
Queen Of The Wolf King

On a rainy night, Emma was raped by depraved men. To escape, she ran into the "Ghost Forest", a place known as the hiding place of the devil. Emma thought she had died at the hands of brutal men, but in the end, she was saved by the Wolf King. Returning home, Emma and her boyfriend Philip eagerly prepared the best things for their wedding. But unfortunately, during the celebration party, she was possessed by a strange man. Emma painfully broke off the engagement and fled to another city. But the demonic man still clings to her, gradually using his power and cruelty to bind Emma, ​​not giving her a chance to escape. What's more terrible, on his neck he also wears a jade necklace, just like the Wolf Queen who saved her life last time. The horrifying secrets of his identity are gradually being investigated by Emma. But she didn't know that she and he had a contract binding fate, not to be able to escape...

JiMin13_ · Urban
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4 Chs

Chapter 03: Attack between the giant python and William

The big python quietly moved behind Emma. Her hands clenched tightly, stiffly, her eyes slightly narrowed because she was too excited. Emma silently assessed the distance from the position she stood nearest to the other side of the stream, about six meters long. If she put all the speed to run fast, certainly still could not keep up. However, Emma never died in this python. She braced up, then ran away. The python had not yet prepared the attacking posture, taking a few seconds to slow down.

Shortly thereafter, it discovered that the prey had fled, immediately bending the long, frantic body chasing. Emma could not pick up her clothes, plugged in her neck. The fragments of rocks cut off her soles.

Garbage flesh, extremely painful, but Emma refused to give up. She heard the sound of the insane python chasing closely behind. Its flaky skin continuously rubbed against the rock, forming extremely jarring sounds.


Emma fell to the ground, pain cut her lungs.

Just then, the big python crawled over, raised his neck, and stuck his tongue into Emma. Emma quickly grabbed a big cheek stone, throwing all the force. The python could not avoid it, got a rather painful blow, and immediately hissed. Emma leaned back to the right, fortunate to avoid a dangerous attack. But her strength was too small, not enough to resist the attacks of the python.

The python went crazy and threw the person back to Emma again. Emma could not avoid it, was struck by the python, then wrapped her body tightly inside. Emma felt that the entire bones were gradually breaking. The force that the python acted on her was so great that Emma's chest was about to explode.

Emma scratched the python with her hand, but its skin was too thick, all her efforts were to fight with eggs. In a moment, Emma thought herself once again about to die. However, at the same time, a shrill sound rang out.

Howls of wolves!

The howls filled with power, tearing through the cold night. From the darkness, William rushed forward, jumping on the python, baring his sharp teeth, frantically biting. Each piece of red meat was quickly torn by William.

The python tilted his neck screaming, the moment the force Emma squeezed was also relaxed. Emma took the opportunity, quickly flowed down, and crawled into a large nearby tree trunk.

William still refused to let go of the python. His eyes were blue, narrowed, and filled with wrath and hatred. The body of the python was bitten, fresh blood-drenched. Although it constantly used its tail down, it still could not stop William's strokes. In the end, the python had to give in, frantically crawling and running away.

William gasped, his gray fur was also dyed red. It walked closer to Emma, rolling her eyes at her. After determining that Emma was safe, William was assured to go to the stream. It threw its head into the cool water, trying to wash away the filthy blood clinging to body. Emma hobbled behind it, trying to pull the filthy thin fabric to cover her body.

Just like that, a person, and a wolf walked side by side, returning to the familiar cave together. After that time, Emma did not sleep. She sat on her knees on the counter, trying to return home more and more intensely.

Emma looked towards William, sadly saying:

"Let me return. William, I know you can take me out of this forest. "

William lifted his ears but showed no attitude.

Seeing that, Emma became even more impatient. She ventured to go, gingerly gently stroking it. William growled in his throat but never dodged. The necklace worn on its neck glowed slightly, creating a very cold feeling.

"Please, I want to go home."

A stream of salty tears gently rolled down Emma's cheeks.

"G ..."

William howled to the grave, using his front legs to push Emma, making her lie on her back.

Its powerful body enveloped her small body, like a powerful man. William glared down at Emma. She gasped, scared when she thought of the scene where she was about to be eaten by William. But very soon after that, William released Emma again. She adjusted her collar and stood up unsteadily.

The sun came soon.

Emma fell asleep.

At that moment, William sat quietly beside her, his deep blue eyes were complicated. Emma doesn't know how long she slept.

Waiting until she woke up, a strange scene caught her eye. Emma was lying in the hospital room, all over her body were bandaged and tangled. Beside her, Philip was furrowing his eyebrows, his attitude was extremely worried. Emma gasped at him, not sure where to start.

She just expressed her desire to return home with William, who thought this wolf had met the request. Seeing Emma awake, Philip was extremely happy.

He shouted, gripped her hand, and touched loudly:

"Thank goodness, Emma, I finally regained consciousness. Doctor, doctor, she woke up. "

"Philip, what's going on?"

Emma asked tiredly.

Philip kissed her forehead, gently narrating the whole thing. After the police extracted the camera and discovered Emma was chased by the other two men to the ghost forest. Philip and the police searched her along the forest but only saw the parts of the human body bitten.

Emma knew it was caused by William's wolves. But she did not speak, just silently listened.

"As soon as the police wanted to give up, a member of the search team discovered that he was collapsed on the edge of the forest. That position you have searched many times but did not find. "

Emma pensive for a while.

Surely William waited for her to sleep and carried her on her back, then brought her back to this position. Turns out, wearing the guise of fierce, William is even more kind than people. Emma just wanted to sit up, Philip stopped her hand.

"You should take a break. My health has not recovered yet. "

Emma obediently lay still. Suddenly remembering something, she tiredly asked Philip:

"My parents ..."

"I informed them. But maybe… "

Emma smirked.

Turns out, her position in her family is not even a wolf ...