
Quest maker

Born in Canada on the date of August 1, 2005. Manuel likes reading novel books especially the game genre. He especially likes being an NPC. Creating a quest for travelers and such. He dreams of becoming an NPC who can give a unique quest for any traveler. But one day his dream came true. He died in a very unfairly. the way that humans can't comprehend. The pain all over his body being rip apart then regenerated by a mysterious mand or entity for an hour. Then the power that killed him made him reincarnated as an NPC. On a game world. He had a system that helps him create a quest for travelers like his wish. the world of mystery full of mystery and Possibilities. He was born being the lowest of low. But slowly came on top and became the strongest NPC of all time

Microwar · Games
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27 Chs

Killing Alpha wolf

James stared at a distance and seeing a shadow of two-person running from a dog-like creature behind them. "there's the bait, I am grateful to you guys, Thank you very much" James said while thinking. 'Well, they will never hear me from here so ill say thank you later on. If they survive of course'

After a while, James now could hear the shout of these people. "I'm very sorry I need to drop the vines right on top of you people. I pray for your survival" James said getting ready to trigger the trap right on top of the seemingly berserk wolf.

"Go faster! Hurry" Said Vince while Alex was getting lag behind. "You slow down I'm a fighter, not a runner," Alex said with a shout. "Just go damn your big body why didn't you put anything on your agility? At least one point should do" Said Vince with frustrations.

James heard all of this and smile wryly "I probably shouldn't say sorry yet. Just in case of something they might do to me hehe" James laugh awkwardly. 'Hope they forgive me, Well let's just give them something they want from any of the drops.

When they were right bellow James triggered the trap right on top of Alex, Vince, And the wolf. "What is this?? Hey! Let us GOOOO!" Shouted Alex while trying to get out of these thick long vines. But It just makes things worse.

"Stop what your doing your making things worse!" Said Vince with an annoyed expression. They were both trying to get out of the vine. And they have forgotten the wolf right behind them. *Grrrrr*

They both heard a growl right behind them and slowly turned around. Both their face paled and started to use their weapons. But the vines weren't so easy to cut. They were a lot stronger and thicker than the earlier one that traps Alex.

The wolf tried to kill them by stretching his paws and striking with its claws. But it always misses by just a hair. "Just move forward even with the vines," Said Vince fusing himself forward. He felt the cold sharp feel right behind him inch by inch getting closer.

"HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" Vince shouted trying to go get the hell away from that wolf. Alex saw this and became anxious he saw the sharp claw right behind Vince and also feels it. He is stronger than Vince so he was a little bit faster than him.

"Come on I don't want to be eaten just yet. I don't want to see the god of war just yet" Alex said getting a little bit stronger and further from the claws. They both tried bot eventually they both got hit on their back and got push a few feet forward.

Vince's health was now [34%] of his overall Hp. While Alex was [58%] of his overall Hp. Vince coughs up small amounts of bright red blood while Alex just moans in pain. "Vince are you ok?" Alex asks Vince with a concerned tone. "I...I'm fine are you??" Vince said with a painful tone on his voice making Alex was a little anxious.

"Hey you guys ok down there" James shouted at them with an innocent smile on his face. "What do you think? Help us!" Alex said with some anger on his face. "Ok... Be right down" James said jumping down from the tree. He held the dagger pointing at the head of the berserk wolf and use Backstage because of its ability.


[Backstab (Active)

tier: Common

Description: Anything could go wrong. Just backstab him if needed. Silent but deadly

(Active Ability): Stab the target and dealing 30% of the user's damage. The faster your agility or the level of the skill the more damage dealt.


He hopes that the speed was enough to give him that extra damage to kill the wolf with a single strike. In James' knowledge, the berserk state heightened your attack and speed but lower your defense. In Vince's knowledge, berserk and Alpha morph were almost the same it's just the defense was only lower by a minimum amount. But only when it's a complete alpha.

James landed right on top of the wolf's head and stabbing his dagger right on ts head getting a critical strike. The wolf howled in pain but it wasn't dead yet. The skill brings down its Hp to [35%] of its original health. "Who It's more powerful than I thought. I only took [65%] of its health using his dagger.

The wolf became angry and throws James away a few meters. Landing on the ground he once smiles became upside down. "really wish I killed that wolf first then having this trobles" James was left with [82] Points remaining on his Hp. "Ahh, I forgot the neckless" James said quickly getting neckless in his inventory and equipping it.


[You have equipped the neckless of a beta wolf.]

[Neckless of the beta wolf

Tier; Uncommon

Description: Made from the body of a beta wolf who has killed innocent people. For every one innocent person, he killed. His claws grew stronger.

{Skills: Demon wolf modified - Will morph you into a werewolf as many times as how the beta wolf killed innocent people.

Demon wolf form: Grants the user the ability to morph into a werewolf. Giving double his stat.


Restrictions: Can only be used at night}

Attack +6]


James looks in the direction of the sun and seeing that it was almost nighttime he smiled. "Just a little bit more," Said James and look towards Vince and Alex. "Hey buy me some time and ill handle the wolf. Just until night time" Said James to the duo.

Alex looks at him like a mad man. "ARE YOU CRAZY?!?!? YOU ALMOST GOT US KILLED AND YOU WANTED US TO HELP!!" Alex shouted at the top of his lungs good thing no one heard him. "Come on if you don't help all of us will die anyway," James said with an evil smirk on his face.

"Do what he said" Vince said to Alex. "Bu.." Before Alex could speak Vince cut him short. "JUST DO IT IF YOU WANT TO LEAVE ALEX JUST DO IT!" Vince shouted with the energy he had left. "Well fine," Alex said with an irritated tone in his voice. "Then thank I thank you. Now you smart ass you know you can just tune down the sensitivity so you won't be dizzy right??

James said to Vince. Vince look at him and his setting. He adjusted his sensitivity and felt much better. "Hey your right," He said while getting up from the ground. Alex also followed suit and got up from the ground. "Good now go distract it its almost free," James said hiding in some bush.

They handle themselves until the sun finally goes down. When the night strikes James his eyes glowed bright red. His body started changing his eyes became that of a predator. His fingers grew longer and thicker his teeth became fangs and sharper. His whole body became double its size in a matter of seconds. "ROAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!"

James Road on top of his lungs making the howl from the wolf sound like a mouse against a tiger. It echoed trou the forest and into the ears of the players who quickly went toward the noise. Lucky for James some of the players were either low in stamina or mentally fatigued. It will take them 30 minutes to get where was James was enough time to kill the wolf and getaway.

Both Vince and Alex stiff at the appearance of James. He looks like a majestic werewolf from the movies very well defined. His hair wave like water in the winds. His eyes could kill on sight. "Well, It didn't hurt at all. I thought it would sting or something" He felt it all his strength had doubled.

"Looks like my dagger will just hinder ma back I should just use my claws," James said throwing his dagger on his inventory. The berserk wolf now didn't care about the two and face James alone. James helps also double making his health almost as before or over it.

*Roaaaaaaa* "ROAAAAAAA!!!" They both roar at each other and charge. The wolf jump in the air followed by James. Their front paws/hands met each other making a shockwave and send Vince and Alex a few feet back.

"looks like we evenly match wolf," James said pushing the injured wolf a few feet. James pushed the wolf back on its back and use the skill assault the ribs of the wolf. It was a clean hit on the wolf's ribs but the wolf counted back by biting James' left shoulder.

They both howled in pain. "Damn my pain receptors in on the max. So this is another downside of power. I need to finish this quickly" James said using his speed to his advantage and use the skill backstab on his claws targeting the wolf's head.

The wolf's claws manage to hit James but James continued to use his skill on the wolf. The wolf looks panic and tries to evade but it was too late. James' claws meet the claw's head completely tearing it apart. James Hp now brings downs to [1;3] of his health ."Finally done" James said transforming back to his human form.

Alex and Vince slowly came towards James and spoke. "That was new so what now??" Vince sai to the injured James. "Well, I need the wolf's corps for a quest so ill give you a part of the reward what do you think??" James said storing the wolf on his inventory.

Vince smiled at his answer. "Yes, sure that sounds fair enough," said Vince with a happy expression on his face. "Well, let's go then. We need to hurry before he changes his mind" So they left and went towards Manuels house.


"Where is it did you see it?" In the dark players started to appear and slowly surround the place. "It's not here" "Also not here" "Maybe someone already killed it?" "No, keep searching," A player said before they scattered.



Read the Author's thoughts!! If you don't it's fine. *WARNING SPOILER*

Hello everyone hopes you have a wonderful Christmas. I Know that I'm now supposed to post a chapter today since it's my break well ill have to move my break tomorrow as Ill take a leave for 2 days. Well just want t let you guys know that.

The real start of the story will be in the next chapter.

Spoiler: "Land is now frozen"

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Microwarcreators' thoughts