
Quick Transmigration| Princess Simulator

"No matter how I think about this, this mission is way too hard. Why are you assigning me tasks like this!? Do you want to be replaced!?" The system wisely went into hiding, refusing to face Marianne's wrath. She had envisioned her first mission as a gentle introduction: perhaps being a pampered princess in a small, luxurious kingdom, helping it flourish. Instead, she found herself as a tribal princess married off to safeguard her people. Where were the gold, the luxury, the cakes? And why did she have to live in a tent!? The only silver lining was flirting with her husband's ex and a cute guard who seemed to pop up whenever she needed him. Hm? Why is he in this mission? Is it a system bug? Between mastering herbal concoctions, dodging assassination attempts, and managing unexpected crushes, Marianne's life in "Princess Simulator" is anything but dull. Join her as she navigates love triangles, politics, wars, fights, and her quest to own an ungodly amount of gold. TLDR: Quick Transmigration Author: Currently editing

Aalis · History
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34 Chs

Chapter 12

The next morning, Azul woke up early, the first rays of dawn just beginning to filter through the tent's entrance. She moved quietly, careful not to disturb Ragnar, who was still sleeping peacefully. Slipping out of bed, she began her preparations. She sent the servants away to avoid waking Ragnar and got herself dressed. She wore a simple white dress, adorned with intricate golden embroidery was a stark contrast to her silk robes, which she enjoyed wearing. The dress was beautifully complemented by a golden sash, and the ornate headdress with delicate hanging beads framed her face perfectly.She took a moment to look at herself in the small mirror, adjusting the headdress slightly. This was Valthorn traditional attire made for the Khatun only, she hadn't worn it since she preferred dresses that were looser and more breezy in summer. Then she slipped out to give some instructions for General Thane ahead of the meeting this morning before heading back to the tent. As she finished her preparations, Ragnar stirred and slowly opened his eyes. He blinked a few times, then his gaze fell on her. His breath caught for a moment as he took in her appearance. "Good morning," she said softly, smiling at him.Ragnar sat up, still a bit dazed from sleep. "Good morning," he replied, his voice thick with admiration. "You look... too beautiful. What's happening today?" He was sceptical. Azul's laughed. "I just wanted to see what it looks like; besides, it's better if I wear the proper robes today or the other Khans might laugh at you."He nodded, still taking in her appearance. "You look like a true Khatun.""Don't get used to it; after today, it's back to silk."He laughed, "Naturally, Khatun."The two of them had breakfast together before heading to the meeting tent, where the others were already waiting.At Ragnar's entrance, the group stood up to welcome them."Good morning, Khan, Khatun," General Varok greeted. "My apologies; we did not expect the Khatun. I will ask the servant to retrieve an additional chair.""No need," Ragnar stopped him and took his seat before placing Azul on his lap.Azul felt embarrassed but had to use her thick skin."Let us start the meeting," Ragnar said. The other Khans didn't seem to care; they had seen crazier things. As long as you had power, you could do anything in this world. "About the issue of conquering the minor tribes, has a solution been discussed?"Everyone remained silent; there was no solution they could think of that would work. General Thane glanced at Azul, as if expecting her to speak."I have a solution," she finally said.Khan Bato scoffed, "Khatun, this is not a place for you to play around.""You should let her speak," Khan Jarek said. He had seen the glance General Thane gave the Khatun, so he was inclined to believe she had a plan. Ragnar wasn't a woman-loving idiot; he knew what he was doing."I have a way to solve the issue of men and funds. A way to conquer the tribes with minimal resistance.""If such a way exists, that would be wonderful," Khan Bato said sarcastically."It is wonderful; have you heard of a Trojan horse?""Please enlighten us, Khatun," Khan Jarek said."A trojan horse signifies a beautiful gift that is rotten on the inside. When you want to kill an enemy, there is an easy way to do so from the inside. You just need the heads of those in charge.""That's easier said than done. We do not have spies already set up, Khatun," Khan Jarek said."You don't need spies; you just need women."The room was silently confused, waiting for her to finish her explanation."In every feast thrown by a Khan, there is always a group of people who are underestimated. It is the performers—the dancers, the slave women. If you want an opportunity to kill a Khan, the best opportunity is in his sleep or when he is drunk." She turned to General Thane, who brought out a piece of parchment with writing on it. She spread it out on the table, using a knife to pin it down."What is this, Khatun?" Khan Bato asked, now interested."These are the names of the illegitimate children of the Khans. These children would otherwise never get the opportunity to reign. I have picked out those who are suitable to lead after the death of their father, those who will be subservient to us.""Khatun, you...""I will be in charge of the assassinations. You just need to send our men to support the new heir to the throne."Ragnar, who had been listening silently, held her waist tightly. This was his first time hearing her plans, and he was on board until she said she would be leading the mission."We cannot let you do that, Khatun. It is too dangerous," General Varok said in disagreement."With me in charge the Khan's can all feel more confident, the Valthorn tribe is not only powerful because of their Khan but because of their Khatun." Her words were daring, but Ragnar felt his body heat up hearing her speak."I need each Khan to send me your most beautiful women, women who haven't been seen by others. I will be in charge of them. We will return with the heads of the Khans, victorious."The Khans looked at each other. There was nothing much to lose, only a few women.Azul felt Ragnar's disagreement. She appreciated that he didn't interrupt her, even if he was clearly unwilling."These are the names of the heirs I have picked. Familiarize yourselves with them. Prepare your daughters to marry them and become Khatuns. I only need one month to prepare."The tribes she had picked were quite large tribes. Tribes that had power despite being minor. She avoided tribes with larger backings and went for the independent ones. It was the fastest way to increase their forces in a short amount of time.It was too tempting. Who would say no?"I support this plan," Ragnar was the first to speak up."I support it," said General Thane."I'll support it," added Khan Jarek.And then the last three agreed."In that case, by the weekend, each Khan should send me a woman. Do make haste."Azul took a deep breath, feeling a sense of relief wash over her as the Khans voiced their support for her plan. It was a risky move, but it was the only one that made sense given their current resources and the urgency of the situation.The best way to get shit done was to do it herself."Thank you for your support," Azul said, nodding to each of the Khans. "I will ensure that this mission is carried out with the utmost care and precision."Ragnar's grip on her waist tightened slightly, a silent sign of his continued unease. But he trusted her judgment.General Varok cleared his throat. "We will begin preparations immediately. Each Khan will select their most suitable women and have them ready by the end of the week. Khatun, your bravery and strategic mind are commendable."Azul nodded in acknowledgment.Khan Bato, who had initially scoffed at her involvement, now looked at her with more respect. "We will ensure they are ready by the week's end, Khatun."With that, the meeting concluded. t

The Khans dispersed to begin their preparations. Azul and Ragnar stayed behind, lingering in the tent as the others left.

Azul sighed, she knew the man behind her was unhappy, but what could she do?She turned so she was facing him.His face was calm, he leaned against his arm resting on the arm of the chair. Despite how he looked she knew he was unhappy."My Lord, don't be upset ok? I'll be out and back before you know it." She coaxed."Now you know how to be cute." He said In a deep growl. "Does throwing your life away look like fun to you?"She leaned in kissing his jaw. "My lord, put some faith in your Khatun, you chose me because of my audacity remember?""How could I not? You dared look me in the eyes when others your age scurried away at the sight of me.""That's because, my Lord is very handsome."He raised his bow amused, her hands wrapped around his neck as she whispered something obscene in his ears.This time she activated a Lilly trap, he could not escape.After seeing the Khan's off General Thane returned to see General Varok standing outside the tent."Why are you standing there? Are you not going on?" He asked curiously."That's probably not a good idea, let's just wait outside."General Thane looked at him confused till he heard blasphemous sounds coming from inside the tent.His face was beet red. He had multiple concubines so how could he not know what was happening inside the tent?"It's better to wait outside." He said quietly.General Varok only sighed, "being young is a blessing to be appreciated."