
The Next Step

After a full week of popping into different houses, I finally settled down. I wanted to be really powerful because of dangers like Thanos so I started preparing. I used the power of the resurrection stone to summon some really famous wizards like the founders of Hogwarts and had them teach me. I also read a lot of books because think about it, I have books from 5 ancient families, I can't let this opportunity pass up. I wanted to learn sorcery in the future too, anything to give me an advantage. I've been thinking of names for a company that I want to start. Right now I have Peverel Corps, Black Enterprises, and Potter Industries.


~Time Skip~

It's been 4 years since I came to this world and it's been amazing. With the help of the wizards I summoned, portraits, instant mastery, and occlumency, I have more knowledge than basically every wizard I know from the books except maybe Dumbeldore and the Flamels. I also caused massive chaos in Britain by altering a sniper to takedown wards of any kind except mine and Hogwarts, mainly because that is also mine. I found death eater family homes and stole their whole libraries and anything valuable I could find. The Prophet went wild saying it was a rising Dark Wizard. No one would suspect the Boy-Who-Lived of course.

I met up with a few people though. I annulled Narcissa's marriage with Malfoy, reinstated Andromeda and Nymphadora Tonks into the family, and I also canceled Bellatrix's contract with the Lestrange's and then disowned her. I became close to the Bone's, Longbottom's, Zabini's, Davies', and the Greengrass'. I convinced the first two to go to the neutral faction.

In these four years, I've doubled my fortune. I also intensely studied wards and used that knowledge to strengthen my wards for all the properties. Including parselmagic ones. I even did the Merlin test to check how powerful I am.

1-50 = Mundane; 51-100 = Squib; 101-300 = Wizards/Witches; 301-500 = Warlocks; 501-800 = Sorcerer; 801-1000 = Mages. I got a 772. Dumbeldore has a 632 and Voldemort has a 675. He marked me as his equal that night and I've been growing ever since.

But now, it's time to go to school. I went off to Diagon Alley. I would've changed my appearance since I'm a metamorphagus but I decided to use my fame as an advantage. So after acting all nice to everyone and signing autographs, I finally bought my stuff and made it to Ollivanders.

I got the exact same wand as Harry's but when I went to Knockturn Alley, I got a staff. Elder and Yew wood with Phoenix feather, Basilisk venom, and Thestral hair with a Ruby in the center.

I also got Hedwig but named her Athena instead. I planned on hatching a basilisk then using blood magic to involve it into something more. That would be my familiar. I got back to Peverell Castle and did just that. I first waited for it to hatch, and then I used a ritual to add 'enhancements' to it. The Blood of a Hungarian Horntail and the fang of a Nundu. What came out is what I like to call, A Horntail Basilisk. Terrifyingly powerful, at least when it ages.

With all that out of the way, it was now time to go to Kings Cross.

Just like in the movies, Mrs. Weasley was shouting about Muggles. I saved that information for later just in case this was an evil Dumbeldore. On the train, Ron tried to speak with me but I never really liked him so I turned him down from the get-go. I helped Neville with his toad with the 'Accio' spell then invited him to sit down. Of course, Hermoine joined too, uninvited.

I don't know what to feel about her, to be honest. While she is very loyal and smart, she also trusts authority and rules too much & she is kind of a bossy know-it-all. I suppose I'll have to just see if I can curb those ideologies.

Anyways, Malfoy came too and this time I shook his hand even though I told him off for thinking he can tell me what to do. I never actually did state my stance on the whole Pureblood thing did I?

Well, I don't hate Mundanes. I respect knowledge, power, and skill most of all. Without them, the Wizarding World would die out. What I do hate about them is the fact that they try to change our culture. I know the Magicals are a bit behind in times, but that doesn't mean they should just come and discard our traditions.

Things like Yule becoming Christmas and Samhain becoming Halloween. This is why I think they should have a Wizarding etiquette and a real history class at Hogwarts. This is what I'll change.

So as we got to the sorting, I chose Hufflepuff. The idea being that they are immensely loyal, so if I win their trust I would have a quarter of the new generation behind my back. It also means that Gryffindor's wouldn't give me much trouble so I could make friends with some of them. The Puffs have a good relationship with the Claws already so it'll be easier to make some friends. And the Slytherin's would ignore me so I can talk to a few of the real Slytherin's in that house. Simple stuff really. And now, it's time to truly begin my quest for power.