
QT: The Rescue Of The Miserable Bigshots

In the novel, there are always characters who are strong, powerful, and on top of that have stunning appearances, but because of the plot arrangement and influence of the protagonist's halo, their endings are embarrassing and miserable. Jiang Jiamian’s mission is to save them. Jiang Jiamian: “It's actually very simple, just seduce and hook them up so that they no longer have time to follow the plot.” If the mission targets don't follow the plot, they can break free from the storyline and even avoid contact with the protagonist. But why do all those miserable bigshots seem to have gone crazy and turned dark all of a sudden?

latteectrie · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
134 Chs


"Who is it?"

A sound came out, and in the darkness, the person on him seemed to move slowly.

At this time, Jiang Jiamian finally woke up completely and suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

Not good! Only Yin You would dare to press on him like this!

But when he subconsciously asked the question just now, his act of pretending to be stupid might be exposed.

Damn it, he was in a daze just now, and someone suddenly pressed against him, so he spoke reflexively.

It's a pity that that tone should not be that of a fool.

In the darkness, Yin You, who had just pressed him down, paused for a moment, then squinted his eyes, and looked at Jiang Jiamian's face seriously, only reflected by the faint candlelight in the distance, "What did you say?"

With such a reaction and such a tone, could it be possible that this fool is just pretending to be stupid!?

But it shouldn't be.

That poisonous elixir was developed by a miraculous doctor. It was impossible for anyone to resist its effects. There was also incense behind it to make people sleepy and weak, and it was impossible for Jiang Jiamian to obtain the antidote.

Because the antidote can only be made by the miracle doctor himself.

After the miracle doctor gave him the things back then, he had already given him hush money and sent him outside the capital city.

Jiang Jiamian had no chance of meeting him.

So what's going on with him now?

Even if he was pretending to be stupid before taking the throne, how could he pretend to be stupid after being poisoned by him?

Jiang Jiamian quickly thought of countermeasures in his mind, and an idea came to him. While Yin You was still staring at him in the dark for interrogation, he burst out crying. He raised his hand and hammered Yin You's chest frantically, "Ghost... Ghosts, ghosts, ghosts, don't eat Jiamian!"

Yin You was staring at him, and was confused by his sudden cry and shouting for a moment.

The system took a look at him and said, "Host, he seems to have been confused by you."

Otherwise, with the strength of Yin You, could the host punch him several times without regaining consciousness or fighting back?

"Wuwuwu, don't eat Jamian, don't eat Jamian..."

As if he found that the 'ghost' wouldn't retreat even after hitting him, Jiang Jiamian pulled the quilt hard and covered his head, shivering hard underneath it.

System: "..."

Host, you shaking with such passion, aren't you tired?

Yin You was stunned for a moment, but he still felt that something was wrong with Jiang Jiamian's appearance when he first woke up. However, Jiang Jiamian's troubles interrupted his thoughts before he could think deeply.

His mind was a little confused for a moment, and Jiang Jiamian's appearance made him lose the desire to continue doing anything for a while.

He got out of bed with some irritation, quickly opened the door quietly, and walked out into the night, as if he had never been there before.

"Did he leave?" Jiang Jiamian, who was really tired from shaking under the quilt, finally breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the sound of the door closing.

Damn, this fool's settings are certainly a bit tiring.

"Out." The system replied.

Jiang Jiamian gently lifted the quilt over his head, took a deep breath of air, and subconsciously glanced outside, "Why do you think he suddenly came back just now?"

The system was also very puzzled and guessed, "Could it be that the host had gone too far before, or some detail was wrong, and he became suspicious, so he left on purpose, and then suddenly came back?"

Jiang Jiamian touched his chin, "Probably not."

Although he has never acted like a fool before, he also felt that his previous temptation was not too extreme… Right?

Not sure what he thought of, Jiang Jiamian raised his lips and smiled, rubbing his chin with his fingers, looking narcissistic, "Maybe he was aroused by me, so he couldn't help but come back and wanted to take advantage of me in sleep."

System: "..." Be more virtuous, host.

That Yin You had always been cruel and looked down upon the original owner. He only treated the original owner as a fool. How could be smitten with the host, after being flirted with once?

Anyway, the system doesn't believe it.

Besides, the host himself said that he planned to do it step by step, but it was impossible to get him right away.

Jiang Jiamian smiled and said nothing.

Yin You has always disliked casual contact with people, especially people he regarded as ants who could be crushed at will. That would make him feel dirty.

So if it was really just because of suspicion, how could he physically get so close to him, a fool who disgusted him from the bottom of his heart?

Can anybody still say he has no ideas about him?

Tsk, only a system would believe it.

"However…" Jiang Jiamian's face suddenly became serious, "After all, it was a bit dangerous just now, and the secret was almost exposed. It seems that I have to be more cautious."

He can't just pretend to be stupid when Yin You is here, but it has to become an instinct that he dares not forget even in his sleep and dreams.

Yin You returned to the side hall and gradually calmed down.

But the more he thought about it, the more he felt that he must have overlooked something.

It wasn't that he was paranoid, but the more he thought about it, the more he felt that Jiang Jiamian's reaction was a bit weird. Even the crying and shouting later gave him the feeling that he was trying desperately to hide something.

Yin You's eyes darkened, he would never allow anything to escape his control.

If it is really a person who can't even affect the miracle doctor's poisonous elixir and has been pretending to be stupid under his nose for so long, it will undoubtedly be terrifying.

It seems that he needs to test him again, and he must not let him fool him.

"Your Majesty." Early the next morning, as soon as Jiang Jiamian opened his eyes, he heard Yin You's voice.

Suddenly the old daily routine happened again, and he shrank to the corner of the bed tremblingly.

The daylight was cold and clear, unlike the candlelight darkness last night. Jiang Jiamian now took a clear look at the mission target.

Yin You was wearing a dragon black robe, and his long black hair was mostly tied up by a jade hairpin. The plain outline made his temperament even colder.

His narrow eyes were slightly lowered, and he was looking at Jiang Jiamian on the bed indifferently.

The whole person was dignified and awe-inspiring, making people dare not get close.

"He looks really handsome." Jiang Jiamian couldn't help sighing.

The system said, "After all, he is stunning in appearance, powerful and miserable bigshot. The description 'stunning in appearance' was not given in vain."

"Ghost... There is a ghost in the palace, there was a ghost in my room last night…"

Jiang Jiamian's face turned pale, as if he hadn't recovered from the shock.

Yin You's eyes narrowed and he walked slowly towards him, "What the hell?"

Jiang Jiamian hugged the quilt and shook it slightly, as if he didn't dare to think about it, "There was a dark ghost with no face. I couldn't even move, it was so scary!"

"Pfft, have no face. I have reason to suspect that the host is deliberately scolding him for being shameless." The system laughed.

Jiang Jiamian chuckled, "Nonsense, your host is not that kind of person."

System: "..." Without a doubt, you are that kind of person.

Yin You curled his lips, lifted up his robe, sat down on the bedside, and stretched out a hand towards Jiang Jiamian, "Don't be afraid. Your Majesty descended from the dragons and has dragon energy to protect him. Ghost can't hurt him."

Jiang Jiamian: "..."

At this moment, a thought crossed his mind: I am afraid of ghosts, but ghosts have not hurt me at all. I am not afraid of people, but people have left me bruised all over.

Moreover, Jiang Jiamian didn't understand how Yin You could pretend that what happened last night had nothing to do with him.

Where is his dignity as a regent?

It seems that this is still a competition of acting skills.

Jiang Jiamian didn't dare to really act rashly. After all, this guy suddenly changed from his usual cold and commanding behavior to being nice to him this morning. Who knows what evil is brewing in his stomach?

"If the emperor is really afraid…" Jiang Jiamian made no move, and then he heard a certain regent speak shamelessly, "Then I will stay at his majesty's room tonight and sleep with him."

Jiang Jiamian: "..." He is becoming more and more shameless, isn't he!

Jiang Jiamian cursed him a thousand times in his heart, but his face showed hesitation as if in his head he was wondering whether the ghost was more terrifying or the regent and which one to choose.

"Come here." Seeing that he was still, Yin You slightly raised his fingers.

Jiang Jiamian crawled forward in a daze.

"Further forward."

Yin You seemed a little worried because of his submissiveness, and stretched out his hand, "Give me your hand, are you afraid that I will eat you?"

Jiang Jiamian bit down his lips in fear and put his hand in Yin You's palm.

As soon as they touched, Yin You immediately wrapped his hand, which was obviously smaller than his, "Put on your own clothes and shoes, and I will go to court with you later."

Jiang Jiamian looked up in surprise, then thought of something, "But, I'm not good at getting dressed by myself..."

"Not good?" Yin You smiled coldly, "Then let's go like this."

Jiang Jiamian: "..." What the hell is this guy up to?

"Then, I'll get dressed." Jiang Jiamian got out of bed aggrievedly and stood on tiptoe to pull the clothes off the shelf.

He was already wearing his sleeping undershirt, but it was already late autumn outside, so he had to wear three or four layers in addition.

It probably took less than half an hour to put those clothes on, not to mention that he is a fool who doesn't know how to wear them now.

By then, it would be halfway through the morning session of the court.

However, Jiang Jiamian knew that he could only follow Yin You's wishes. He carried a pile of clothes to the bed, bit his lip, and looked at it, then tried to choose a piece as if he was thinking about which one to wear first.

After a while, while Yin You looked at him coldly, he slowly put a robe on his body but ignored the middle coat that was supposed to be worn underneath.

The expression on Yin You's face froze, he could only see that he was wearing it wrongly, but still remained silent.

This made Jiang Jiamian finally guess Yin You's plan.

It seemed that Yin You was still more or less suspicious about what happened last night.

He deliberately came here this morning to see if he, a fool, could still resist pretending when he was getting dressed, knowing that he was going to meet with all the civil and military officials.