
Queen Of Hearts Is The CEO's, Mysterious Love.

"Some people love with passion like a blazing fire in their hearts whereas some keep the ocean of compassion inside theirs. The loss or defeat of one leads to another's destruction." For they had the best and worst of each other. In the nick of time, Lu Jianjun was puzzled looking at her. Is she for real? The bundle of a burden he owned was not the same anymore. It was as if her internal color and form were completely altered. Whenever he saw her she seemed different! Like a mystery for the brain but an answer from his heart. What will happen...Whether he can or cannot solve this mystery? This is a tale is about their separate path branching from ending towards the delightful beginning of fated love...

Surviving_17 · Urban
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132 Chs

Little Sincerity

The destination wasn't far away from GQ's building, as they reached shortly. Lu Jianjun took her to an exquisite shop that was reserved for VIPs with tight security she didn't have to worry about anything like in GQ's parking lot. 

As Li Na considerately shopped for Little Tiger, carefully choosing a variety of colors and patterns, Lu Jianjun also participated. Their choice was completely different and Li Na had to explain to him the reason for rejecting whatever he pointed to.

"Why not this?" Lu Jianjun asked pointing to another one.

For the nth time, Li Na rolled her eyes looking at him, " Stop it! Lu Jianjun! He's a four-year-old kid and not some office guy who would wear plain colors, look for something nicer which would make him look great, feel great. Yea, explore something great," Lu Jianjungave her side glance. These are the too notch designers cloth from kids fashion show and she rejects them all. What else he had to explore?