
Magic awakening

"Ah~ finally."

I finally turned 16 this year and now I am free to stop training. I can finally freely live like normal.

Today is also the day I will go to my high school for first time. Even though I have never attended elementary or middle school.

"Hey grandson, did you select which highschool you want to go to yet?" My grandpa said after teleporting inside my room without warning.

"It's Tian Lan magic school." I said.

"You sure? You could go to a much bigger school or a international school if you want."

"No. It's fine. I will go to Tian Lan school."

"Well... Your choice." He shrugged his shoulders and teleported away.

Seriously, this grandpa of mine, I never understand him.


I entered the school building and went to my class. I was assigned class 8.

Before you can go through magic training, you have to first recieve magic baptism.

The process includes placing your hand on a sphere and then the sphere will glow with a colour according to the element you awakened.

"Hahaha. Mo fan? Mu bai will definitely awaken a really strong element. Unlike you."

Distant chatter could be heard from behind. Mu bai is first in class and he was going to awaken his element. People were comparing him with mo fan.

I haven't met mo fan for 3 straight years. I wonder if he changed a bit. Personally, I don't care. He is going to awaken two elements now.

"Uh, Long Tianzhu? It's your turn."

I stood up and walked to the sphere after my name was called.

"Isn't he a transfer student? I wonder what he will awaken."

"I have even heard he is mo fan's friend. He might be trash as well."

"I don't care what he awakens. He looks so good. I will definitely ask him out later."

I placed my hand on the sphere that was chilling cold after mu bai awakened his ice element.

I felt my mind sinking in a dark ocean as soon as I touched it.




In the dark space suddenly a bright red Stardust appeared.

"Fire element? It's not bad but...I h-!" Before I was able to finish speaking, huge pressure weighed upon me and started crushing my body. I only lasted for a second but it was painful.

As I looked around again, I felt that pain was worth it. Around me, 21 Stardust clusters glowed brightly.

"Lightning, ice, demon, space, blood, sound... I awakened all the elements possible at once?"

I don't remember my talent in last life but I am sure I won't have been able to awaken all the possible elements.

Moreover, Stardust were not the only thing glowing in my spiritual space. Trillions of weapons were floating around in empty space. Each of them with unique shape and sizes. Some of them were so different that I doubt even my grandpa would be able to use them.

"What is this? Complete Infinity ga-gauntlet? What even is this?" Although many weapons were just floating around, I wasn't able to even touch many of them.

"Well... I will see them later."

I exited my spiritual scape.



As soon as I opened my eyes, the awakening sphere shattered into millions of pieces. Thankfully, due to some reason, the class was completely empty.

After a while everyone returned to the class. I announced my element as space and fabricated a story that the sphere exploded because it malfunctioned. Teacher reluctantly accepted my story.

Since the awakening sphere was shattered, the awakening was postponed for a day.

I returned back to a small villa my family gave to me. After I turned sixteen, I was moved out of the house. My grandpa has given me the permission to live freely for next 15 years but I can't use family's influence for anything I do. I will recieve my pocket money every month and Juan sect's head disciple position though.

There are 568 maids in my small villa and 97 Butlers. They are all under 12 head butlers.

The number might sound really big until you notice that in this small villa of mine, just the garden is larger than the whole Bo city.

Well anyways, let's focus on magic training for a while.

First thing to understand to start magic is deep concentration. If your concentration is weak, you can't enter spiritual space.

"Let's do it."

I said to myself and started concentrating.

Within a few seconds, I entered my spiritual space.


(A/N : hey, if you are reading chapters, please comment in the comments section. It's my only source of motivation in this soulless world. Thank you. )

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