
Quest of Battle

When hope is almost lost,the fear crawls out. When lights fades away, darkness rules. For the possibility to trust an immortal is very low but its ability to fear it,is relatively high. Will Leila Yoliswa,a half-African trust immortals to save her mother and recover the secret to her father's mysterious death or will she face the consequences alone. And will Kayla Yoliswa on the other hand as Leila's younger sister hate her and seek for revenge? Things will occur and the world will ask questions. For many are called but only few are chosen to win the battle. This unveils a world of love, romance, adventures, hidden secrets and death. For this not the end,but the beginning of a lifetime.

Rai_Se · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 138

All these questions started to form in his head and he took his one last glimpse of Kayla and vanished.


The next day...

Leila got herself ready and started preparing food for the family.

Kayla came downstairs tirelessly holding her neck and look she had on her face made Leila worry.

"Are you okay?"She asked."You didn't sleep much did you?"

"Yeah."She said and sat on the table.

"Okay....."Leila doubtfully agreed as she focused on her cooking. She had something else ij mind about Kayla's tiredness but that was what she could not fish out.

Once Leila was done,she came to Kayla and gave her breakfast. As Kayla busily ate, Leila noticed the mark on her neck.

"What's that?"

"What's what?"Kayla asked trying to hide what Leila was processing in her mind.

"Your neck. Did you hurt yourself?" She asked worriedly.

But there was no response.


But she didn't think of minding her sister.

"He came."Was all she said to at least bring her mind to what she was talking about."Ezra came."

At least she stopped for a moment and continued eating.

"Look Kayla..."

"Leila please..."She angrily cut her off as she stamped her clenched fist on the table."I'm eating."She said."Yes Ezra came last night and do not think we did foolish things like you Leila. We just had....a talk. A serious one. You see the mark is....a farewell goodbye or something like that."


"Ah. I should be the one asking you questions Lei."She silenced her."You and Zenith did some foolish things two days ago. Or am I lying."

That really shocked her to the ground."What are you talking about?"

"Seriously?"Kayla giggled and drank some water."Well let me tell you. I was so bored but relieved after Edgar's death so I decided to go to your room and have a girly talk with you till morning. I thought you were asleep so I decided to head back but I still wanted to see if you were actually sleeping. But one curtain didn't fully cover your window so I peeked at the small space and what I saw almost gave me a heart attack."

Leila was just speechless hearing that. Could Kayla tell Susan about that? She asked.

"I acted normally that next day so as not to ruin the festival of joy. At least that was nice. But don't worry Lei. I will not tell mom."Kayla assured her of that."Just pray that you don't get sick after that."

What she said looked like a threat to Leila.

"You saw everything."

"Hm. But to my surprise it was as if the room was muted. That was when I knew it was none other than Zenith himself."

"Kayla promise me you won't say anything about that after."

"As I said."And with that Kayla placed her hand on Leila's."I won't say a penny. I can't believe I'm saying this but ....you went through a lot for me. It's about time I do something in return for that. I promise."