
Quest of Battle

When hope is almost lost,the fear crawls out. When lights fades away, darkness rules. For the possibility to trust an immortal is very low but its ability to fear it,is relatively high. Will Leila Yoliswa,a half-African trust immortals to save her mother and recover the secret to her father's mysterious death or will she face the consequences alone. And will Kayla Yoliswa on the other hand as Leila's younger sister hate her and seek for revenge? Things will occur and the world will ask questions. For many are called but only few are chosen to win the battle. This unveils a world of love, romance, adventures, hidden secrets and death. For this not the end,but the beginning of a lifetime.

Rai_Se · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 145

Without wasting much time, Leinali vanished.

"When will you let it go." Exes asked pitifully.


Kayla hurriedly to Leila's room to check on her. As usual,she looked tired, worried and of course highly depressed.

She sat on a nearby chair with her head low and her hair covering most of her face.

She started mummering in a very low tone,a mummer of regret and that made Kayla angry but a bit scared.

"Zenith !!! "Kayla angrily told herself and scoffed.

She didn't hesitate to think twice and immediately ran to call Susan who looked scared too.


"What's going on?"Kayla asked."What secret have you not told me now?"

But Susan paid no heed to her and ran to Leila.

"Leila... Leila now stay cool."Susan said in heavy pants."Everything is fine. We are well and happy. Remember you said Edgar's dead right? Now don't worry okay."

"Mom what's going on?"

"It's nothing Kayla. It's all started the moment your dad died."Susan replied."Leila has this weird condition. She had witness such a scary scene and it had made her overthink at times especially when no one believes her or when she feels alone."

"What!? She's having a trauma? All these years? No wonder you always have time for her. You should have told me."

"You wouldn't understand Kayla."She said and focused on Leila and gently touched her hands."Leila please calm down. "

"She's not going to listen."

"Kayla!!"Susan scolded and continued.

So because of Zenith, Leila is like this? After all he did you still decide to follow him. What world are we in? The killer of our dad is the cause of all this and here you are overthinking about him.

Kayla was bored and the scene was too much. Out of anger she shouted Leila's name to at least bring her back to the present.....and it worked.

"Do you think we all wanted this to happen? Do you? Don't think that you are the only person suffering here. No. Why? Cause you are not the main character here."

That really sounded like nails to her and it made her raise her head.... speechless .

"Don't worry about the past. Move on."She told her indicating that she was referring to Zenith especially and not Noah.


"I think I've done my part mom."She cut her off."She didn't want the soft way so I used the hard way."

"Kayla Myers Yoliswa!!"

Susan mentioned and that made Kayla surprised.


"Get out."

And with that, Kayla excused herself.

"Don't mind her."

"No it's okay. I have been thinking a lot lately."

"You get some rest."


In the evening...

"Seriously mom still hides things from me."Kayla told her friend, Stephanie."

"Relax Kayla maybe you mom knows why. I think she's doing this to protect her."

"Thanks for the advice Steph."

"Greet your friend, Ezra."

"Okay.....Bye ."

She cut the call."Yeah. I will."


Lucy all alone in her room stared at the ceiling."Is it now over?"She asked."Finally that demon is no more."

"Why? You want him back?"A voice asked and she immediately turned.

"No...."She laughed and went to him."Tyson."

She turned and there he was, standing at the balcony with his hands in pockets staring at the sky.

"Lucy. Been a while."

"Yes. It has."She replied a bit shy."But what are you doing here? At this time?"

"I came to see you."


"Of course."He said and held her hands."I have good news. Zenith will be crowned tomorrow night."

"Really? Leila must have been happy."

"I'll come at this time tomorrow to pick you."He told her.

"But I can't wear....."

"Don't worry about that. Once we get there, you'll see."

She smiled upon hearing that."Thanks Tyson. "She hugged."See you ...."

And with that,she closed the gate leading to the balcony and waved and then let lose of the curtains.

"Yes...."She screamed silently and threw herself on the bed."Finally I can see him. Thanks Zenith."

Tyson who was still at the balcony smiled. "Mortals..."