

Itsuki was furious. 'Has Nino lost her mind? On what planet did she think she was on where poisoning someone was acceptable?!' She thought and continued scolding her.

"Uesugi-kun has come here with the intention of helping us with our studies. And you're over here trying to drug him?! How do you think that makes him feel? You understand you've broken his trust right?! " Nino snorted. " Why are you defending him? He's a stranger who was hired by Papa to tutor us, but we don't need a tutor! This home is meant for us five only! He's an outsider! He has no place here!" Nino replied as she pushed Itsuki away. Why was she so defensive over this person? In her eyes, he didn't belong here.

"He's not a stranger! And you have no right to say that! He's here to help us—"

" Alright! That's enough of this nonsense!" Everyone's eyes were focused on the serious Fuutarou who had spoken up.

"I did not come here to be the cause of fights and arguments. I came here to tutor you. If your father walked right through that door right now, what would he think? How do you think that would make me look?"

" Instead of teaching his daughters, I'm allowing them to bicker over trivial nonsense! No, not on my watch. I'm not going to allow you to turn on each other. You will get along and you will graduate." Fuutarou sternly said. His voice carried a tone that he rarely used. It carried an air of dominance. It sent a shiver down each of the Quints' spines.

"And why should I listen to you?" Nino asked with a cocky smirk, making Fuutarou roll his eyes.

"Because you spoiled brat, I'm your tutor whether you like it or not, that's the way things are. If you have a problem with it, I'm sorry but you're going to have to deal with it. I can be patient but at least respect the fact that I'm trying to help you." He replied.

" How dare you!! I'm not spoiled!! I don't have to accept you as my tutor!!! I already told you, we do not need one!!!"


"Prove it then Nino!!" Fuutarou replied after slamming the test paper on the table. His slam made the girls jump in fear.

"Prove that you do not need my help! Pass this test then I promise not to bother you. If you fail, then you will have to let me tutor you. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. " Fuutarou looked into Nino's eyes, Nino unconsciously backed up in fear seeing his bright red eyes. It was like she was staring into the devil's eyes and making a deal with him.

"Is that agreeable, Nino?" Fuutarou asked her with a deep tone. Nino nodded back repeatedly.

"Good, go take your seats. I'm being generous today, the passing grade will be 50 points. Everyone ready? " Fuutarou asked. The Quints nodded as they had their test papers and papers in hand.


Fuutarou then looked at Nino and smirked. "Oh by the way Nino, I would suggest that you carefully go over your answers. Because if you pass, then you'll probably never get the chance to feel my chest and abs again~"

Nino's face went bright red as she dropped her pencil. What the hell is this guy? He's still flirting with her even after all that?

Nino slapped herself, 'Get a hold of yourself! No way you should be letting a boy do this to you. You should be the one doing it to the boys!'

What she did not know was that Fuutarou ain't no ordinary boy, he's a bored genius teenager that can destroy nations if he wanted to.

While the Quints were busy working on their exam papers, Fuutarou started sketching them. The Quints noticed what he was doing. They were curious but didn't dare to ask him about it.



When the Quints completed the test, they handed it to Fuutarou who finished grading it in a couple of minutes.

His speed astonished them, he didn't even need to check the answer key. Just where did their father find this person?

Fuutarou chuckled to himself and hid his face with the papers. Fuutarou then laughed loudly and slapped the papers on the floor he was sitting on. The Quints all pouted at him. What was so funny exactly?

"Hahahahahaha!!! This is amazing! I'm so happy!!" Fuutarou grinned savagely at the Quints who unconsciously took a deep breath in anticipation of the results.

"You guys are amazing!! You all scored a 100.... "

" Really?! " The Quints all shouted in shock.

"COMBINED!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA 🤣!!!!!!!! " Fuutarou laughed maniacally as the Nakano sisters all fell down in gloom and agony.

"Augh.... My throat. Nino, can it have some more of that sleeping drug water?"

" Shut up Baka!! " Nino shouted with a flustered blush on her face. Fuutarou chuckled before slapping himself a couple of times to compose himself.

He grinned at his students. "Girls! Here's lesson number 1! Recognize your weaknesses! That's the only way you can improve! Let's go over everything alright? "

" Alright... "



Two hours later, Fuutarou was done tutoring the Nakano Quintuplets. His session only lasted for two hours and thirty minutes.

Fuutarou smiled at the Quints as he gathered up his things. "And that concludes our first tutoring session. I look forward to our next session which is Tommy, especially if I can see you girls again." Fuutarou stood up, purposely leaving his sketch behind. He then looked at Nino who quickly averted his gaze.

"Before I go, I need to talk to you for a minute, Nino." Fuutarou told her seriously. Nino scoffed and crossed her arms.

" What do you wanna talk about huh?" Nino asked him. Fuutarou pointed at the front door of their apartment.

"Let's talk outside please. It'll only take a while."

" Tch, fine. Whatever.... "



Fuutarou shut the door behind him and looked at Nino who was tapping her foot on the ground impatiently.

"Make it quick, it's really cold out here. " Nino grumbled. Fuutarou walked towards her, he stopped when he stood beside her.

"I understand that I'm an outsider Nino. I know where you're coming from. A stranger suddenly becoming a part of your lives is something anyone would be wary of, especially for someone as family-oriented as you are." Fuutarou's words made Nino widen her eyes in surprise.

'How did he.... ' Nino turned towards him to see that Fuutarou was smiling down at her.

" I'm correct, aren't I? Your intentions are good, but the way you go about it is uh.....Hehe... Questionable to say the least. You know that poisoning me counts as a felony right? " Fuutarou asked her nonchalantly, making Nino widen her eyes in fear.

'Is he about to..... '

" Before you say anything, Nino. No I won't tell anyone about this. Not even your father. I'll let it go if you just let me help you, Nino. " Fuutarou put a hand over his chest.

" It hurts here you know. I just want to help you Nino. I do not intend to break apart the bond with your sisters. I'm only here to act as a friend and tutor, nothing more, nothing less. I'll be around to help you guys whether it be academically or personally, but I'd never dare to do anything to ruin your family! I know what you're going through, I literally feel that intense desire to keep your family safe and I still do until now. "

" How dare you say you understand what I'm going through!? You can't possibly know what it's like to lose your mother—"


Fuutarou punched a hole in the wall right behind Nino, Nino shrieked as she started shaking uncontrollably out of terror.

"I too lost my mother, Nino." Fuutarou whispered before stepping away from her. He sighed and patted her head, trying his best to calm her down after his violent outburst.

"Mom was diagnosed with some rare disease. Dad borrowed so much money from the yakuza, trying to find something, anything that could cure her. But our efforts were useless in the end. She passed away because the doctors couldn't find a cure in time." Fuutarou shook his head as he looked down at the ground.

" I was there you know..... I felt the warmth draining from her hands. Dad almost went into a depression and nearly drank his way out of this world. But he didn't give up and so did I."

" I made sure to work hard for my family.... I'm lucky that I was able to find someone generous enough to allow a young inexperienced kid to work under them when I was in elementary school," Fuutarou looked back at the luxurious apartment the Nakano sisters live in.

"You guys are just lucky that you're able to afford such luxuries.... This Rolex... " Fuutarou unstrapped the Rolex on his hand and dangled it in front of her face. Nino widened her eyes as she recognized what Rolex it was.

"Cosmograph Daytona...." Nino whispered. Being a teenager who adores fashion, she was also knowledgeable in all types of watches too.

"You don't wanna know how I got this piece of crap. If I tell you how, you'll hate me even more than you do now." Fuutarou whispered before putting it back on his left wrist. Nino wiped some tears that were forming on her beautiful eyes. She found his story tearjerking.

"I'm sorry... I... I didn't know...." Nino apologized softly. Fuutarou shook his head.

"I'm not mad, Nino. It's easy to judge and more difficult to understand. Through judging, we separate. Through understanding, we grow as a person. " Fuutarou advised her. Nino smiled a little.

" Wow.... That was... beautiful... I guess I really misunderstood you. You've had it worse than us, Uesugi, that much I can tell. I guess... I'll hang around when you guys have your sessions..." Nino muttered, making Fuutarou smile a little.

"But! But! Don't expect me to be all excited for it." Nino quickly added while having a blush on her face. Fuutarou chuckled and nodded.

"Getting you to join us is already a big achievement in itself, given how hostile you've been."

" Oi! Uesugi! Do you want me to take back what I said? I can easily skip your sessions if that's what you want! " Nino threatened him. Fuutarou raised an amused brow.

"Your father is on my speed dial Nino. Do you seriously want me to tell him everything about what you did? " Fuutarou threatened her back, making Nino tense up at his provocation.

"You really know how to play your cards right, Uesugi...." Nino grumbled while looking away from him.

"Hey! Why aren't you guys kissing yet?"

Nino and Fuutarou looked at Ichika whose head was peeking out of the door. She was pouting at them too.

"I-Ichika!!" Nino shouted with an embarrassed blush on her face. Miku, Itsuki and Yotsuba peeked their heads out too.

"Y-you guys!!! How long have you been hiding there?!" Nino asked while hiding behind Fuutarou to hide her embarrassed face.

"Since the moment you two went outside to have a couple's argument." Miku replied blandly.

" Yay!! Nino is friends with Uesugi-san!!" Yotsuba cheered happily as they all exited the apartment and surrounded Fuutarou who smiled wryly at them.

"You guys better review the test paper alright?" Fuutarou requested. Ichika pouted and wrapped her arms around his right arm, making sure that his hand was in between her big breasts.

"C'mon, Fuutarou-kun~ Let Ichika Onee-san relax for a bit~" Ichika whined. Fuutarou blushed, feeling the softness of her breasts. Ichika giggled after seeing his reaction.

"Ichika, what do you think you're doing! That's inappropriate." Itsuki asked with furrowed eyebrows while pointing at the position Ichika and her breasts were in.

"Hmph!" Ichika pouted and released her grip on him. Fuutarou chuckled before waving at them.

"Bye girls, I gotta get home for dinner now. See you in school tomorrow. And please review the test papers." Fuutarou added before opening the door to meet the metallic stairs he used to get to the floor he was on.

"Um.... Am I the only one who saw that? Did Uesugi-kun just...." Itsuki pointed at the door Fuutarou just went through.

"Yeah, he took the stairs. " Ichika and Yotsuba giggled at how weird that was. Miku smiled a little. Nino huffed childishly.

"Whose gonna fix that?" Miku pointed at the hole in the wall. Ichika shrugged and wrapped her arm around Nino's neck.

" Forget that, Miku. Let's give Nino a good scolding."

" H-hey!! "

To be continued.....

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