
Quietus Awakened

During the First Age, When Titans and Gods Descended to Asteria, A Great War Shook it, And the Shadows of Chaos Stretched it's grasps to reap what was due. There Amidst the rupturing blood shed one stood, Deceived and tortured beyond comprehension by her brothers and sisters, Soul ablaze, Scarred from the betrayal of what was once promised, She gave no quarter nor mercy for she chose the path of perpetual torment. Here she found No peace neither A Shred of redemption for a terrible violence engulfed within, Blood boiling, Seeketh Vengeance as she Scourged the Plane of existence against those who had defiled her. Adorned by a Diadem of the Symbiote, She was to be Crowned the Queen of the Betrayer Gods, And those who had crossed against her plans, Befell from spite as their Existence would be silenced to the void, There all the abominations feared it, And those who had tasted her Wrath dared not to utter her name . . . For Hell hath no fury like a Woman Scorned. *** The whole edifice crackled, For a great evil has awakened within the tomb, There she was finally Removed from the shackles of eternal slumber, The Forbidden one whose name none dared to utter. As the Whole of all known races wouldn't be able to face her Spiteful reckoning, She Stood on top of the once Sealed Sarcophagus, In all her glory, Displaying her naked features to those who had freed her unintentionally. Her eyes traced them with interest, recollecting on the past on what manner of race she had encountered and created before. The silence was defining, the grave robbers become restless, for they feared that they have not known on what they have done. Through this the dazzling beautiful figure that gave an aura of death spoke. And with this their soul froze, body stiff from fear, as they regret ever coming down here, For their lives are now at stake as the powerful ancient said to them in a debauching tone. "Asterian . . . how delicious . . ." With out any form of Arsenals in their hands, The grave robbers could only scream in agonizing terror as the betrayed goddess lounges towards them at unimaginable acceleration. Forming a spider web of cracks on the Sarcophagus, Grabbing her first prey while they stood frozen in fear. As she took the Asterian Human by throat, she scanned them once again for they wore questionable clothing that was not reminiscent of her time. But that did hinder her disposition, As she smelled the fear of her prey by hands grasp. Urine and feces wafted her nasal cavities making her grunt in disgust and dissatisfaction. complaining with no choice. "Ughhh Disgusting Mortal you shan't have blessed me with such display of degenerating cowardice and relieving excrement for your maker has been starved with eons of hunger . . . But Tis shall maketh do." With this she clawed the poor man on his throat and took the lifeout of him by his spine, Ripping it from his wordly vessel, Blood gushed around the air, spilling itself on the floor, As she held his spine and presented it to onlookers that stood glued. Only to be left with the sight of their fellow to be greatly dismembered by a crazed cannibal, With his body on one hand and a lengthened bone on the other. While this went on, the lifeless body contracted into a pile of flesh as it was seen being eaten . . . no absorbed by this inhuman foe that stood upon them. It disappeared from her clutches as if it, he had not existed in the first place, The onlookers went on and skedaddled when they realised on what had become of one of them, Fleeing for their worthless lives. "Who's next" the figure spoke. *** She was betrayed by her lover with the reason of not being good enough was imprisoned in her own grave, out of spite she vowed that she would avenge herself like all other titans. And as she Awakens what will she do to all their creations left for her to play with . . . *** I do not own the image.

Mordanis · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Tū Mì Salvavìstì

Chapter 4 "You are my Savior"

Luminous Crimson irises shone violently in the confined space of darkness as the creature inside it suddenly jolted awake out of instinct.

Its Third Eyelids brushed over its brightness making a fearsome glint as it revealed itself.

Noticing the commotion in the other side of the inter dimensional plane, A deep and grim smile crookedly extended itself beyond the limits, tearing the creatures gums and cheeks in the process, littering it with small slices of holes as the feeling of excitement overwhelmed it.

Causing it's features to crackle and deform into that if a monstrous form.

*GraK Sluchk Flack chack chack kak

That feeling . . . It remembered that feeling . . . The feeling of others presence turned its mind feral as it's familiarity has been too long since someone visited.

Its feelings of feral abusive nature grew all the more as the intruders of smaller stature got closer and closer to its afflicted fate.

The smell of the hunt; Blood, Torn Flesh, and Bones sucked hollow has been long forgotten by the being that ought to escape its timely imprisonment.

Gurgling drool of rabid venom oozed and dripped down from its jagged and vicious teeth as the short being came into close proximity to its cell.

Its eyes became blood shot with euphoric longing, twitching and scalding with this intense liquid trickling down its cheeks as its body blurly moved and struggled against the chains that binded it's existence with extreme movements as if it was possessed.

Its body shook to an extreme degree while it started to chant in this insanely violent language.


Anticipation willed itself too the peek, As the chains dropped down inside the sealed off dimensions contraptions while it laughed hysterically clasping it's head with both hands out of growing madness.


Suddenly the space around it warped around, While a rift to the outside world opened itself to the beasts pleasure.

And with this event unfolding upon it, the creature sprinted towards the rift without further delay.

Breaking through a sealed entryway with unparalleled force that caused it to fly five meters across the new environment as it greeted the beast.

This bright fog filtered the surrounding from whence it came as it broke through, at the same moment of time, Intense pain came after as its old form wasn't used to the surrounding space and gravity of the world before it.

But it didn't even flinch as that feeling wasn't as excruciatingly painful as the one it felt when it was sealed inside it's coffin.

Its true form reverted back slightly as the body of the creature slowly adapted against the new space around it.

When it looked against the deep bright fog that was hindering it's position, It adjusted its eyes, seeing multiple figures of glowing red hue while the encompassing area turned deep blue.

Skimming through those entities that stood below it, It began mimicking their features to suite its own design, The creatures thoughts couldn't help but to calmly blurt out as it was finally released. "You shouldn't have done that . . . But you are my Saviors".


For Eons she had been patiently waiting the day of her release, Craving the nostalgic taste and smell of fresh blood cells.

Trapped inside this Archaic instrument of a Sarcophagus that sealed it's tormented soul while rendering the immortals body powerless.

She would be counting the days that would go by with great anticipation, But to her grief, that went on for a very long time . . . So it didn't take much later for the confinement to make her mind turn volatile out of spite.

And now, she not only craved the euphoric feeling of flesh but also desired intense vengeance . . . seeking galactic genocide. Yet this wanton of violence and tantrums never broke through the Seal.

As this Iron Maiden was specifically designed to counter what ever the thing it was built for. Because only those with immortal vessels could be able to warp the realities of ones life, This was a counter to that.

And with this weapon each immortal was trapped forever . . . but not truly dead, the Sarcophagus is a exception for every great power it held, successfully destroyed any living being; Divine or not are to be silenced to the void forever.

Making any form of super natural elements to be put into eternal rest for as long as it could.

However as she was sealed the contraption Within its designs only hindered her functions as part of the Elder Ones . . .

But that did not completely stop it from returning back to the physical realm since her influence within Asteria was too great.

The longer she lived the more hungry she became, the hungrier she became the more desparate the circumstances.

Driving her resentment and blood lust to the limit with the years that go by, Her determination to satiate that hatred reached beyond the boundaries to the point of self cannibalism in order to maintain her thinking compatibility as she plans her actions meticulously once she returns.

Evidently her sanity was left unchecked, As her perceptions of what was once innocent would twist to favouring the great darkness that lingered in her heart.

As the act of betrayal etched itself deeply into her memories for she would play it over and over again as a reminder that all living beings are powerless on the face of death.

But not for her . . . . . She was beyond that . . . and She had established that very clearly to the rest of the Betrayer Gods with the diadem of the Symbiote.

She was forgotten . . .

Yet that was not enough to stop them from doing what they did to her. However this haven't came with grave consequences . . . as they still made a grave error to their schemes.

They thought that her life force would slowly diminish for sure inside that contraption, they were wrong . . . It only strengthen the resolve of the monster bonded inside it to consume the very world that was created by them.

She vowed to destroy those traitors through the path of perpetual torment. Her deep mourning never stopped as it turned to loath.

And when she was finally freed from her eternal slumber, All the abominations felt it and stood still as they awaited their true master.

Because once again . . . Chaos will ravage the realm . . .


Pouncing again towards another Asterian, it, the beast, she clawed through the man with both deformed hands deep inside his chest, Blood bursts outwards from his back while black vomit hurled away from his mouth against his will.

Slowly his life force was drained as he couldn't even agonisingly scream from the unbearable pain that coursed through his body.

She the beautiful monster grasped the spine of its prey, and once more tore it through the mortals vessel away from his shell, A gaping hole cut itself outwards from the man's body while his spine was being lavishly held by the Eldritch Monster.

Standing there with his eyes dilated the man jolted forward into the womans embrace, as she clinged unto him like a lover who had been waiting for a long time.

But the grotesqueness of the hole never gave that feeling of longing, instead it was the opposite as dread replaced its meaning of romanticism.

Then his flesh malformed itself into a lumpy amalgamation while it's body was quickly molding itself around her, encasing her with this crimson hue as tendrils came outwards her body and consumed him whole.

While this went on the rest of the Grave Robbers ran across the room with a terrible fear that etched itself greatly into their hearts as the feelings of despair overwhelmed them.

Still holding to the man's spine, the monster then gently hovered it a few inches from her actual mouth as pools of yellow liquid began to drip down to her tongue.

When the yellow juices of spinal fluid finally emptied to fill her, A vast amount of images began to form inside her mind as the man's memories showed itself to the monster, starting from when he was born till the day he died to her hands.

Bits of knowledge accumulated inside her brain cells, Giving the monster information on what is currently taking place in the mortal realm.

The pictures motioned on with great phase as strange sceneries of Large shapely edifices could be seen growing as time in the area passed.

While Asterians and Other mixed Races not known to her saunter through its bustling streets.

Great monsters of all kinds displayed their might as they served their masters who rode thinkered materials with ingenuity, a sense of pride oozed itself from their lavish looking wears.

Instruments and Contraptions were being designed by the people all around deepening her Curiosity of the New World that revealed itself before her.

The monster paused for a moment, taking in the overwhelming information that presented the current era within her mind, not noticing or Minding her surroundings at all.

A silhouette of man with a heavy looking tool clasped tightly into his hands begun to stealthily approaching the monster from behind as it stood there.

Closer and closer he snuck, He then slowly started to raise the steel pole of the tool in the air with its spiked edged pointed towards the monster in a curved arc.

Blood rushing with adrenaline, not knowing what tomorrow presented, The man was only meter left away from the cannibal when he suddenly dragged the pole down to the Beautiful Monster in order to strike her dead on the floor.

The motion of it went quickly as the pickaxe acceleration was beyond the point of normal.

Aimed to the tall monsters head the Man named Belford gave his all into ending this madness with a final blow.

Tendrils from the beauties hair shot out and lengthened towards the crudely crafted tool, wrapping around both belford's weapon of choice and his arms, completely stopping his strike on its tracks.

Sweat formed around his features as it begins to pale, for the situation he was currently at was the last thing he imagined to be stuck on before he becomes a carcass.

*Crack chak chak chak

The Neck of the monstrous foe begin to slowly turn to face him with its body still and placed rooted to the floor . . . . . going three hundred and sixty degrees fully.

Tentacle like hair covered the sockets of her eyes, While its lioness like nose, and huge mouth could be seen smiling towards Belford, paralyzing him permanently on place with its Multiple facets of animalistic sharp teeth.

Her mouth extended immensely with this sadistic grin, showing its snake like tongue flicking her teeth while the creatures body rapidly twisted to face him and creepily spoke in this soft romanian feminine tone

"My my, taking me down from behind now are we hehehe, Its a shame that I did not have your consent first . . . hehehe . . . . . HOW WUNDERBAR would it be if twas thee"

*Bang Crack

Belford vomited out wine and blood as he was hurled straight towards the gray walls of the room, Splattering blood on it in the process.

His eyes contorted a bit before passing out completely to the sheer might of the monster.

"Opps I over did it hehehe . . . he's not dead yet but . . . at least I (Unintelligible)" The yelling and pleading of the men in the room never ceased, as the Eldritch Being slaughtered them without showing a shred of mercy for she brutalised her victims to the point of them begging her to end them quickly.

The Monsters gaze never left them as she sauntered slowly, while her eyes traced their every movements with this tantalizing and crooked smile.

Someone made a run for it . . . Lars still sat there at the floor in a state of denial not noticing her the monster to passby, the monsters neck twisted intensely on the bolter who went and grabbed a pickaxe as she chased him, he pointed the tool to the direction of the false beauty.

"Stay back! Back to the Shadows from Hence you came Demon!!!" As the man said this, the creatures face stiffend for a momment, there was this slight pause, before she frowned deeply in a inhuman manner. . . Since it had just returned to the physical realm.

Raising her hand, the monster opened her palms in a wanting notion, then suddenly gripped it to an extreme degree.

"Aaaahhhh Urhglhahl Blarggggg Arbfghhg Ahh" the man screamed pained, before turning into a pile of goop . . . His entirety full melted with his face still intact while screaming in agony.

" Well (Unintelligible) hehehe . . . . . let's continue to were I left off" she turned her head to the rest of the grave robbers who are embedding themselves to the walls.

Bending herself into a crouching position, her body sprinted towards the other mortals, claws gripping and tearing each of their limbs, robbing the men off their precious torso as she ate it full of delight.

tongue sticking out as she held the intestines of the men, ingesting it with insatiable euphoria.

As this slaughtering went on, only four people were left alive . . . Harry's nose bleed from all the maddening things he traced from his eyes, for he couldn't believe what he saw till his consciousness left him completely out of fear.

Sauntering towards Lars, the mortal could only plead to its maker as Lars finally broke of from dazed stupor.

"Please . . . . . I Beg off you . . . . . Don't Kill me" When the creature heard this mortals voice, a glint of curiosity and slight surprise escaped its features.

"Ohhh so you were a Woman this entire time . . . That's goood veryyyyy gooood . . . . ." She pointed out to Lars chest while approaching her slowly.

Grabbing Lars chin with her bloody hands that painted Lars face, the latter shaking, standing still.

As the creature brought Lars close to her own features and proudly acclaimed.

"YOU shall be my Vessel in this New World! . . . Rejoice my Wicked Sister!" with the creatures face close, It went and forced a kiss on Lars, shocking the disguised woman making her eyes widen from the sudden advances.

The creatures tongue twirled with this insane speed before Lars eyes started to turn entirely black . . . . . . . Pain . . . . . Intensely overwhelming maddening pain . . . that's what Lars felt before she completely blacked out.