
Queendom of blood and vengeance

Would you like to be THE Queen? Forbidden love, betrayal, corruption, intrigue, and war... In the struggle for power, no one has clean hands. Bachué was born poor and dark-skinned. In this world, being born dark-skinned means that she will die without the possibility of a better life than one of misery and bigotry. Until she is presented with the opportunity that will change her life forever ... start a journey to become THE QUEEN of all Alba Terra. That way, she will influence to change the lives of millions of dark-skinned like her. However, in order to achieve absolute power, she must defeat her enemies, but to do so she has to stop being the naive girl she's always been. She must learn to manipulate, lie and betray and get her hands dirty. After all, in the power struggle, no one has clean hands.

LuchinSilva · Fantasy
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113 Chs


Hello, fellow Webnovel readers. I have some super news that I want to share with you: last week I signed a contract with Webnovel, so I am officially a contracted author and Queendom will soon be premium.

I am aware that some may not like that free stories become premium, and I understand and don't judge them. However, I cannot miss this opportunity because it represents the possibility of making this my job.

Generating income from Webnovel would allow me to publish chapters more often. Can you imagine chapters of Queendom every day? That's what I'm aiming for. More and better content for you my readers.

With income, I could invest in character illustrations, cell phone wallpapers, prints, and other things. And why not, maybe even a webcomic.

I'm excited about the possibilities with Queendom. For that, I need your help. I would appreciate it with all my heart if you help me by following this novel, sharing it on your social networks, and recommending it.

I still don't know from which chapters the novel will be premium, but whatever the decision, there will still be free chapters (the first ones).

Queendom of Blood and Vengeance will return in february.

Thank you so much for your support.