
Quick Transmigration| Princess Simulator

"No matter how I think about this, this mission is way too hard. Why are you assigning me tasks like this!? Do you want to be replaced!?" The system wisely went into hiding, refusing to face Marianne's wrath. She had envisioned her first mission as a gentle introduction: perhaps being a pampered princess in a small, luxurious kingdom, helping it flourish. Instead, she found herself as a tribal princess married off to safeguard her people. Where were the gold, the luxury, the cakes? And why did she have to live in a tent!? The only silver lining was flirting with her husband's ex and a cute guard who seemed to pop up whenever she needed him. Hm? Why is he in this mission? Is it a system bug? Between mastering herbal concoctions, dodging assassination attempts, and managing unexpected crushes, Marianne's life in "Princess Simulator" is anything but dull. Join her as she navigates love triangles, politics, wars, fights, and her quest to own an ungodly amount of gold. TLDR: Quick Transmigration Author: Currently editing

Aalis · History
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34 Chs

Chapter 9

Azul couldn't quite put her finger on it, but there was something about Sisi that felt off. She was undeniably beautiful, skilled at hunting, and popular in court. She was friendly to everyone, yet Ragnar and Vel seemed to be adverse to her.Azul sat absentmindedly, looking at the glass mirror on her vanity. Her appearance in this world was striking—long white hair and tanned skin. Today, she wore jewelry, simply because she liked looking at it."What are you thinking about?" Ragnar asked, reclining on the ottoman with a bowl of grapes in hand."I need help with my hair; I need to braid it.""Let me help," he said, pushing himself off his comfortable spot. He picked up a boar comb on her desk and started to brush out her hair."You seem to know what you're doing," Azul joked."I used to have sisters. I'm the youngest, you know."She wondered what had happened to them. "Are they still alive?""Yeah, they were married off, so it's just me now."Just as she had left her tribe, they also left their tribe never to return. Azul had no ties to this world, so she missed her family, but Ragnar's sisters must miss his tribe."Ragnar, who makes these mirrors? Can we have them commissioned before traveling back to Valthorn?"He met her gaze through their reflections. Kuraltai was a ridiculously rich tribe. They were rich enough to build a town with a palace; compared to that, the Valthorn were still nomadic. Azul wondered how big they'd have to get before planting roots."I'll ask. Not a lot of people can get a mirror; Sisi charges a high price for them.""Sisi makes these?""No, but she owns the tribesmen who do."Azul's face of confusion faded away.Ragnar started to put some of her hair in braids, adding beads to them. Through the mirror she watched him, his body was magnificent, the scars he sustained from battle were beautiful and now overlaid with new nail marks. Azul looked away embarrassed."Will you be okay?" he asked.Azul looked at herself in the mirror. The next part of her plan involved acting like she owned the place. If whoever was watching thought she was acting as the Khatun, they would act soon. It also meant her name would be dragged in the mud."I'll be fine. Worry about yourself. I'll have Arthur to guard me."Ragnar nodded. "You look beautiful. I do like to see you in gold."She rolled her eyes. "Then get me more." Who didn't like gold? If she could swim in gold, she would."Great Khan, the guests have arrived," a servant announced.Ragnar nodded and helped Azul stand, keeping her close to him. If an assassin was going to attack, they needed to give them the perfect opportunity at a party.As they walked through the grand hall, the opulence of the Kuraltai palace was on full display. The smell of incense, the colours, the gold, everything was breathtaking.Azul felt the weight of numerous eyes on her as they entered the main hall. She squeezed Ragnar's hand to give herself some courage.The hall was filled with nobles and dignitaries from various tribes, all gathered to pay their respects and perhaps to catch a glimpse of the new Khatun. As far as they all knew, the Great khan is dead and Vel was under suspicion of planning his death. Which left Ragnar has the only possible option.Ragnar took his seat on the great Khan's throne and Azul sat to the side where the women of the harem sat. She was alone as Sisi hadn't arrived yet."Arthur, I hope you finally got some sleep." Azul teased as he stood guard behind her."Thank you for your care Khatun, I slept well." He still felt embarrassed."You're a growing man, it's better to sleep more, but I guess being a guard is quite taxing.""It's a prestigious job Khatun, my family were ecstatic when they found out I got this job."Azul sighed reclining on the pillows. Ragnar looked at her as if saying 'don't sleep here' so she sat up again begrudgingly."If you wish to sleep Khatun you can lean your back on my legs, no one would notice with your veil.""That's a brilliant idea Arthur!" Ragnar couldn't fault her if she was sitting up the entire time. She shifted back and rested her back on his legs, she looked up at him and beamed..Her smile was beautiful.Arthur blushed and looked up again trying to focus on his duty as guard.The music and feasting was well underway by the time Sisi arrived. Of course her every move and smile drew the attention of everyone. She walked to her seat by Azul's side and chuckled to find her asleep."Only you can fall asleep in that position Azul."Azul opened her eyes to see Sisi, a beauty that could cause the downfall of a country."You look radiant tonight, Azul.""Unfortunately, I need all the beauty sleep I can get to keep up with your beauty Sisi." Azul replied, matching her smile.Sisi sat down next to Azul, lowering her voice. "I didn't think you would make yourselves bait, aren't you afraid of death?""Death comes for everyone eventually, what's the point of being afraid?"Sisi raised hr brows amused. Ragnar was starting to get 'drunk' and was becoming louder and clumsier.The atmosphere in the hall grew more relaxed, the guests enjoying the lavish spread of food and drink."It's a shame Azul, if you were born in a different era, you would have been a good leader with the brains you possess." Sisi said wilfully."Leadership sounds like a lot, I want to swim in gold and sleep."She giggled at Azul's frivolocity. "Alright, when you and Ragnar visit again, I'll prepare lots of gold for you to swim in."Azul found Sisi delightful, it was nice to talk to another woman."What was Ragnar like as a child?" Azul asked, she wondered if Sisi disliked him as much as he disliked her."He was a spoilt baby, always crying all the time, I had to teach him to straighten up."Azul couldn't imagine Ragnar being that sort of child, he was so imposing she didn't even think he had tears."One time he skipped classes with our tutor and I went to drag him back and gave him a good spanking."Azul gasped, "no way, aren't you younger than Ragnar?""I am, now he's big and tall I can't beat him up but I used to beat him up all the time."Azul laughed at the ridiculous image in her head, a kid Ragnar would be cute."So why are the both of you always arguing?"Azul thought she made a mistake to ask, as Sisi's eyes dimmed a little."No matter how close you are, a man is still a man, there should be separation of sexes."Azul didn't understand her words but felt I was impolite to ask further, so instead she picked up some fruits from the bowl to share with Sisi.Remembering the guard behind her she handed him some grapes too.Sisi noticed a group of men in the corner, whispering and casting furtive glances in her direction. She subtly nudged Azul, who followed her gaze."Those men," she whispered. "They're acting suspiciously."Azul nodded. "Just let them be."Suddenly, one of the men stepped forward, raising his glass. "A toast to the new Khatun!" he called out, his voice carrying through the hall.The guests turned, raising their glasses in response. Azul smiled graciously, raising her own glass. But she couldn't shake the feeling that something was off."To your health, Khatun," the man said, his tone dripping with false sincerity.Azul took a small sip from her glass, keeping her expression neutral.The man nodded, his eyes flicking to Ragnar before he stepped back, merging with the crowd once more.'So how will it be?' Azul wondered. Poison? She looked at her cup. If it was poison, the system would have detected it. Then, a physical attack?Her eyes shifted to Ragnar, who seemed drunk enough, anytime now...The tension in the room grew as the evening wore on. Azul remained alert, her senses heightened. She noticed subtle movements among the group of men, their eyes darting towards her and Ragnar.Then, in a sudden burst of motion, one of the men lunged towards her, a dagger glinting in his hand. Azul's reflexes kicked in, her training taking over. She sidestepped, using her glass to deflect the man's arm, causing the dagger to miss its mark shattering the cup in her hand. Arthur immediately caught the assassin crippling him immediately so he could not move.Ragnar, despite his feigned drunkenness, moved with lightning speed. He intercepted the attacker, disarming him with a swift and brutal efficiency. The hall erupted into chaos as guests screamed and scattered, trying to get away from the fight.The room was a blur of motion as guards moved to subdue the attackers.Azul's heart pounded, but she maintained her composure. She couldn't afford to show weakness now. She scanned the room, ensuring there were no more immediate threats.Ragnar held the first attacker by the collar, his expression a mix of anger and determination. "Who sent you?" he demanded, his voice cold and commanding.The man struggled, his eyes wide with fear. "I don't know! I was just paid to do this!""Paid by whom?" Ragnar pressed, shaking the man."I don't know!" the attacker repeated.Arthur dragged his captive over, who was similarly unwilling or unable to provide useful information. Sisi stepped forward, her gaze hard and unyielding. "Take them to the dungeons. We will get the truth out of them one way or another."As the guards hauled the attackers away, Ragnar turned to Azul, his expression softening slightly. "Are you alright?""I'm fine," she replied, her voice steady. "This is strange. Could the assailant have hidden himself this deeply? Why send random mercenaries to finish such an important job.""They aren't mercenaries, I recognize them." Rangar's voice was cold, he knew who was playing around behind the scenes."Who is it?" Sisi asked."Jeder."Azul watched their faces twist. Jeder was a name she had not heard before and so could only wait for context."He was, the young Khan's sworn brother." Arthur whispered to her, and Azul thanked him silently.Waiting for an explanation all the time made her feel like an outsider."We need to tell Vel." Sisi finally spoke up. "If he's in contact with Jeder it'll be the death of us all, that idiot couldn't tell the difference between a friend or a foe."Ragnar nodded in agreement. "If this is really Jeder's doing, then I will need to leave and prepare for war."Ragnar's words struck like thunder in Azul's mind.'Is this the war you were referring to?' She asked the system, hoping and praying that this was it.[...yes]'Finally!'Her excitement wasn't missed by Arthur, who thought it was strange to see a woman excited to go to war.