
Quest of Battle

When hope is almost lost,the fear crawls out. When lights fades away, darkness rules. For the possibility to trust an immortal is very low but its ability to fear it,is relatively high. Will Leila Yoliswa,a half-African trust immortals to save her mother and recover the secret to her father's mysterious death or will she face the consequences alone. And will Kayla Yoliswa on the other hand as Leila's younger sister hate her and seek for revenge? Things will occur and the world will ask questions. For many are called but only few are chosen to win the battle. This unveils a world of love, romance, adventures, hidden secrets and death. For this not the end,but the beginning of a lifetime.

Rai_Se · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 150 (Finale of Part 1)

With that in mind he made his way to Zenith who did not seem too much happy about it. It was as if his worry was far beyond present and he knew what or who it was.

What he prayed was for that not to happen to him but that was the law,in fact a prophecy.

There was no way a human could ever be with a non human especially and immortal.

"Zenith."With concern,Ezra placed his hand on his shoulder.

"We need to talk.....in private."


Leila so eager to see her love walked around with Vail and July whose expression seemed very odd.

Something was getting suspicious and that was what Kayla was already thinking.

"Wait."She said."I have a question. Why can't humans see the coronation of an immortal?"

"We don't have time for this Kayla."Leila cut her off."I must see Zenith."

"Kayla for once stop worrying."Astha continued."You look stressed out. Why don't you hang around."

"Seriously,are you trying to dump me?"

"Relax. Everything will be alright."

Yeah once we finally get the hell out of here for the last she said in mind.

Zenith,she spat but somehow,she was glad that this would be their last.


From the highest hallway in the palace of Getra stood Zenith who was watching how beautiful Getra had now become.

With Ezra beside him,only silence dominated their minds. That was until....

"Stop acting Zenith. Tell me what is going on?"

"Are you not immortal? A vampire of course? Then why don't you figure that right out."

Ezra didn't see that coming. Zenith's cool yet harsh tone could tell something to him.

"Is Leila."Ezra told him."This is the last time any of us will see her."

Ezra's words made Zenith clench his fist hard as he tried to hide that emotion within him.

"You are not the only person going through that."He continued."We all are.....We know how it feels to let go of a loved one and go on with our lives."


"It hurts but that is the fact. The only way we will have to save Leila, Kayla and the rest of humanity is to let go of them."He said."They have a superior being watching over them in their realm."

"If I could change that law."

"It's a prophecy. No human past, present nor future can ever be with an immortal."

But that only made things worse. With anger boiling with him, Zenith quickly turned and went to Ezra in a speed much greater than light.

"Are you not on love with Kayla? Then why don't you do whatever it takes to get her back?"He asked."Stop bothering me and get out of here."

"There is nothing you can do about it. Your parents were not able to stay long enough to see you. How will that be if that happens to to you and Leila?"

For once,to him,Ezra had said something really touching to his heart and that pierced him.

"Leila is a mortal and she has a number of years ahead to live."

"Stop it Ezra." He warned."Don't let me do anything harmful to you."

"No Zenith. You are the one doing harm to yourself."Ezra told him."Remember you are only half human and it is your mother's abilities that has made you half immortal."

That was true.

"Do you think I want that to happen? To see you alone without Leila. I don't want Kayla to leave either but there was one thing I always see in them. Their dream. They always dream about having a peaceful family with their mother in the physical realm."He said with teary eyes."I'm sure Kayla will want to be a lawyer or something. She's really good at standing on her own and defending those she loves and how Leila would always fight for what is always hers....."He breathed."How will you feel if due to love,you will decide to just scratch away their dream?"

Zenith just stood there speechless and motionless as his tears just poured out from his eyes.

"I only want Kayla to let go of me. She should forgive me of my acts. I don't want to be a demon and hurt her."He lowered his gaze."I don't want to hurt anyone. Not even Ariana.

If getting her back means losing her,then I must. We all must."

No word was said. They just analyzed everything and saw the truth. From the past to the present the only way to protect those you love was to let them go.

That alone made Zenith think about how his mother left him and he knew why.



Without wasting much time,the two turned to see where the voice came from.


She quickly ran in tears to Zenith and gave him a hug. It wasn't a hug of joy but rather of pain.

"Kayla..."He said to himself.



"I see you brought them here again."Leinali said from a corner and sighed deeply making her way to them."I thought you knew the law."

"They're here so go on with it."Zenith said and pushed Leila from him shocking her to the core.

"You must leave."He told her."Now."


"There's nothing that can be done Leila. Just leave."

The atmosphere was just filled with sadness. Kayla had to hold her head and lower her gaze for that.

"Vail please do something about it."Astha suggested but there was no response.

Lucy turned to Tyson who gave her a there-was-nothing-to -be-done sort of look.

Ezra who had already seen this coming went to Kayla and took her hands."I'm sorry Kayla. I'm sorry for everything. If there is a space in that heart of yours,then forgive me. I promise that after tonight you will see nor hear nor remember nothing about me nor the others."

"Ezra....."She raised her head with tears in her eyes."I don't want anything bad to happen to you. I love you."

"I know. That is why you must forgive me."

"I forgive you but please don't take all these from us."

"I'm sorry Kayla."Ezra said and kissed her."I will carry you in my inner self."


"If we stay together chaos will only rise."Zenith assured them of that.

"You have a whole life ahead of you. We have already spent ours here. It's left with yours Leila.....and all of you."


With a circular wave of Leinali's staff,a round gateway was created.

"I need to tell you something Zenith."Leila begun."You did not kill my father. It was Edgar himself. The moment you disappeared he came and killed him. Sorry for not telling you earlier."

"You've done a wise thing and we thank you for that."Leinali said as she tried to hide her tears."Your father can finally rest in peace."

"I thought humans were not allowed to see this."Exes' voice echoed as he came with Ariana and Asia.

"They're leaving."Zenith told him.

"No. They have earned our trust."Leinali cut him off."Their memories about this place will not be erased once they promise to keep all these a secret."

"We will forever remember your contribution to Getra."Ariana said."The gateway has been opened. It's a pleasure joining hands with you mortals.

"Thank you for everything."Lucy said and smiled.

"We will forever be grateful for everything and we promise to keep getra a secret."Astha continued With that,they entered the gateway.

It was now left with the two sisters.

Kayla really hated such speeches but she had to say one....a painful one.

"I will miss you all if that will cost me the inability to come back to this realm."Kayla said and glimpsed at Ezra one more time and entered the gateway.

All alone was Leila staring at the background in front of her.

Was she really doing this?

She had to. She knew it wasn't Zenith's fault. He only wanted to protect her.

"Thank you for making me spend a part of my life seeing a life beyond physical."She said as she wiped her tears."Stay happy all of you. Especially you Zenith."

She smiled and turned to the shining gateway before her.

With the little courage left,she penetrated into it.

They stood in awe as they watched them leave before their eyes.

Suddenly,the immortals flew into the skies as they stared at one another.

"We must seal the gates to this realm."Leinali commanded and stretched froth her hand. There the old shiny blank book suddenly appeared.

"You should do this. After all once you're this realm's ultimate ruler,the book grants you the ability to see all hidden spells in it."

Carefully she hanged the book in the air waiting for Zenith to do what must be done.

With pain in his heart, Zenith came forward as he watched the hidden spells come back to life.

Finally he had seen that spell that could do the work. He breathed and said all that was in and waited.

All of a sudden,a great field of light penetrated across the mystical realm and the colour of the skies changed into its beautiful and alluring form.

All passageways that connected to the physical real were all sealed completely.

That was not only it but the demons that roamed in the physical realm at night were also affected by the great light. Thay all disappeared and went back to where they came from.

"At long last. Everything has come to a blissful end."Leinali said."Let's mark the genesis of a new era."

As sorrow lingered all over his eyes,he nodded.


She was alone in the deep and big abyss as darkness covered her. Her screams and cries echoed all over.

"Don't leave me Zenith. Don't leave me."She cried as she saw his handsome face and how red his eyes had now become. How his raven hair had grown and how it fanned his face.

His body and structure slowly faded before her and all images her eyes and ears had seen and heard faded before her.

"No...no don't leave me....No!!!"


"Yo! Leila."Kayla said as she waked her up."A nightmare right?"

Her hair was wet and so was her body."I think so..... Zenith and the others are gone for good right?

"Yes they have. They had to. They did it to save us so hurry and get dressed. Mom wants to see us."


Six months later.....

After so much studying, Leila, Astha and Lucy wrote their final examination and gladly passed.

There they cried and laughed out so hard.

They spent their remaining days enjoying themselves and thanking God for everything.


At the Asernix.....

"I have watched over this company for more than ten years and now it's about time you get my successor."Susan said to the workers of her husband's company as they gathered at the huge and magnificent conference room.

As Susan continued Leila started talking and stared at the huge number of people before her and began to wonder and finally cane to a conclusion. Once her father was able to do it,then she could.

"Congratulations Leila."Lucy said."You have a huge task to do."

"You better do it well."Astha continued."Don't worry I know you can."

Together they hugged their friend with so much joy as Kayla stood upstairs watching at them.

"So Leila's the heiresses of the Asernix. Good luck with that."Kayla told herself and smiled.


Three years later....

"I just wonder how it feels to administer a whole company."Leila told herself."Our dad did so I'm going to continue and finish what my father started."

"Yeah you should."Kayla added as they watched the majestic view of the company."You've learnt your best. Now you are the C.E.O of the Asernix."


As Leila managed her father's company, Susan went to Egypt to spend some quality time alone.

Lucy became a well known medical doctor and surgeon and Astha became an interior designer.

Kayla continued schooling with her dream of becoming the best IT inventor and technologist.

Janette was never heard from again and that brought so much relief to Leila.


As they achieved their dreams,the girls do not just sit there. They still fight for the safety of all humanity.


"Wow Kayla you didn't tell me you had a headquarters in this house."

"Relax Leila. This is just the tip of the tip. It's about time we get some weapons for ourselves."Kayla replied."So.....shall we?"

She said as she threw a bottle of holy water on Leila which she caught vigorously.

"What are we waiting for?"She asked."As those things do their stuffs tonight so shall we."

"Let's slay them once and for all."


As they ventured for their dreams, Zenith ruled Getra with the strength and mercy with the help of his people and that brought so much prosperity to that realm.

Though he was now king,he always carried Leila and her memories she made with him in his heart and so did Leila, Ezra and Kayla especially.


Spirits form part of this world. There are the good ones and so are the bad.

We may try to eliminate evil from this world but they also form part of everything from the beginning of time.

Once there's light there will always be darkness lurking around so we must try our best to fight and protect what is dearest to our hearts.

Even if it goes to the extent of leaving them alone.


The end...

Stay updated on Quest of Battle || (Tug Of War)