
Quick Transmigration| Princess Simulator

"No matter how I think about this, this mission is way too hard. Why are you assigning me tasks like this!? Do you want to be replaced!?" The system wisely went into hiding, refusing to face Marianne's wrath. She had envisioned her first mission as a gentle introduction: perhaps being a pampered princess in a small, luxurious kingdom, helping it flourish. Instead, she found herself as a tribal princess married off to safeguard her people. Where were the gold, the luxury, the cakes? And why did she have to live in a tent!? The only silver lining was flirting with her husband's ex and a cute guard who seemed to pop up whenever she needed him. Hm? Why is he in this mission? Is it a system bug? Between mastering herbal concoctions, dodging assassination attempts, and managing unexpected crushes, Marianne's life in "Princess Simulator" is anything but dull. Join her as she navigates love triangles, politics, wars, fights, and her quest to own an ungodly amount of gold. TLDR: Quick Transmigration Author: Currently editing

Aalis · History
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36 Chs

Chapter 4

She gagged puking in to the girls toilets, a few girls hearing her couldn't help but snicker, school had just finished and all the members of the hierarchy were automatically invited to witness another public humiliation overseen by the school seniors. She pushed open her door and went to the sink to wash off her hands and the bitter taste left in her mouth after throwing up. Her eyes were dull and only the sound of water could be heard. Everyone had either cleared the premises or gathered on the roof. After washing her hands, she looked in the mirror at the pitiful human that stared back at her, swollen split lips and an ugly bruise, all she could feel was intense anger. Someone like her was a nobody without a place to go, completely pathetic, was good was it being born from a family like hers? She unconsciously raised her fist and sharply punched the mirror. It cracked, showing an uglier version of her she couldn't stand. Turning away she left the female's bathroom only to be met with the irritating sound of crying coming from the bathroom opposite the one she came out of. Someone was crying in the male's bathroom, looking at both directions of the hallway there was no one, so she walked forward kicking open the door only to see a chubby little boy around a year younger than her, he seem rather cute and squishy with dark red hair and beautiful strong green eyes. His stomach stuck out a little, she couldn't help but feel a little sorry, "piggy?" she asked as she wasn't sure if he was the piggy that Riku normally made fun of. He sniffed looking up at the girl. "Who are you?" She didn't answer, instead she just walked up to him squatting. "What are you crying for?"He wiped his tears and seemed a little intimidated, "It's nothing...""Was it Riku?" She asked immediately not waiting for him to keep lying, he seemed shocked but he quickly nodded, making her sigh. "Don't cry, it will only be for this year." He was often teased and made fun of a lot by people just because he wasn't as athletic, she could understand why he felt bad about it but it wouldn't be forever. As she was about to add on to her earlier statement, the door was kicked open by a familiar red haired that swiftly grabbed her hair. "So this is where you were hiding! Riku has been waiting for a while! Come on!" He said smiling and easily dragging her by her hair, she groaned in excruciating pain and she kicked her legs and scratched his hands, hoping he would let go. Piggy's eyes widened as he watched how she was brutally dragged. Her knees scraped across the floor as she twisted and a few strands of hair fell off her hair. The pair made it to the roof and she was tossed towards Riku who stepped on her face. She squirmed and looked up to see his sadistic smile. "You're late, you have to make it up to us." The students around him chattered happily and watched. He turned to the with a rather dashing smile, "Should we see if this skinny kid can fly?" The students cheered and she was dragged once again to the edge of the roof. Letting her go he patted the edge and she looked at him with the same dull eyes and stood on it. 'I am so mad, what the fuck is this kid's problem? Why is he so fucking strong?'She had literally be alive for less than 24 hours and it has been issue after issue, what kind of difficulty is this?"Now ladies and gentlemen!" Riku shouted, "Here we have a famous stunt girl that is going to do a beautiful stunt for us!" Her head was spinning and she stumbled, looking at how far down the floor was from the school roof. 'Is this how Amaya would have died If I never arrived?' She asked the system, she knew that she inhabited bodies before incoming death, but this type of death for a teenager was too cruel. " 3!... 2!"[Yes.]"1!"Amaya's heart raced as she teetered on the edge of the roof, the shouts and laughter of the students below her echoing in her ears. Her mind was spinning with a mix of fear and rage, and she could feel her pulse pounding in her temples. The thought of actually jumping was out of the question, but the threat of being pushed was very real.Riku's voice, dripping with mockery, broke through her thoughts. "Oh, you're still standing?" He stepped closer, his presence looming over her like a dark cloud.Just as Amaya prepared to retaliate, a loud crash echoed from the stairwell. The students turned, their chatter dying down to whispers and gasps as a figure emerged from the shadows."I told you to leave early," Lucas said, his voice low and menacing as he stepped onto the roof. His eyes scanned the scene, landing on Amaya who looked at him with relief. "Lucas?" Amaya's voice wavered, she had not expected him to show up, let alone come to her rescue. From her memories, Lucas was an enigma, isolated and deadly. He had the title of the 'strongest' at Haruki but he never involved himself in any of the turf wars so Kenji was the current head, Riku's direct boss. Riku's confident smirk faltered as he turned to face Lucas. "What do you want, Grey? This isn't your business."Lucas's expression hardened. "It is now. Anyone who messes with her, messes with me."The students watching were frozen in place, unsure of how to react. Lucas's reputation preceded him, and no one wanted to get on his bad side. He walked toward Riku, his steps deliberate and measured.Riku's bravado faded quickly. "You think you can just walk in here and tell us what to do?" He tried to maintain his tough exterior, but there was a hint of fear in his eyes. Lucas's reputation wasn't for decoration, he had beaten the last boss to a bloody pulp, even if he didn't have an interest in subjugating groups no one wanted to mess with him. Lucas didn't respond with words. Instead, he lunged forward, his fist connecting with Riku's jaw in a blur of motion. Riku staggered back, clutching his face in pain.The red-haired boy, Riku's best friend, stepped up to defend him, but Lucas was faster. He ducked under a wild swing and delivered a powerful punch to the boy's gut, sending him doubling over.Amaya watched, her heart pounding, as Lucas systematically took down each of Riku's followers with swift, precise movements. The other students backed away, their initial excitement replaced with fear.With Riku and his cronies incapacitated, Lucas turned his attention to the remaining students. "Anyone else want to try their luck?" His voice was cold and commanding.No one dared to move or speak. The silence was deafening.Lucas walked over to Amaya, extending a hand to help her down from the edge. She took it, her legs shaky but relieved to be on solid ground again."Why did you come here?" Amaya asked, her voice barely above a whisper.Lucas shrugged, a faint smile tugging at his lips. "I figured you could use some backup."Amaya couldn't help but smile back. "Thanks. I owe you one."He turned back to the students, his expression serious. "Amaya is under my protection now. Anyone who messes with her, messes with me. Got it?"The students nodded, their fear palpable. No one wanted to challenge Lucas, especially not after witnessing his strength firsthand.As they began to disperse, murmuring amongst themselves"Come on," Lucas said, nudging her gently. "Let's get out of here."They walked down the stairs together, the adrenaline slowly leaving Amaya's body. She glanced at Lucas, her mind racing with questions. "Why did you help me?"Lucas looked straight ahead, his expression unreadable. "I just felt like it."She stared at the back of his head for a while, and smiled, at least someone wanted to protect you Amaya, don't worry anymore.As they reached the ground floor, the chubby boy ran up to her, his face filled with worry. "Amaya, are you okay?"She gave him a reassuring smile. "I'm fine, really. Thanks for checking on me."He looked relieved. "I saw what happened, and I called Lucas to help you. I'm glad he made it in time.""What's your name?" She asked, realising she didn't know the boy who had helped her."Yuto," he replied shyly. "But everyone calls me Piggy."Amaya frowned. "Well, I think Yuto suits you much better." She glanced at Lucas, then back at Yuto. "Aren't you worried about being targeted more now? Since you helped me?"Yuto shrugged. "I'm used to it. Besides, it's worth it if it means helping someone."Amaya smiled warmly. "Thank you, Yuto. That means a lot to me. Take care, okay?"As Yuto nodded and headed off, Amaya turned to Lucas. "Let's go," she said softly.Lucas walked her home, maintaining a protective presence by her side. When they were a street away from her house, Amaya stopped and turned to him. "You can leave me here. I don't want my mom seeing you and causing any trouble."Lucas nodded, understanding. "Alright. Be safe, Amaya."She watched him walk away before heading towards her house. The sight that greeted her was the same as always: a dirty, dingy house that hadn't seen a thorough cleaning in years. She sighed, knowing she couldn't put it off any longer.Amaya rolled up her sleeves and got to work, scrubbing floors, wiping down surfaces, and clearing away the clutter. By the time she was finished, the house was almost unrecognisable. The floors sparkled, and the air smelled fresh and clean.Feeling accomplished but exhausted, she made herself some jam sandwiches and sat down at the small kitchen table. The simple meal tasted better than she remembered, a small comfort after such a harrowing day. Even if no one loved Amaya, she would love herself. Finally, she collapsed onto her bed, every muscle in her body aching. Just as she was drifting off to sleep.