

Is that why you're interested in genetic engineering? To dissolve the races of nations, Mr. Lee?

I think genetic engineering is the profession of the future.

Does software engineering have a chance? We live in the digital age.

-Software doesn't make me laugh, teacher. Stories that the person used to laugh at before suddenly gain a frightening power.

-You sounded like a philosopher, I'm reading a unique book these days.

A unique book

It is possible to say that this work of Plato is the greatest work among the "Dialogues". According to his own confessions, Plato could not find the opportunity for active political activities in his home city. In Sicily, where he went three times, he realized the impossibility of political activity under the tyrants of the Dionysian dynasty. The palace of father and son Dionysios was a tyrant, a "dictatorship" in today's terms. However, the belief of his master Socrates that this world cannot be evil in its essence was enough to determine Plato's relationship with politics. According to Socrates, this world could not be evil, because gods ruled the world, and gods could not be evil by definition.

-Then why is there so much evil we're going through, teacher?

-as a common idea, what is bad in the World is anti-god, which is material, tangible; In man, who also has a spiritual side, both "good" and "bad" coexist., Lee.

Since Plato also shared this opinion, despite his negative views on politics and his personal failure in this field, he was not someone who could give up hope in this world, believe in the impossibility of good and surrender; Like his master Socrates, he had to defend and protect the good and try to prevent evil as much as he could. In order to do this, of course, it was necessary to find the causes of evil in the first place. This search led Plato, again according to his own explanations, to the customs, customs and traditions of the society at the beginning of the road.

I'm ashamed to say this, but as a society, our traditions are representative of evil.

Honor killings are committed by the closest relative of the victim.

Sometimes the murderer is the father, sometimes the brother or the husband.

The government changed the status of honor killings, which is a good and late development.

Persistent pursuit became a crime.

In the Platonic period, how people behaved towards gods, their homeland and each other, what their motivations were, were questions that needed to be understood and that would enable us to get down to the source of evil.

Plato used the norms based on the four main virtues he identified long ago as a touchstone to measure people's erroneous attitudes towards these three institutions or authorities. At the beginning of these norms was acting like a man, especially towards the enemy; This feature was the essential feature of masculinity and was almost equivalent to arete, which means talent, skill, virtue.

Wisdom, cunning, and cleverness, which formed a pole against intrepidity, impulsiveness, and thoughtless behavior and called for caution, were the norms in the other group. In the face of the fact that the human character can easily lose his balance, easily lose his control, and get angry easily, self-control and measured behavior constituted another behavior principle. In the demand for self-discipline, self-control was understood as an ideal behavior. Finally, he had the ability to behave equally and measuredly towards himself, his passions and ambitions and towards other citizens. Recognizing to others what one sees as his right; This meant that, with an extroverted face, man had to dominate himself, his ambitions and passions, his desires to use power and power; In other words, to be fair. After these explanations, it is possible to say that the concepts of sophrosyne, which means careful and measured behavior, and dikaiosyne, which means justice and fairness, are quite close to each other for both Plato and the Greeks. Another behavioral characteristic must be added to the attitude and attitude to be taken towards other people. This is the respect, reverence and piety that should be shown to the "higher planes", the elders, the gods, the divine beings.

Later, Plato interprets this reverence and piety together with justice, hardly keeping it apart from it. These were more or less what Plato's list of behavioral norms demanded, in a way, what we might call his "virtues" by force, after a few "translations"; It is possible to find the first traces of the changes in the world of values or the reactions to them in Politeia.

Although courage, intelligence, cleverness, moderation, sanity, and being just seem to be the characteristics of human right behavior still valid in his days, the contents of these behavior styles have now become more debatable. For example, divine revelation, which is an absolute value, seemed to have been forgotten; also, hitherto taken from the literati or the tradition of the nobility.