
QT: The Rescue Of The Miserable Bigshots

In the novel, there are always characters who are strong, powerful, and on top of that have stunning appearances, but because of the plot arrangement and influence of the protagonist's halo, their endings are embarrassing and miserable. Jiang Jiamian’s mission is to save them. Jiang Jiamian: “It's actually very simple, just seduce and hook them up so that they no longer have time to follow the plot.” If the mission targets don't follow the plot, they can break free from the storyline and even avoid contact with the protagonist. But why do all those miserable bigshots seem to have gone crazy and turned dark all of a sudden?

latteectrie · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
134 Chs


"How can we distinguish between public and private matters?"

Jiang Jiamian asked.

Liao Yizhen looked at him deeply and said seriously, "Of course, I will continue to arrange roles for you. After all, you won it by relying on your audition ability. Chasing you is my private matter. But…" 

"But what?"

"But that role is indeed not suitable for you. I can tell you frankly that I will not arrange for you to shoot a relationship scene with an actress. Let me arrange the role that I mentioned later, the male lead in a detective drama." 

Jiang Jiamian smiled with crooked eyes, "Okay!"

The supporting role was replaced by the male protagonist. He had no reason to refuse, right?

And compared to romantic dramas, he personally prefers the subject of detective dramas.

"Then let go first, Mr. Liao." Jiang Jiamian lowered his eyes and fell on Liao Yizhen's hand which was still holding him tightly.

"It's already very late, I have to go back to the apartment." 

Liao Yizhen didn't let go, but grabbed Jiang Jiamian's wrist and followed him one step further, "Let's go, I'll see you off."

Jiang Jiamian didn't break free from Liao Yizhen, but sneered mercilessly, "Aren't you afraid of the two of us showing together tonight? The subject of my new scandal will be that I'm trying to seduce Actor Liao."

Liao Yizhen didn't explain much, just as he had pulled him away forcefully out again, "Don't worry when I do things."

He has been in the entertainment industry for so many years, how many fanatical fans and paparazzi have he never dealt with?

Is there any way to avoid the eyes of those people?

Jiang Jiamian quickly understood what Liao Yizhen meant when he said you can rest assured when he does things.

Liao Yizhen actually pulled him directly from the elevator to the underground garage.

In the underground garage, there are more than a dozen cars with widely varying prices.

The driver who had received the order when he went downstairs was already waiting there. When he saw Liao Yizhen and Jiang Jiamian appearing, even though Liao Yizhen was still holding his hand, the driver still turned a blind eye, "Mr. Liao." 

"Yeah." Liao Yizhen's eyes fell on a car that was not very inconspicuous, "Go…"

He just started to speak, but then he remembered that he didn't seem to know where Jiang Jiamian lived, so he stopped and looked at him.

Jiang Jiamian continued, "Building 9, Lotus Apartment."

"Well, let's go."

"By the way…" Jiang Jiamian finally couldn't bear it anymore after sitting in the car.


Liao Yizhen was a little confused.

Jiang Jiamian looked out the car window at the row of cars that gradually moved back in his sight as the car started. He couldn't help but shed some tears in the corners of his eyes, "You remind me of someone." 


"Just someone."

Liao Yizhen was stunned.

What is his relationship with that person?

Does he have many cars?

Liao Yi really thought about it quickly and heard Jiang Jiamian say, "In ancient times there was a person who in order to prevent the tombs of him and his lover from being robbed after death, built many tombs in one go. The true and false confuse the view. And you, in order to hide your whereabouts, bought so many cars. There are many cars with different prices, and you can sit in them interchangeably."

In the final analysis, it's all the behavior of local tyrants, which is very frustrating.

"Thank you, Mr. Liao, for taking me home."

The car stopped downstairs, and Jiang Jiamian opened the door and got out of the car.

"Won't you invite me to come in and sit down?" Liao Yizhen asked politely, but obviously, the purpose of sending someone home this time was not that simple.

How could Jiang Jiamian fail to see his little plan? He chuckled, turned around, waved his hand, and walked away, "It's too late, you have to wait another day!"

Liao Yizhen squinted his eyes slightly and subconsciously raised his head to look upstairs.

The building is not high, only five floors, but there are four households with lights on in the dark.

Only the third floor was dark.

Liao Yizhen curled his lips silently. It turned out that he lived on the third floor.

Liao Yizhen didn't say anything about going back, and the driver didn't take the initiative to ask. He sat quietly in the driver's seat and waited, as if as long as Liao Yizhen didn't speak, he could sit like this all night.

After about ten minutes, Liao Yizhen slowly said, "Go back."

"Yes, Mr. Liao."

The driver drove the car and turned around under the street light. Just as he was turning around, he suddenly heard Liao Yizhen's voice in the back seat, "Stop!"

The driver was startled and quickly stepped on the brakes.

Dong dong dong!

Not long after returning home, there was a knock on Jiang Jiamian's door.

Jiang Jiamian walked to the door in a few steps and looked through the peephole as a habit, but saw a face that disgusted him.

Ai Feng.

"Jiamian, Jiamian, open the door. I know you are at home. Can you come out? I called you but you didn't answer. Is there any misunderstanding between us? I can explain it." 

Jiang Jiamian sneered.

He opened the door suddenly, almost knocking Ai Feng down. When the door opened, he stood with his arms crossed and stepped on the door frame with no intention of letting anyone in. 

"What do you want to explain?" 

Ai Feng, seeing his face, couldn't help but frown, what's going on?

Jiang Jiamian didn't have this attitude towards him yesterday.

In the past, Jiang Jiamian was obedient in order to please him. Even after the scandal in the past two days, he was coaxed by his few words and took the initiative to confront He Lei... Today, he didn't answer calls all day long. 

Regardless of the phone call, he came to the door in person. Shouldn't Jiang Jiamian be like before, blushing and happily surrounding him when he saw him?

Why is this look on his face?

Ai Feng calmed down and put on a troubled face, "Jiamian, are you still angry about He Lei? I have already explained to you that it was all a misunderstanding. I have never made this relationship public, how come he became my official lover? I have always regarded you as my only lover."

Jiang Jiamian sneered, "Did you say the same thing to He Lei?"

This scumbag, where did he get the courage to come to him and say such things?

Bullying the original owner for caring too much about him, or is he afraid that he will be exposed at tomorrow's press conference, so he rushes to coax him?

In Jiang Jiamian's view, in fact, in this matter, the protagonist shou He Lei and the original owner of this body are both innocent. They are just victims of being deceived by Ai Feng, a scumbag who secretly has two lovers. 

The difference is that He Lei picked it out first, so the original owner, unfortunately, became the 'third party'.

And because he was not convinced, he challenged He Lei, and the more things he did, the more things went wrong, leading to a complete enmity with He Lei, and eventually he became cannon fodder.

In the final analysis, Ai Feng was the only culprit from beginning to end.

If He Lei hadn't accidentally discovered him and Jiang Jiamian and exposed them, this scum would have been kept a secret for who knows how long.

Ai Feng's expression changed. He didn't expect that Jiang Jiamian would be a little hard to fool in one day, "What are you talking about? Didn't I explain it to you? He Lei and I have nothing between us. He is so sentimental that he took my teasing words seriously and thought I was his boyfriend."

Jiang Jiamian sneered, "If that's the case, are you willing to go to the press conference tomorrow to clarify for me? And repeat what you are saying now."


Ai Feng was speechless, of course, he didn't dare.

He Lei could tell about their private relationship with him and the traces of their ambiguous interactions.

One reveal is accurate.

What bad luck!

How come it was discovered!?

Both of them are still in the ambiguous stage and haven't slept together yet. If both of them fall through, he will lose a lot this time!

"Don't you dare?"

Jiang Jiamian looked coldly at Ai Feng, who was almost unable to pretend anymore, "Of course, you don't dare. Because you are being sentimental by leaving the blame to He Lei, and people will be able to expose you in a minute. You are not here to explain everything, but you know that I will hold a press conference tomorrow, and you are afraid that I will also expose you. So I have to be coaxed, right?"

Ai Feng, whose thoughts were directly revealed by Jiang Jiamian, had a bitter look on his face. Suddenly he couldn't hold on anymore, and couldn't help but say soft words, "Jiamian, I'm sorry for you, it's because I was confused for a moment, can you give me another chance? As long as you don't say nonsense tomorrow, I will make our relationship public with you!"

"You don't deserve it!"

A cold and biting voice suddenly sounded in the dark corridor behind Ai Feng, startling him.

Then he saw a man in a suit with a stern face walking quickly, his cold eyes falling on him like two knives in the darkness.

Ai Feng's pupils shrank suddenly, Liao Yizhen!?

How come he is here?

Also being in the entertainment industry, it is of course impossible for him not to know the actor Liao Yizhen.

However, Liao Yizhen had no interaction with himself or Jiang Jiamian and had never collaborated on a drama. How could he suddenly appear outside Jiang Jiamian's house!?

Liao Yizhen's eyes fell coldly on Ai Feng's face, with an indifferent expression as if he was looking at a pile of smelly garbage.

As he was sitting in the car just now, he saw a figure entering the corridor. At that time, he felt something indescribable about that person, and as if out of some intuition, he suddenly thought of Jiang Jiamian.

Then he thought of another person involved in his recent scandal - Ai Feng.

So he quickly asked the driver to stop the car again and found him.

Unexpectedly, it was really Ai Feng.

"Senior Liao."

Ai Feng forced himself to calm down under Liao Yizhen's cold gaze.

Maybe, maybe it's just a coincidence.

Liao Yizhen looked away from him, as if looking at him again made him feel sick, "Stay away from Jiamian, otherwise, I don't mind letting you disappear from the entertainment industry tonight." 

Ai Feng felt a thump in his heart. Just now, he could comfort himself that Liao Yizhen's appearance was an accident, but with these words, he could tell that things were not that simple. "Did Senior Liao misunderstand something?" As he said this, he thought of something and gave Jiang Jiamian a hard look.

No wonder Jiang Jiamian was fine yesterday, but today his attitude towards him changed completely!

It turned out that he was hugging another man's thighs!

Who is he? He has the nerve to accuse him of flirting with two different people. Now he is seducing another actor behind his back!