Fuutarou cracked his knuckles before looking at Itsuki who was wearing her glasses while solving the questions which were completely different than his.

'This guy....He thinks he can make me tremble in fear with a piece of paper?! Hah! Think again!' Fuutarou enjoyed Bald Rat's misery while staring at Itsuki and admiring her beauty, not once thinking about solving the questions on his test paper.

Itsuki noticed his gaze and blushed. She tried very hard to focus on the test but he just kept staring at her.

She finally gave up ignoring him and looked at him with narrowed eyes.

"What do you want?!" She mouthed out, a little annoyed that he would disturb her when she was in an exam out of all situations. The blond smiled and did the mini heart gesture with his index finger and thumb, forming a tiny heart.

He basically said 'I love you' to her.

Itsuki blushed vividly and immediately looked back down at her test paper to hide her embarrassment. She blushed harder hearing Fuutarou chuckling at her reaction.

Fuutarou is going to get scolded a lot later.



During the science test.

Nino was double checking her answers with a nervous expression on her face. Science wasn't her strongest subject, but with Fuutarou's help and her hard work, she could at least understand half of the questions presented.

She was also nervous about something else. 'I can't fail this! Fuu-kun will be fired—Woah Nino, Fuu-kun? Where'd that even come from?' Nino blushed and shook her head, remembering where she got the nickname from.

'Damn you, messing with my head even though you're far away from me!' Nino gritted her teeth as she tried to focus on her test paper. She cannot be distracted right now.

The reason why she's like this is because she overheard Fuutarou's conversation about getting the quintuplets to pass the midterms with her father that day.

After that, she went to the toilet and called her father asking him about what he told Fuutarou. She was scared to say the least hearing Maruo's challenge for Fuutarou. He will be fired if one of them even fail one test in the exams.

She cannot let him be lose his job, not when he's the only one who successfully got them to improve unlike their previous tutors.



"Mm!~" Itsuki moaned happily as she ate katsudon. Her sisters sitting at the same table as her were silently eating their own food they ordered from the cafeteria.

It was recess right now. And strangely Fuutarou was nowhere to be found. He would usually be sitting with them at this time.

They were all nervous on the inside. They all obviously wanted to pass, especially Nino who knew the consequences if she or her sisters didn't.

"Hey girls." Fuutarou greeted them warmly as he grabbed a chair from a nearby table and sat down with them.

"Where were you?" Miku asked him immediately, having a noticable hint of possessiveness in her voice. Fuutarou noticed her tone and raised an eyebrow at it.

"I just got off a call with someone." Fuutarou replied before he huffed and crossed his arms. It was that obvious that the Nakano quints could immediately tell that he was in a bad mood.

"Don't mean to be nosy, but who was it?" Ichika asked nervously.

"Is it from Papa?! Tell me!" A panicked Nino demanded from him immediately after Ichika asked him her question. She feared that her father had already fired him before the exams were even over.

Fuutarou smiled at her and shook his head.

"No Nino, it's from uh..... one of the members in my gang. I had an argument with him. It's really complicated, I don't know how to explain and I don't think I want to." Fuutarou replied gloomily.

"Oh.... " Nino muttered out, a bit relieved but also a bit scared at his reply. Fuutarou sighed and rubbed his head.

"How about you girls? How was the test?" Fuutarou asked them. Yotsuba hummed while munching on a roll of bread.

"It was okay I guess, there were some questions I didn't understand." Yotsuba replied while her sisters nodded in agreement, having the same problem too. Fuutarou nodded.

"Yotsuba, try not to panic and be more careful. Itsuki, don't spend too much time on one question or you'll run out of time. Also Ichika, you always give up halfway through the questions, don't give up until the end, okay?" Fuutarou smiled at Itsuki, Yotsuba and Ichika who blushed at being called out like that.

" Wh-why only us?" Ichika asked him, feeling embarrassed. Fuutarou smiled wider.

"Because I noticed that those are your bad habits. These eyes ain't just for show, ya know?" Fuutarou replied. Miku blushed while looking at him.

'Fuutarou looks so stressed before but his mood completely changed as soon as he started talking with us. Do we have that much of an effect on him?' Miku thought as she stared intensely at Fuutarou's bright smile.


"Yes, Nino?"

"Are you hungry?"

"Now that you mention it, I could use a quick snack. You wanna feed me or something?" Fuutarou chuckled before he looked back down on the table. He was then tapped on the shoulder by Nino. He looked back at her again.

"S-say ahh...." Nino stuttered out in embarrassment while holding up a piece of sushi to Fuutarou's mouth, making the man in question blush.

"Oh my~ How bold of you Nino~" Ichika commented while giggling to herself, furthering the social butterfly's embarrassment.

"Can't say no to this...." Fuutarou grinned before he opened his mouth and ate the sushi out of Nino's hands.

"Is it good?" Nino asked him. Fuutarou nodded before swallowing it after munching it.

"Tastes better when you feed me." Fuutarou replied with a broad grin on his face. Nino blushed and looked away.

"D-don't think you can flatter me..." Nino stuttered but Fuutarou saw a smile gracing her lips as she looked away from him.

"F-fuutarou..." Fuutarou looked at Miku who held up a spoon full of rice to him.

"S-say ahh...." Miku stuttered with a bright red blush spreading across her face.

"Hey! Try mine first!" Yotsuba declared while tearing a small piece from her bread roll.

"Ignore them Fuutarou-kun, give this a go." Ichika smiled as she held up a slice of apple.

" P-please try this! " Itsuki stuttered as she held up her fork which was stabbing a piece of meat.

Everyone looked at her in shock. Itsuki blushed at the gazes.

" Wh-what!? "

"You're sharing food, Itsuki. You never do that even to us." Miku commented. Itsuki gritted her teeth.

"So what?! He's hungry! Sharing is caring remember?!"



After calming them down and getting fed by each of the quintuplets, Fuutarou had to leave early, making the five sisters sad at his departure.

He went to the courtyard of the school before sitting on an occupied bench, the people already sitting on it didn't bat him an eye.

"Ah, this view is nice. Now... Can you tell me what the hell are you two doing here?!" Fuutarou shouted at the two people sitting on the same bench beside him.

"Nothing man, just checking out the school we're gonna be transferring to." Kazutora looked at Fuutarou before grinning at him. Chifuyu Matsuno, the First Division Vice-Captain of the Tokyo Manji Gang just laughed at Fuutarou's reaction to them being here.

"Transferring? What do you even mean by that?" Fuutarou asked them. Chifuyu smiled at him.

"It's exactly what it means, Fuutarou. We're gonna be transferring here next week." Chifuyu explained.

" You're not the only one who wants to escape the gang life." Kazutora muttered as Fuutarou looked at him with a shocked expression.

" What? " Fuutarou whispered, surprised at the words he never expected to come out of Kazutora's mouth.

"Yeah, that's what you're trying to do right? Entering a prestigious high school like this, getting 100s on every test paper. If that isn't you trying to escape the gang life, I dunno what is." Kazutora commented before looking at Fuutarou.

"My mom's gonna be old one day, and so is your dad. We gotta leave Toman behind one day because Toman ain't gonna pay the bills and take care of our soon to be old parents. You know that right? " Kazutora asked him. Chifuyu looked at Fuutarou.

" I'm gonna be a veterinarian one day and open clinics all around the nation. I've worked hard to get good grades in my old high school and so did Kazutora at his. And now we're here, Asahiyama High." Chifuyu smiled at the view of the high school.

"What do you wanna be when you grow up, Fuutarou? I'm gonna be a chef that runs the best restaurants all around Tokyo." Kazutora asked Fuutarou who stared at the sky.

"I dunno.... " Fuutarou whispered after a few seconds of thinking. He looked back down at his hands.

"My life has been filled with mostly gang business that it became like my job now. But I don't want that, I don't want my legacy to be filled with blood." Fuutarou whispered while Kazutora and Chifuyu frowned at him.

"Maybe tutoring could be your thing in the future. You are tutoring your five girlfriends right now right?" Kazutora asked. Fuutarou blushed at Kazutora calling the Nakano sisters his girlfriends.

"Maybe it could be...."

Kazutora patted his back. "You have all the time in the world to think about this stuff. But you better decide quickly or it'll be too late. Trust me man, you don't want to be a gangster forever." Kazutora whispered his last sentence to Fuutarou.

Fuutarou sighed and looked down. Kazutora patted his back a couple more times before he bid farewell to him. Chifuyu patted his back supportively before he left the school compound with Kazutora.

Fuutarou sighed as he got up from the bench and walked back to his class with his hands in his pockets.

He didn't know his gang could cause this many problems to his future.

To be continued...