
Quintessential Quintuplets: Live Life To The Fullest

One day, an 11 year old Uesugi Futaro received a system that popped out of nowhere. Futaro did not know this, but this one small change would impact his whole life forever. Warning: This is a Crossover fanfic that has Quintessential Quintuplets+ Tokyo Revengers + Haki Powers + some weapons from other anime + some other logical ones. Don't say I didn't warn you. Ps: Takemichi doesn't exist

some_writer · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

At First Sight

"Takebayashi, I have an idea. You should treat this whole Kyoto trip as one massive date with Sanada." Fuutarou suggested while sitting beside her. Takebayashi blushed up a storm.

"Wh-what?!" Takebayashi was stunned at Fuutarou's words. Fuutarou laughed and nodded.

"Yeah. You guys grew us together, you live near each other, your parents get along well, you even went on trips together with them. And, most importantly, you both are class representatives too! You're perfect for each other! " Fuutarou declared loudly. Takebayashi shut him up by covering his mouth.

" Baka, don't say that out loud! Besides, why would Sanada take interest in me? He has more important things to focus on, like his grades for example. " Takebayashi whispered gloomily. Fuutarou snorted.

" All it takes is one question, Takebayashi. Just ask him out, it's simple like 1 plus 1." Fuutarou told her.

" You say it like it's easy. Do you know how difficult it is to even look him in the eyes now? Nevermind ask him that question. " Takebayashi grumbled.

" At least you're honest with your feelings, not like some anime girls who keep denying it till the end of the world." Fuutarou mumbled.

" Look Takebayashi, if you don't do it now. You're definitely gonna regret it later. That's all I'm saying.....Hey! What are you guys playing?! Let me join! " Fuutarou demanded as he walked towards a group of kids who were playing cards with each other, leaving Takebayashi alone.

Takebayashi looked down at her legs and clenched her fists tightly. Fuutarou's last words before he walked away were repeated constantly in her mind.

"I-I'll try, Fuutarou..."




"Gonna try and sketch this later." Fuutarou whispered as he took a picture of a tall building he found interesting. He also took pictures of random passerbys along the way.

" Fuutarou. C'mon, we should pick up the pace and catch up with the rest!" Takebayashi shouted at Fuutarou who suddenly growled and clutched his stomach.

"Fuutarou!" Takebayashi widened her eyes in concern.

"Damnit, shouldn't have drank that expired milk with dad this morning...." Fuutarou grumbled while clutching his stomach. He looked at his group and grinned.

"Sorry guys, I have to go to the toilet for a sec. My guts are doing a damn good job inside me. It's probably a monster class, so it's gonna be a long battle. " Fuutarou apologized to them. Takebayashi nodded.

" Alright then! We'll go on ahead to the meeting spot! Make sure you catch up! Good luck on your battle with the monster, Fuutarou! " Takebayashi nodded back seriously. Fuutarou smiled back and nodded.

One massive fat dump of shit later, Fuutarou was sitting on some steps outside of a random building while looking at the images he took with his camera.

"Damnit, I'm lost aren't I? I'm just trying to deny it right now. Where's the police when you need them?" Fuutarou grumbled while looking through his camera, trying to document his surroundings while he was out here alone.

"Hey! You were just trying to take a picture of just now, weren't you?!"

Fuutarou looked at a cosplayer who looked a little too old to be cosplaying. He ignored her and looked back at his camera.

"Hey! I'm talking to you, little brat! Answer me!"

"What the fuck do you want, old hag?! I'm in a bad mood right now! Do you wanna die?! " Fuutarou shouted back angrily while glaring daggers at the old cosplayer, scaring her.

"You were sneaking a photo of me!!! Police! Help! I have a perv right in front of me!!"

" Is there a problem, ma'am? " Two police officers approached her. The old cosplayer pointed at Fuutarou.

" This child took a sneak photo of me! He even threatened to kill me! "

" Ma'am, please calm down. " The leading police officer tried to defuse the situation. The other police officer approached Fuutarou.

"This boy is clearly a delinquent, do your job already!!! Arrest him! Arrest him!!" The old cosplayer demanded. The two officers stood in front of Fuutarou.

"Elementary schooler huh? Wonder if he's lost. Let's check his camera." One of them mumbled.

" Sorry, but could you lend this to us?" The other one held out his hand and asked Fuutarou nicely.

"He's innocent. I saw everything."

Everyone looked at a little girl standing on the stairs, looking down at the scene. Fuutarou blushed as he looked at her.

She has average height, long straight hair which was pinkish red in color and large and dark-blue eyes. She was also wearing a white dress that reached her knees. Fuutarou couldn't resist and whispered this out loud.




Fuutarou escaped the situation with a sigh of relief. Thankfully he didn't have to run away. He looked at the beautiful girl standing beside him who had a cute cheerful smile on her face. He mustered up the courage and opened his mouth to talk to her.

"Hey, what's your name? " Fuutarou asked her.

"Who me? I'm uh.... I'm uh....Oh right! I'm Rena! Nice to meet you!" Rena introduced herself and did a peace sign at him. Fuutarou blinked at her.

'What took you so long to say your name? Did you seriously decide that on the spur of the moment?' Fuutarou grumbled in his mind before smiling at her.

" I'm Uesugi Fuutarou, just call me Fuutarou. Nice to meet you too, Rena." Fuutarou introduced himself while giving her a thumbs up. They continued walking in silence before he stopped and looked at Rena who had stars in her eyes.

"Wow!! Look at the charms, Fuutarou-kun! Let's go buy some quickly!!" Rena shouted and pulled Fuutarou towards the stall that sells charms.

" Hey Rena, why are you following me around again? Are you lost as well?" Fuutarou asked as they arrived in front of the stall. Rena pouted at him and furrowed her eyebrows.

"Uesugi-san, are you saying you don't enjoy my company?" Rena asked him. Fuutarou shook his head repeatedly.

" No I'm not! Who wouldn't like a beautiful girl keeping them company?" Fuutarou replied quickly. Rena blushed at his offhanded compliment. Fuutarou realized what he said.

'Eh whatever. It's the truth anyways. ' Fuutarou mused.

"I-it has to be you. Since we're both by ourselves and feeling lonely, we should try to get along. Because.... " Rena tilted her head and smiled cheerfully at him.

" You're necessary to me." Rena added. Fuutarou blushed brightly as he only focused on Rena, everything else was just a blur to him as he could not take his eyes off Rena's bright smile.

"Damnit, I'm in love with her aren't I?"

Rena giggled at Fuutarou's flustered expression and went to buy the charms. She purchased five of them, which made Fuutarou curious.

"These are academy charms, it won't be much help even if you bought that many of them. " Fuutarou commented. Rena grinned at him.

"You see, Fuutarou-kun. This is so that I can do five times more than my best! Because I want to become everyone's example! Shi Shi Shi Shi!!" Rena explained before laughing happily. Fuutarou hummed softly.

"That's nice of you." Fuutarou whispered. Rena went to his side as the continued walking around town.

" What about you, Fuutarou-kun? What do you want to become?" Rena asked him. Fuutarou sighed and looked down. He then grinned and looked at her. He stuck out his tongue.

"Not telling! Bweh!!!"

"Hey! No fair!!"



The two did some more walking around Kyoto. They talked a lot, Fuutarou tried to brag about his achievements to Rena.

It wasn't much since he only bragged about his physical achievements and that time he beat up the group of people that were bullying a beggar.

But Rena surprisingly enjoyed the bragging. Not only that, she also bragged about the physical achievements of her own. Fuutarou would never have guessed that a girl her size can do 20 pushups.

They eventually arrived at a temple and explored every corner of it. They took some pictures of each other using Fuutarou's Canon DSLR camera.

Suddenly he had a great idea. He looked at a random person and grabbed his arm, stopping him.

" Hey, can you help take a picture of us please?" Fuutarou asked a random person.

" Sorry, but I don't have time right now—


"Do you have time now?" Fuutarou asked after he kicked the person in the shins.

"Y-yes sir....I have all the time in the world...." Fuutarou gave the person his Canon DSLR camera and stood beside Rena who was looking at this scene while laughing nervously.

'Hehe. Fuutarou-kun is a really violent person.' She thought to herself while sweet dropping a little. She shook that thought away and looked at the camera.

"Um Rena. Will it be okay if I uh....." Fuutarou asked while doing a mock reach around her shoulders with his right arm. Rena widened her eyes a little.

"Fuutarou-kun..." Rena looked down. Fuutarou sighed and palmed his face.

'You've done it now, Fuutarou. You are such a stupid ass nigg—

"Why didn't you say that sooner!" Rena shouted with a cute pout on her face. Fuutarou looked at her blankly.

" Eh? "


"Woah, nice smile Fuutarou-kun! You look very scary!" Rena commented while looking at the photo that her and Fuutarou were in. Fuutarou was grinning savagely while Rena had her cheerful smile as always. Fuutarou had one of his arms wrapped around her shoulders, Rena was holding onto it too.

"Yours is very cute, Rena." Fuutarou replied confidently, making Rena blush and giggle.

"Hey, let's go and print it out then keep it as a memory of us meeting each other!" Rena suggested. Fuutarou nodded and grinned. He then suddenly grabbed her soft hand.

"Great idea Rena! Let's find someone who can help us with that!"

" O-okay! "

The sun had set before Rena and Fuutarou knew it, it was dark out. A teacher found them and picked them up. They got a mouthful from her.

Fuutarou waited in the space of the room the Japanese inn Rena was staying in. He started sketching Rena and the picture they took.

Meanwhile Rena grinned happily as she held onto the five charms she bought in the afternoon.

She opened the sliding door and ran into the room. She knelt down in front of four people and held out the charms she purchased.

"Hey! Today I met a really interesting boy! His name is Uesugi Fuutarou! He acts like a gangster but he's really nice! Look, we even bought these charms together!"

" Where is he now, Yotsuba? "

The four people in front of Rena were carbon copies of her. They had identical looks to each other. All five of them have matching long straight hair and dress lightly with matching outfits.

They weren't just carbon copies, they were quintuplets.

Rena, whose name isn't Rena but Yotsuba grinned and pointed at the door.

"He's still in the main hall right now, Ichika! You wanna go meet him?"

"Yeah. But let me go by myself please."

To be continued.....