
Quick! The Beginning

He was an average 18-year-old until the day he gained the extraordinary ability to pause time. He can also move at supernatural speed. He is known as ‘Quick’ and this is how his story begins.

TheOnly47 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

The Day It Began

Happy Birthday to you,

Happy Birthday to you,

Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday,

Happy Birthday to you.

"Dane! I told you a month ago that if you wanted to surprise me, get me fried chicken. I'm too old for cakes," Ma exclaimed with a playful glint in her eyes.

Dane grinned mischievously, refusing to give up. "Then it wouldn't be a surprise anymore, Ma. Besides, who wouldn't want to see your cake with the age on it? It adds character."

"Dane! Not this again. I'm old, but I'll still kick your butt. " Ma warned with a twinkle of anticipation in her voice. "Save your strength Ma, I put you on Tinder. You turn 69 today, so go get laid," he stated, bursting into laughter.

She joined in his mirth. "Your Grandad will haunt your dreams tonight," she teased, her laughter contagious.

"Ma, I'm sure he also wants some action," Dane quipped, earning another round of laughter.

"I must have misplaced the real Dane in that fun fest 9 years ago. You are not my grandchild," Ma playfully insisted.

"Ha! There you go again, Ma. The resemblance is striking. Oh, I'm your blood, alright," Dane countered, their laughter filling the room.

"Nope, you look more like Ted's dog. Sophia!" Ma playfully retaliated.

Dane and his grandma laughed uncontrollably, their bond evident in the sheer joy they shared. "I'll let you win this round, Ma. You know it's your birthday," Dane finally conceded, his voice filled with affection.

"Ahhh, shut it, Dane! Even on your birthday, you don't stand a chance," Ma shot back, both of them erupting into laughter once more. She stepped closer, enveloping him in a warm embrace. "Thank you, baby," she whispered, her voice brimming with gratitude. "You've made an old lady very happy."

Their laughter subsided, leaving behind a tender moment of connection. "Ma, I've got to get to work. I'll get off early today, let's say 2 pm and if you behave, I might get fried chicken on the way back, and then we can do whatever you want," Dane promised, his voice filled with genuine affection and playfulness.

"Alright, D. Have a good day today," Ma replied, her voice tinged with a mixture of love and concern.

"Ma, don't lick the icing on the cake. For God's sake, act your age!" Dane pleaded, his playful tone revealing the deep bond between them.

"It's my birthday, Baby D. I could kill and get away with it. Let me do what I want," Ma mischievously declared, her eyes dancing with joy.

Dane sighed affectionately, knowing he couldn't deny her anything on this special day. With a final glance, he rolled his bicycle onto the street, ready to face the world.

You'd see Dane and his Ma and think they were dating. But their history was one filled with pain and sorrow.

Ever since he lost his parents and baby sister, Dane had found solace and family in his grandmother's embrace. The past year had been a memorable one as Dane decided to delay his plans for higher education and work to support himself and his beloved Ma.

Dane rode through the streets, his mind consumed by the melody pouring through his headphones. The crisp morning breeze caressed his face, invigorating his spirit. As a thoughtful and introspective individual, Dane often found refuge in his own thoughts, a result of the problems he had faced due to the loss of his family. However, he had triumphed over his struggles with Ma seeking help for him from mental health professionals and he emerged stronger than before.

Now, at the age of 18, Dane stood as a testament to resilience and strength. With his towering height of 6'1", rugged handsomeness, and an alluring charm that masked his intellect, he was a magnet for attention. Though financial limitations had delayed his path to college, Dane had set his sights on scholarships this year, determined to fulfill his potential.

His grandmother's wish to witness his graduation before she died echoed in his mind, accompanied by a fond chuckle at her endearing quirks.

Ivy Milo, Dane's paternal grandmother, had weathered her fair share of grief. Losing her husband when Dane's father was just a toddler, she had shouldered the responsibilities of both a man and a woman. Dane remembered his father's unwavering love for his grandmother and understood why. Ivy's beauty transcended time, and her inner strength radiated from within. Despite her age, she possessed an everlasting allure that seemed destined to follow her into eternity.

Having grieved the loss of both husband and son, Ma had known a lifetime of sorrow. When Dane's father passed away, Ivy had opened her heart and home to her grandson, bravely navigating the challenges of raising him alone. Over the years, their bond had deepened, and now they were inseparable. Dane recognized the depth of his grandmother's love, which made him decide to remain by her side for a year, cherishing every moment they shared.

Dane's thoughts cleared as he approached the supermarket, where he worked as a cashier.

Despite his edgy appearance, Ma had instilled in him a strong moral compass, earning the admiration of his superiors. His dedication and honesty had not gone unnoticed, resulting in a steady stream of tips and a substantial increase in his salary over the past year.

As the minutes ticked by, Dane couldn't help but feel that time moved sluggishly on this particular day, his mind momentarily diverted by a notification on his phone.

"Can't you ditch work?" the message read, signed by an endearing nickname, "Babe." Dane couldn't help but chuckle, realizing the unintended consequence of gifting his grandmother an iPhone a few months ago.

He remembered waking up one morning and absentmindedly glanced at his phone to check the time. To his surprise, he discovered that Ma had saved her number on his phone as 'Babe'. "Ma is definitely a case," he mused, amused by her playful nature.

Lost in thought, he was jolted back to reality when his boss, Mr Miaji called out to him.

"Dane, walk with me," his boss beckoned, and together they strolled to a quieter corner of the bustling supermarket. Sensing that something was amiss, Dane braced himself for the conversation that was about to unfold.

"Dane, how do you like working here?" his boss inquired, his voice filled with a mix of curiosity and concern.

Dane's reply was immediate and genuine. "It's been the best experience so far, sir! I've learned so much and grown as an individual."

His boss nodded, a solemn expression gracing his face. "Well, I'm sorry, Dane, but today is your last day here," he delivered the news that caught Dane off guard, leaving him shocked and visibly shaken.

Remembering his grandmother's wisdom, Dane took a deep breath and mustered his composure. With calmness and gratitude, he responded, "I will be forever grateful to you for allowing me to work here for this long. It has been a privilege."

To his surprise, his boss, Mr. Miaji, burst into laughter. Dane couldn't help but wonder about the oddity of the situation. Mr. Miaji finally composed himself and spoke, his eyes gleaming with excitement.

"That was amazing, Dane! I've never seen such grace and poise in all my years owning this supermarket," he exclaimed, genuine admiration shining through his words.

Relief washed over Dane as he realized that he wasn't being fired. Before he could question further, Mr. Miaji dropped the bombshell that would forever alter Dane's path.

"You're not being fired, Dane," Mr. Miaji revealed, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. "In fact, you've been admitted to Oxford University, and you only have two weeks to get prepared."

Dane's mind reeled, struggling to process the overwhelming news. "Wait, what? How?" he stammered, his voice a mix of disbelief and astonishment.

Mr. Miaji explained that he remembered the day Dane took time off to write Oxford's entry exam. With his wife being on the board, he had discussed Dane's potential with her. She had reviewed his impressive grades and exam scores, which prompted her to personally recommend him for a scholarship. As a member of the board, it was within her power to ensure Dane's admission to the prestigious university.

Dane's heart swelled with a mix of emotions. He could hardly contain his joy and gratitude. "Thank you so much, Mr. Miaji. I promise to repay this favor one day," he expressed earnestly.

Mr. Miaji waved off his words of repayment. "Oh, don't worry about it, boy! Just make the most of this opportunity," he replied, happiness radiating from his face. "Before you go, stop by the account office. I left a check containing your salary and a little extra to help you prepare for school."

Dane's heart raced with a thrilling mix of excitement and disbelief as he stepped away from Mr. Miaji. He clutched the acceptance letter to Oxford tightly in his hand, savoring the weight of his dreams finally coming true. He could hardly wait to share this incredible news with Ma and witness her face light up with pride and joy.

Walking back to his modest desk at the supermarket, Dane's mind flashed back to the humble beginnings of his journey. The supermarket job had been his stepping stone, a chance to save up for college, but it had become so much more. Each day, he put on his apron with determination, fueled by the dream of studying at Oxford.

One sweet memory shone brightly in his mind. It was a dreary, rain-soaked afternoon when Dane's shift had just ended. As he stepped outside, the cold drizzle clung to his clothes, and he knew the bike ride home would be a damp one. He noticed an elderly woman struggling with her overloaded grocery bags, the rain creating a halo of mist around her.

In an instant, Dane's kind heart took charge, and he rushed to her aid without a second thought. "Can I help you with those, ma'am?" he offered, the warmth of his smile melting away the chill of the rain.

The woman's face lit up with gratitude as she accepted his assistance. Introducing herself as Mrs. Jenkins, she struck up a conversation with Dane as they walked side by side under the rain. The showers got heavier and she insisted Dane waits in her car with her until the rain stops. While they waited, her gentle voice told stories of the past, and Dane was engrossed in all she shared.

Mrs. Jenkins had a unique sparkle in her eyes when she spoke about her late husband, a man who coincidentally had once walked the hallowed halls of Oxford. She recounted her adventures, the laughter, and the dreams they had chased together. "He died in an accident 3 years ago" She ended with pain dripping from her voice. Listening to her, Dane felt an unbreakable connection forming, as if destiny had brought them together that rainy afternoon.

In the following weeks, their chance encounter turned into a beautiful friendship. Dane often went out of his way to help Mrs. Jenkins with her groceries, savoring every moment of their shared walks. She became a mentor, sharing wisdom and life lessons. Dane figured out why he enjoyed speaking to her. She was just like Ma!

One day, Mrs. Jenkins surprised Dane with a small parcel, her eyes brimming with emotion. Inside was a necklace, delicate and precious, with the emblem of Oxford glinting in the dim light. "This necklace belonged to my husband when he was a student at Oxford," she whispered, her voice tinged with nostalgia. "I have no children of my own so I want you to have it now, Dane. Wear it when you finally get into Oxford."

Touched beyond words, Dane clutched the necklace in his hand. This was the single most thoughtful gift anyone apart from Ma had ever given him. From that moment, it became more than just a piece of jewelry; it was a tangible connection to his aspirations, it fueled his determination.

As days turned into nights, Dane's dedication remained unyielding. He balanced his long shifts at the supermarket with hours of studying, the books becoming his constant companions. Late into the night, his room transformed into a sanctuary of ambition, each page he read bringing him closer to his dreams.

Coming back to reality and overwhelmed with happiness and disbelief, Dane couldn't help but feel immense gratitude towards his boss. He knew that Ma would be overjoyed by the news. Dane realized that he had finally achieved his dream.

"Oxford, here I come," Dane whispered to himself, a smile stretching across his face.