
Queen Kohra

The Kingdom of Ataliya has been ruled by the priestesses of Muni for over a million years. Queen Kohra is the chosen one and appointed when she reaches 18. The thing about her though, is that she's unwilling to chose a consort. Lesker is a scholar in the monastry of the god Burmi. He is chosen as the first consort for Kohra, the very stubborn queen. What happens when intelligence clashes and fate draws this unlikely couple together? Find out, in the legend of Queen Kohra. Volume 2: Era of Lesker Lesker has lost his memory and found himself in a mysterious place without anything to go on with. The only thing he remembers are his name and something he must find. How is he going to survive, restore his memory and find what he's looking for? Find out in the Era of Lesker

Greyworrld · Fantasy
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75 Chs


I should've done this a while back but here it is.

This story revolves around a series of characters in the same planet.

The first story is Queen Kohra.

The next story after that is Slave of the Sun.

After that is Mystery of the Cosmos.

The characters are consistent and the story points to one end. I hope you enjoy this imaginary universe. If you have any questions, you can ask in the comments below.

An additional note;

-The remaining two stories shall be put in another book.

-The other stories put there shall be addition stories or spin off of Queen Kohra.

Thank you for understanding.