

Okay, here's how it all started. My name is Leo, a 26-year-old genius. Avid fanfiction reader. Let me tell you how I died. There I was, minding my own business on a snowy day at Starbucks, sitting at a table by the window reading another Harry Potter Fanfiction. And then suddenly, I look outside and see a child running towards the road while a desperate mother is running after him. I begin to stand up to help out when I hear it. A huge truck speeding towards the child. Well, I was off like a bullet. The truck tried to break when it saw the child but it was snowing so it saw the child too late and the roads were icy. But before the truck could hit, I tackled the child out of the way. I ended up dying yada yada and all that stuff. Cliche, I now. But in my defense, it wasn't a bad way to go.

And now here I am, in front of a R.O.B., being given three wishes because the child I saved led the world to a golden age.

"So what are your wishes kid?" asked R.O.B.

"Well... I guess my first wish is instant mastery. My second wish is for an inventory." I said.

"Reasonable... and your last wish?"

"I wish to be reincarnated into the Harry Potter universe mixed with the PJO and Marvel Universe."

"Hmm, a unique request but doable. Now begone!" R.O.B. yelled.

And with that, I was on my way to the next great adventure.


When I woke up, I was a little disoriented but almost as soon as I steadied myself, I got an influx of memories giving me a massive headache.

Turns out I was reborn as a 7-year-old Harry Potter. Obviously proven by the abuse by the Dursley's and the accidental magic. Changing the teacher's hair color, shrinking a sort I didn/t want to wear, and teleporting.

So with all that over with, I sat on my bed and decided on my next course of action. The first step is to find a way to get to Gringotts. I can claim my lordship there and then wait till I'm 11 before I claim my Lordship due to the End-of-Line Clause. I will be able to move into whatever property the Peverell's have. Easy enough.

Since it was already past midnight, I decided it would be best to start now since everyone is asleep. I got off the bed and snuck into Vernon's room. I took all the money I found. They tormented me, it's the least I could do.

With that, I snuck out to a store, only after destroying their garden of course, and purchased a map of London and bus routes. With a quick thank you to the store clerk, I made my way to the bus stop. When the bus finally came, I took it to Charing Cross and then to the Leaky Cauldron. Stepping in, I was filled with anticipation. This is, after all, one of the most iconic places in this universe.

I got Tom to open up the passageway for me then walked into Diagon Alley, I'm as amazed as any person would be when they see all that magic but I quickly get over it and head to Gringotts. Walking to the teller, I wait patiently till he asks me in his grumpy voice what I wanted. He asked my name and then when I told him, said he needed confirmation. We then went to Griphook's office since he is the potter account manager.

After we got through the greeting I took an Inheritance test and the results were shocking.

Name: Hadrian James Potter

Birthday: July 31, 1980


Mother: Lily Jane Potter nee Evans

Father: James Charlus Potter


Godfather: Sirius Orion Black

Godmother: Alice Elizabeth Longbottom nee Fortescue

Heir to:






Luckily, so far it seemed I wasn't dealing with an evil Dumbeldore. Needless to say, I claimed these Lordships. I combined Potter, Gryffindor, and Peverell and left it under the name Peverell. I did the same to Black and Slytherin and left it as Black. I also changed my name to Hadrian Black Peverell. After claiming the Peverell lordship, the Elder Wand, The Ressurection Stone, and the Invisibility Cloak, all appeared in front of me then merged into my very soul. I vowed to find out what that meant at a later time.

After that shock, I warned the Goblins about Horcruxes and the one in the Lestrange vault. They were skeptical but they still didn't want to take any chances just in case I was right. When they did find the Horcrux, I was awarded 15% of the money in the vault and all the books and artifacts which I stored in the Black Vault. I took the Hufflepuff cup (still a Horcrux) too and stored it for later usage. I also invested in a lot of businesses. I had to do it really discreetly because I know organizations like SHIELD would be suspicious of money coming out of seemingly nowhere.

I also found out that 1 Galleon equals £250. I had roughly 116 million Galleons in the Black Vault and about 165 million Galleons in the Peverell Vault. So technically, I had £70,250,000,000 pounds or about $96 billion. Yup, I'm filthy rich.

And you know what's crazy? I own Hogwarts. Not only am I the hire of two founders, but it turns out that the Peverell family gifted Hogwarts castle to the founders. Of course, they only did that because they moved into a bigger and better castle but it's still mental.

So after that shocking news, I decided to go and visit my properties.

I currently have:

12 Grimmauld Place

Blackthorn Manor

Potter Cottage (Godric's Hollow, which I now technically own)


Peverell Castle

Potter Manor

So with all that, I apparated to Grimmauld place. Instant mastery is bliss.

Please do tell me what you would like me to improve.

Marvel_Olympiacreators' thoughts