

Lee had come to school with the ATATÜRK badge on his collar, and he put his right hand over his heart while our anthem was being sung at the morning flag ceremony. During the lunch break, we watched a football match with my efforts. Lee told me that as two different societies, we use the same words. The words tea and bazaar were also used by them. I also told about the wars between the Huns and the Chinese in the old years and the Turkish khans who married the Chinese princesses.

It's not easy to take a place in a student's life!

This is not a made-to-order action.

-Lee, a book I read impressed me a lot. While family members were sleeping like babies, I started reading philosophy books.

-What is the name of the book that impressed you so much, teacher?

The state from Plato.

Before going into the content of the state text, it is necessary to look briefly at the characteristic features it represents as a "literature" text, and to dwell on the question of what kind of text we are dealing with in terms of its structure. The period in which a text was written, the period of its publication, its publication period, its form, its special and general sources, its literary form, the purpose of writing, the result it reveals, its evaluation and reception, and thus the answers it tries to give the reader to the wide-ranging and long-lasting questions that concern us, etc. For this reason, if it is a modern text, the thing to do would be to dive into the archives, examine the memories and diaries of the author, and evaluate his criticisms and essays.

-It doesn't seem possible to say that this piece is modern, teacher.

Lee smiled.

- Where an Ancient text is concerned, it is futile to expect such "sources". On the other hand, sporadic sources are far from fully supporting the answers we seek. In addition, the texts that were at the center of the main questions that scholars and thinkers were looking for answers to at that time have been piled up so much over the centuries that it takes a great effort and time to even consider them from side to side. Therefore, it is necessary to know your limits in this regard; Being aware of the difficulties of completely consuming a text like the state and re-evaluating it today, I would like to mention some points.

We do not even have any proper information about the period and the period when the state text was written. When did Plato start to write this text, did he take a break from it; did he necessarily bring together the sections that were separate at first; Is the text we have today the product of a retrospective compilation?

The reader, who carefully watches the text, encounters formal and content distortions, even contradictions, and many deviations and deviations from the linear line of the narrative; If we want to go back and apply this measure of Plato, who argues that a scientific text should have a precise, logical construction, to his own text, we need to place the text on a certain main axis and set the "doctrine of Ideas" at the target; Indeed, to the extent that the author is sure to follow a certain line of development towards the "doctrine of Ideas", it is a long-standing approach to use this doctrine as a milestone, to divide the text into temporal layers, and to say that this chapter must have been written in this period for this reason. .

With this approach, three parts have been determined. The first part, which includes the dialogues of Socrates, who "knows nothing", and his three partners, who still shows an ironic attitude; The third of these people is the Sophist Thrasymakhos, moreover, the fact that the dialogue does not reach a clear conclusion, and that this section is generally divided into "concept definitions", has been interpreted as the "youth dialogue" character predominates in the general evaluation, and this part of Plato's, while Socrates was still alive, was written in Sicily. It is accepted that he wrote it either before he made his first trip, that is, in the first quarter of the 4th century. II., III. and IV. The view that the book constitutes a second whole as a chapter is dominant.

Plato describes the birth and structure of an exemplary state in these chapters; finds the definition of justice here; but in doing so he does not refer to the famous teaching of Ideas; this is remarkable; So, it has been said that Plato had not yet fully conceived and conceptualized the doctrine of the Ideas when he was writing this chapter. Therefore, it is not surprising that the teaching of the "immortality of the soul" is not included in the education of the guardians in these chapters. There is a widespread belief that this section, which has a pedagogical optimism that does not hide the youthful enthusiasm, was written at a very early period and published later.

For this reason, while the subject of women's ownership was discussed in Aristophanes' comedy Ekklesiazousai (In the Women's Open Assembly), staged in 392 BC, it is thought that Plato gave a comprehensive answer to this issue only in Book V.

-Was it possible for women to own property in ancient Turkey, teacher?

-I gave up buying property, they were not recorded in the census. Men and animals were counted. The testimony of two women and the equality of one man were equated. In both of our countries, women's rights are respected enough – even today.