

After the water park, Li Buwan called a taxi and returned to the resort alone, claiming to be feeling a bit sick.

Of course, nobody minded his absence. Quite the opposite, everyone else was glad that he left.

Yu Qingyu, on the other hand, got subjected to another round of roller coaster torture.

'I think that my lifespan shortened by at least twenty years…' he complained, plopping on a bench.

[Technically speaking, your life pretty much ended already. So there's nothing to be shortened from,] 520 pointed out.

Yu Qingyu let out a long sigh in response. 'It's just a figure of speech.'

[I know.]

Before Yu Qingyu could say anything, Wang Qiujing came over, handing him a bottle of water. "Ready for another ride?"

All the blood seemed to drain from Yu Qingyu's already pale face. "…Another one?" he asked weakly. He survived this long, so he wasn't about to give up now, but he really didn't have any strength left!

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