
Queen of NPCs

Maria was an avid gamer. When she received a lucky coin from a stranger, her life changed. She found out that she could really utilized the lucky coin in the real world, so she took advantage of it. (Who wouldn't?) When she got her hands on the new Virtual Reality game capsule, she was accidentally booted out from the game. She was put to a coma. Surprisingly, her adventure has just started. Follow Maria on her journey to the fantasy world. TEMPORARILY, I STOPPED WORKING ON THIS NOVEL TO MAKE WAY FOR A WEBTOON. Please check out my Webtoon "Queen of NPCs." (This is an original work, so be kind. - Author)

UnoCustodio · Fantasy
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22 Chs

The First NPC Encounter

Maria saw an NPC standing near the gate of the village. She was familiar with NPCs. They were non-player characters in the game. They were appointed with supporting roles like giving quests, helping with quests, etc. Others were just standby characters like guards near the town. Some of the negligible characters had the same responses when you talk to them. They usually had a white name tag above their heads. But in the Inheritance Kingdom, only an emblem is found on the back of their hands. It was very discreet. It would be hard to tell if they mixed in with players.

However, since she was playing offline, naturally, all the people there were obviously just NPCs except for player Maria with an ID of Blumock.

"Hi. You look worried. How may I help you?" asked Maria to the first NPC she met by the gate.

"Yes, please. I lost my key somewhere and I can't find it. Can you help me find it for me?"

[You found a hidden quest. Do you want to accept it? Y/N]

"A hidden quest right away. Is this normal?"

On the other hand, if this area were a busy area full of players, the first thing a noob player would do was to enter the town. One would not pay attention to that NPC at all. "Unmistakably, I easily spotted the NPC since no other players are walking on the same path. And I am not in a hurry to enter the town."

[Quest Accepted]

"Thank you, honourable one. It is a gold key with ornaments of a double heart. You will easily recognize it. Once you find it, please return it to me at the gatekeeper's headquarters and look for Eagle Eye. Your reward will be waiting for you."

[Quest Reward: Bronze Key x 1, Affinity + 10]

"Hmm... this bronze key would be a key to something great, right? It does not specify what the key's for. Maybe a treasure chest with unique items? Hehehe." Maria felt good at that thought.

After the NPC left, Maria looked in the bushes to find the key. The key is nowhere to be found. "Aah... just as I thought. Since this is a hidden quest this won't be an easy quest to solve. Maybe he just forgot it in his house." She decided to look for it later and went through the gate.

[You have entered a beginner's town, Argos.]

She looked around. The streets were paved with cobbles. It was a medieval type of town. The structures were well built but looked old. She could see that there were several NPCs walking by the fountain in the middle of the town. There were also carriages and guards patrolling the area. "Nice. Who would have thought that I would walk in a street like this? Good thing there are no other players here who would bully me coz I am acting like a country bumpkin right now. Hehehe!"

She's impressed with Peter's handiwork. "To make something like this is truly remarkable!" Maria went on sightseeing while saying her oohs and aahs.

Since she was a gamer, she was well-versed in the virtual gaming system. In a couple of trial and error, she was able to summon and un-summon her inventory, check her character profile, her skills, etc.

[Character Name: Blumock]

[Level: 1]

[Class: Fighter]

[Sub Class: None]

[HP: 15]

[MP: 15]

[STR: 5/ AGL: 1/ INT: 1/ DEX: 1/ DEF: 5]

"So, this is a generic level 1 stats in this game." When she researched the classes available, she chose a fighter class since it was the basic one for grinding. Since she was the only player in this game, she would be grinding a lot to level up. Plus, she couldn't find details on how to obtain a hidden class on the game forum. Of course, if a gamer found a hidden class, he/she would not discuss how it was obtained. It would be a player's utmost secret. So far only two hidden classes emerged in the game and they were rare classes.

Hidden classes had different types: rare, unique, mystical, legendary, and Pius. There were lots of hidden classes that were unexplored ever since the game was launched a year ago. So far, the highest level achieved was 59, based on the ranking she saw in the forum online.

"Okay, let's start by finding the town chief." This was the start of Maria's new adventure.


When Maria logged out from the Inheritance Kingdom, she found Peter in the kitchen. Peter was cooking something. "Smells good."

Peter glanced at Maria approaching and he smiled. "So, how was it? Is it to your liking?" He could already guess the answer based on her facial expression.

"Hmm..." she nodded. "It was pretty amazing! The graphics, the ambiance. It's totally perfect!" She's grinning from ear to ear while raising her thumb to Peter. "You are amazing, Peter!"

"Wow, what an exciting reaction coming from you. I am so pleased." He smiled back. "So, what level are you now?"

"Ha?" She coughed a little and cleared her throat before answering. "Level one."

Peter looked at Maria with curiosity. His eyes were laughing. "You spent three hours inside the game and didn't level at all?"

"Ah, that-- I just explored the town, you know, sightseeing is the best for noobs." She was felt slightly embarrassed as she saw Peter tried to hide his laughter. "It felt real, you know. So, I took my time to feel the ambience. It was like I was really transported to another world. Even the gravitational pull at the beginning was realistic." She sat on the highchair on the counter facing Peter who was cooking on the other side. "I found a hidden quest though." At least she had this achievement. She felt proud to get the hidden quest right off the bat.

"Oh? A hidden quest so soon? Interesting. I am also intrigued by the gravitational pull you experienced. Or maybe you were just sensitive just like how you are sensitive to bad odors." He picked up two plates in the cupboard and started plating the food. "By the way, which town did you start off--sorry I was helping myself with these," he said pointing to plates.

"I am grateful." She smiled. "I logged in Argos as my beginner town. I didn't get to choose though. It was automatic."

"I see. The beginner's towns were usually selected randomly, based on the user proximity in real life. That is if you didn't get to choose your town."

"So, you mean Asian users will probably get Argos as a starting point?"

"Actually, no. It was designed for players in the UK. There are five beginners' towns in Asia for random picks. Maybe you just didn't realize you picked Argos by accident." He shrugged his shoulders while he set the plate in front of Maria. "Just a trivia, Argos was the first town I created." He placed the other plate in front of him, then he sat on the high stool right next to her. "I am pretty surprised with your food storage."

Maria was impressed with Peter. "Yeah, I've stocked up." She lightly laughed. "I usually do it when I am embarking on a new game for my shut-in."

"That explains your pale colour. Although I know you like playing games, it is still healthy for you to go outside for fresh air everyday" He started to eat his fill. "You could get sick with that kind of lifestyle."

Maria followed suit. "Wow! This is absolutely delicious!" She spooned some more before continuing. "You really are a genius even in cooking. Are there things you can't do?" It was not a question but more of a compliment.

Peter smiled. "Thanks. But do not brush off what I have just said. It's unhealthy for you to just stay inside the house playing games. Maybe if I tell you a little secret, you will improve your lifestyle."

"I hear you. What is it that secret?" She paused while looking at him curiously.

"I created the Inheritance Kingdom with fitness in mind."


"Well, it means that if you are fit in real life, you will be more flexible in the game. The more fit you are, the more you become powerful in the game. Players will be encouraged to work out and train in real life to add more power in the game."

"I see. I will think about it."

Peter pinched Maria's cheeks. "Stupid, don't just think about it, start exercising or jogging outside. It's for your own good. But, aside from that, I want to ask you something." He suddenly looked serious. Peter collected the lucky coin in his pocket and pushed it on the table near Maria. "Can you explain what happened to this?"

Maria almost choked when she saw the lucky coin on the table. She swiftly drank water and cleared her throat. "W-what do you mean?"

"What? You look guilty and suddenly sweating." He faced Maria. "Tell me honestly, did you soak it in a solution?"

"No. I didn't do anything like that. If I tell you that after using it suddenly just darkened like that, will you believe me?"

"Impossible. Show me your hands."

She raised her hands to Peter, and he examined her hands. "Are you acidic or something?"

"No. My hands are not even sweating, see?" she defended.

He held Maria's right hand. Her hand felt warm and dry. He didn't let go rather enclosed it in his hand.

Maria blushed. (Why are we holding hands?!)

He noticed that Maria's left-handed when she was sketching in the park. He continued holding her right hand while eating. He smiled secretly. He didn't know why it warms his heart to sit beside Maria, and even felt right holding her hand. "Keep the coin for me in the meantime. I can't create it again, so it is precious to me."

Maria nodded. "Is there a mechanism inside that coin?"

"Yes. Although, I gave up building it further since it was not functioning."

She used the coin that's why the appearance changed but of course, she couldn't tell Peter since he would just say she's going bonkers again. She decided to just keep it a secret in the meantime. No one would believe her anyway. Definitely, she would share this information with him when the time is right. "Oh, by the way, what is your account number so I can transfer the money to you? And how long can I use the capsule?"

"Six months." He let go of her hand and got his mobile and sent his account number to her. "Also, during those times, I will visit your apartment from time to time to see if you fried your brains by playing too long in the capsule. Knowing you in a short period of time gives me an idea of how you spend your time playing games. Give me the combination of your door lock so I can enter."

(Wow. Why is he confident that I will share my combination lock with him?) However, she didn't feel threatened. In fact, she felt relieved knowing that someone will oversee her play the game. (What if I really fry my brains while playing? At least someone will know and rescue me, right?)

Peter watched Maria as she changed her facial expressions due to her thoughts. "Maria, let me ask you something. If Han-Jin Gaming Corporation found out about the capsule and demanded to give it up, what will you do?"

She hesitated. The capsule was not hers to decide. She looked at Peter. (But what if he stole it from Han-Jin?)

"No, I didn't steal it," he answered as if he could read her thoughts.

Maria blushed. "How-- Am I that transparent?" she thought.

"So? If I am not around and cannot be contacted and they are trying to get the capsule from you, what will you do?"

"I really don't know. It belongs to you, so I don't have the right to give it up."

Peter smiled and held her hand again. "Don't risk your life. Bargain instead. Han-Jin Gaming Corporation is a big company and they might do something that only powerful people could do, which may jeopardize your safety. Think about it, okay? Don't forget to always be in offline mode, that's the key. The capsule will only be traceable if it goes online. Worst case scenario, if they knock on your door one day, I am already giving you my consent to negotiate, but not to give up without any benefits. I won't hold it against you."

Maria nodded. The capsule will not be traced if she was offline. "Understood."

In the evening she pondered what Peter said earlier. Negotiate. (I don't think I have that capability with influential people. But what if I was cornered to do it? I better prepare for it. Should I ask Mr. Tan to teach me how to skilfully negotiate? He's skilled in that stuff. He's only easy when it comes to me because of Chloe.) She planned to reach out to Mr. Tan after three months so she will have a crash course on 'How to Negotiate 101' with him.