
Queen Kohra

The Kingdom of Ataliya has been ruled by the priestesses of Muni for over a million years. Queen Kohra is the chosen one and appointed when she reaches 18. The thing about her though, is that she's unwilling to chose a consort. Lesker is a scholar in the monastry of the god Burmi. He is chosen as the first consort for Kohra, the very stubborn queen. What happens when intelligence clashes and fate draws this unlikely couple together? Find out, in the legend of Queen Kohra. Volume 2: Era of Lesker Lesker has lost his memory and found himself in a mysterious place without anything to go on with. The only thing he remembers are his name and something he must find. How is he going to survive, restore his memory and find what he's looking for? Find out in the Era of Lesker

Greyworrld · Fantasy
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75 Chs


{Third Person Point of View}

Lesker stirs from the floor and sits up, adjusting the crick in his neck. He saw a large stone head his way and he had no strength to avoid it. He could only watch helplessly as the stone threatens to crush him. Before he is hit though, the stone bounces off and hits another place in the temple.

He could finally see what was happening. The battle between Anak, Gunjar, and Intar. It had gotten intense and Anak was bleeding from all over. Gunjar wasn't any better as one of his arms was messing along with bits of his face, legs, and torso. He could only patch them up with Ice. Intar was in a worse condition, with both her arms gone alongside half of her face. The two were fighting with reckless abandon, putting Anak in a precarious situation.

He looked over to see Britta's scales on the floor like they were painfully removed. Of course more scales grew to cover them but it looked very painful. Eline on the other hand was missing huge chunks of fur and flesh everywhere but she could only heal herself to cover the wound. She used her power to occasionally heal the others.

Loidu was shrieking as she fired her water weapons rapidly at the two. They couldn't get a dent on her because she was entirely made of water but Lesker could tell they were hurting her.

He looked over to see the three royals fighting against the one being he despised most in life. They were holding their well, despite being overwhelmed by him. He could recognize the pupil dilations and the stripes on their skin as the curse. He only hoped nothing would happen to them.

He heard a loud crack and looked up. He saw Muni attacking a barrier that contained Kohra enveloped in bright light. His heart ached for her but he was too powerless. He couldn't do anything but watch. He tried standing and moving closer to the altar. He was able to move and avoid the watch of everyone and the debris they were throwing around to get closer to Kohra. If he was going to die, he wanted to die beside her.

"Lesker! What the hell do you think you're doing?" Anak hissed in this mind. Lesker clutched his head in pain and fell beside the altar. Beside his head was the second portion Kohra asked Anak to prepare. It finally clicked in Anak's head and he marveled on just how stupidly smart Kohra was.

"Lesker, the jar beside you, drink what is inside. Hurry" Anak instructed mentally and blocked a joint attack from Gunjar and Intar. His arms sizzled and he threw balls of flame at them from his throat. A dragon's breath was far more poisonous and powerful than their fireballs. He got the desired effect and was able to cover for Lesker.

Lesker struggled to hold the jar and down its content to the last drop. He felt nothing at first but crashed to the ground minutes later, holding his head and screaming in pure agony. He was in such severe pain that he began hitting his head on the floor repeatedly to get the pain to stop. Blood gushed from his head but the pain didn't lessen. He eventually passed out.

Thankfully his screams were drowned out by the barrier placed on him and the sounds of the battle. The fight going on outside was just as fierce. Kitari recovered a bit of her strength and sneaked into the temple with Atu.

Eri lead the army with great courage, cleaving down every enemy on her path. The path she had created was leading her straight to Jayar. None of the ordinary soldiers or knights went near to him, preferring suitable opponents. It was no secret that Jayar was one of the best fighters in the kingdom, rivaling only Eri, Jeir, and Kohra.

Jayar blocked the heavy sword strike coming from behind and came face to face with Eri. His hand vibrated from blocking her sword strike but it didn't deter him from striking back.

"Stop this madness Jayar. No one else has to die if you just surrender"

"You don't get it, do you? I can't"

"Why not? Tell me. Help me understand. Please Jayar. I can't phantom why you would want to betray your cousin, your sister and me"

"I'm also doing this for family"

"You mean...him?"

"Yes. My father"

"You lied to me Jayar. You told me you stopped speaking with him after he was exiled. Why Jayar? Why?" Eri demanded with pain clearly infused in her tone.

"I wanted to fulfill my father's last wishes. He wanted to be King but mother foiled his plans and banished him. He could never reach the outer parts of the kingdom because he was brutally murdered by his family. I watched him die. His last words were to make him proud and become king. I can't deny my father's dying wish"

"Jayar, my love, when did you become so stupid? You know what happened when last we had a king. The kingdom almost got destroyed! Now, you're making the same mistake all over again. And you're getting help from Muni?

She founded this kingdom to make sure women would rule. What makes you think she'll let you become king? How do you know she won't just slit your throat?"

"S..she promised....."

"The same person who almost killed Kohra and is endangering the lives of your family inside that temple. Jayar, please stop now and we can overlook this"


"I'll protect you. Surrender" she said those words with so much love, a tear dropped from Jayar's eyes. He nodded and dropped his sword.

"Your general has surrendered. Surrender now if you want to live. We will overlook this incident and attend to your grievances. You don't have to kill yourself for a foolish cause" her voice boomed around the battlefield again. She held her sword to Jayar's throat.

One by one, the men started dropping their swords. Not all of them were good fighters and Eri already promised they would not be judged too unfairly. They trusted her as she was a woman of her word. She smiled proudly and hoped Kohra could see her efforts.

"Eri, look out!" Anor yelled. Jayar brought out a dagger and raised it in the air. Anor couldn't run fast enough to save Eri while Eri could only stare as the dagger came closer to her. However, what he did next shocked them and broke Eri's heart.

"JAYAR!! NO!!!!" He stabbed himself in the chest. Eri's sword dropped at the same time he reached the floor. Her hand trembled as she watched the love of her life fall to the ground.

"Help! Somebody help me! I need a healer! Help!" she yelled till her voice went hoarse. They could only watch as tears streamed down her face. None of them went forward to help and she couldn't blame them. There was no way anybody could heal him, with what he stabbed himself with.

"Eri....Eri, stop"

"No, no, Jayar! You can't die! I won't let you die"

"I'm sorry"

"I know you are damn it so stay alive. Don't you dare fucking die on me!"

"It's a rare poison love, there's no cure. Oh Eri, you were right. I was so foolish. Please forgive me"

"If you knew I was right, why didn't you admit it sooner. You royals are so damn stubborn"

"Yes, yes we are. I love you Eri. Till we meet again, my love"

Jayar passed away.

As soon as this story ends, the official sequel, Slave of the Sun, would be fully uploaded. Thanks for reading

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