
Quick transmigration: In search of LOVE

I've never felt love in my life. I was always told that love was a burden, something useless. And I began to think that maybe it was true since I've never received love from anyone. "Love only exists in the movies". It was one of my mother's favorite sayings. And she kept reminding me of it every year of my existence. Having never really known what love was. We gave her a chance to start over. To have a close-knit family, loyal friends and even a husband ╰(*°▽°*)╯ to count on. System connection to host. 10% ... 25% .... 43% .... 48% .... 54% ... 87% ... 91% ... 100% Connection established welcome to the "looking for love" system !!! Arc -1- High School Arc-2-underground world Arc-3-Hitman Arc-4- Black Eagle (Bonus !!!) 2 chapter every week or more! ฅ^-ﻌ-^ฅ * This picture does not belong to me * And sorry for the mistakes it's not my native language.

Lilitee · Fantasy
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61 Chs

I'm tired of being that girl that no one likes

The wind was blowing furiously that day, but I almost ignored it. I didn't care about the mass of clouds that gathered around me, my attention was totally captivated by the grandiose view before my eyes. I had chosen to relegate to the background the harsh words, the so-called friends and the cursed relatives who were mine...

But, deep inside me, a question persisted, that of knowing if there was even a tiny chance that someone cared about my fate.

My hand clenched on my phone, I scrolled through the contacts, hesitating before finally dialing a number.


"Good morning ?" replied a deep voice.

"It's me, Ruby," I said, my voice shaking slightly.

"Sorry, I don't have time," he said to me quickly, wanting to hang up.

"WAIT," I cried incoherently, "you won't see me again."

"Huh?" he asked, not understanding.

"I'm going to jump," I declared in a calm, too calm voice.

"I really don't have time for jokes," he retorted in a tired voice.

"IF YOU DON'T COME-" I began in a shaky voice.

He hung up without hesitation, without pity. I stared at the screen, the call disconnected, before bursting out laughing, louder and louder.

"No one ever cared about me...no one," I whispered bitterly.

Sometimes I wondered why I was so attached to a guy who didn't care about me.

I stared at the pouring rain. Then, very slowly, I walked towards the edge of the building. It was Friday, the street was teeming with people. Some seeing me begged me to come down, others called for help. And a handful thought I would never have the courage to jump.

But I have the courage to jump because I'm tired of this life.

So I want my death to be memorable for my parents and for him.

And every time they close their eyes, I want them to remember that it's because of them that I died.

So, I decided to call my parents, I wanted to stay with them on the phone until I passed away.

Boom boom boom.

I laughed sarcastically at the sound. Someone was trying to force the door that led to the roof to save me. But he was already too late.

Way too late.

And without warning, I dropped from the 68th floor. I couldn't hear anything anymore. Neither the cries of children, nor the screams of parents, nor the deafening noise of fire sirens...

Eventually the pain faded, I thought, relieved.


The impact of the pieces of flesh and blood covered my body. I became unrecognizable. It was very bloody to watch.

It was the best gift I could have given my parents.


A hundred years later...

I felt like I was floating in a dark space, lit by countless stars.

I felt strange. I knew I had slept a long time, but how long exactly?

And then, little by little, the memories came back, but I didn't care.

While thinking deeply about where I was, I missed the ball of light floating next to me.

"I didn't imagine heaven like this, but it's still very pretty," I said out loud.

"It's normal for the host, we're not in paradise," a sad voice replied.

A ball of light approached me. She was really pretty, I thought, her eyes sparkling.

"I didn't know a ball of light could talk," I exclaimed in surprise. "Wait, if we're not in heaven, where are we? And what am I doing here?" I asked, panicking.

"We are in my space-time and you are here because you were chosen to have traveled to different worlds. Knowing that you have never known the love of your life, you will be able to feel this feeling. Don't worry , you just have to complete missions in the different worlds. There are no traps."

"Really ?!" I exclaimed enthusiastically.

"Yes really !" he replied, shaking his head.

"When do we start?" I asked impatiently.

"Whenever you want, Ruby," he replied cheerfully.

"Here we go then!" I said smiling.

"Let's go !" he replied enthusiastically.

Everything happened in the blink of an eye. Space distorted, compressed, and then everything went black.

"Oops, I forgot to explain to her the type of world she's going to and the skills," he remembered.

"I saw you bloom like a sunflower, dazzle the world around you, then die like someone that no one cares about" How do you feel to know that no one cares about you?

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