
QT: The Rescue Of The Miserable Bigshots

In the novel, there are always characters who are strong, powerful, and on top of that have stunning appearances, but because of the plot arrangement and influence of the protagonist's halo, their endings are embarrassing and miserable. Jiang Jiamian’s mission is to save them. Jiang Jiamian: “It's actually very simple, just seduce and hook them up so that they no longer have time to follow the plot.” If the mission targets don't follow the plot, they can break free from the storyline and even avoid contact with the protagonist. But why do all those miserable bigshots seem to have gone crazy and turned dark all of a sudden?

latteectrie · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
132 Chs


When Jiang Jiamian opened his eyes, it was already afternoon.

Maybe this magic oil was really effective. Even though he was tossed and turned so much last night, when he woke up now, he didn't feel the pain all over his body.

"I'm sorry for last night." 

Qi Yan sat on the edge of the bed with his back to him, his head lowered and his expression unclear, but the madness from last night seemed to have completely faded.

Jiang Jiamian tried to sit up, but Qi Yan, who noticed that he was about to move, turned around and reached out to press him down, "Have a good rest, I asked for leave for you."

Jiang Jiamian: "..." Ah, asking for leave, he already got used to it.

"Yesterday was my birthday." Qi Yan whispered, and before Jiang Jiamian could answer, he added, "It was also the anniversary of my mother's death."

Jiang Jiamian was stunned, "Huh?"

Could it be that his mother died when she gave birth to him?

How else could it be on the same day?

Qi Yan seemed to want to tell Jiang Jiamian everything. He didn't care about his doubts and opened up the long-dusted past.

"Twenty years ago, a pair of children from a wealthy family were well matched, rich, and beautiful, and their marriage once attracted a lot of attention."

In half an hour, Qi Yan sat on the bedside and slowly talked about his family, Jiang Jiamian finally figured out all the ins and outs of it.

"But the good times didn't last long. One year after getting married, she got pregnant, and he cheated on her, and she found out."

When Qi Yan said this, there was no emotion or anger, as if he was telling someone else's story.

"She made a big fuss and finally calmed down temporarily when the man claimed that he was confused. However, when her son was only five months old, a woman suddenly came to the door holding a child who was just four months younger."

"She felt that the sky was falling and she was disheartened by the man, she transferred all her emotions and pressure to her five-month-old child. She gradually began to feel that only this outstanding child could save her, no, he could fight for everything. But many times when she looked at her child, she saw the heartless person in that child."

"So she was moody and angry, and her emotions were often out of control. She hysterically forced her child to work hard, but how old is her child by then? The child was locked in the piano room for several days in a row with her. Apart from the sound of the piano, there were no other noises." 

"At that time, that child…" Qi Yan suddenly raised his head and smiled, "I really hoped that she, a lunatic, could quickly go to hell."

"Later, she really died."

Qi Yan stopped laughing, "On my eighth birthday, she used the excuse of celebrating my birthday to ask her man to come back. But until late at night, my father was nowhere to be seen. But when she heard me ask very carefully about a cake, it seemed that her mother's heart suddenly burst out. She went out and planned to buy a cake before midnight."

"What happened next?" Seeing Qi Yan stop talking and not speak again for a long time, Jiang Jiamian asked tentatively in a low voice.

"Later?" Qi Yan closed his eyes slightly, seeming to ease his emotions, "She was hit by a car and died. When I arrived, I only saw the blood on the ground where the body had been dragged away, and the cake in the mud."

"Do you know that feeling?"

Qi Yan suddenly turned around and looked at Jiang Jiamian, "Love and hate, pain and pleasure, shame and joy, I have never felt those rich and colorful emotions."

There was both the excitement and madness of finally being freed and the unavoidable self-blame and panic in his heart.

Jiang Jiamian was speechless for a long time.

He couldn't imagine it.

"My father was a joke from beginning to end." Qi Yan's emotions relaxed, "Less than two years after her death, this man who wanted to bring the illegitimate child home finally discovered that the illegitimate child was not his own seed at all, ha."

"Maybe he felt guilty towards the woman and realized that he only had one son. He began to take the initiative to show his kindness and wanted to repair the relationship between father and son. But from the beginning, I was never sure whether he was sincere about repairing it or because of part of the shares that woman left to me."

Jiang Jiamian suddenly realized that this was the case.

No wonder the relationship between Qi Yan and his father seems so difficult to describe.

However, Jiang Jiamian secretly raised his eyes and looked at Qi Yan, who had a mocking look on his face. Is that illegitimate child really not his father's son, or did Qi Yan use some method to make him 'not'?

But after all, Qi Yan was only ten years old at that time, so he shouldn't have been able to make such a big move.

As if feeling Jiang Jiamian's suspicious gaze, Qi Yan suddenly hugged him, and the deep voice on his shoulder was full of coldness, "She always told me that if you want something, you must use any means to get it."

Jiang Jiamian shuddered and suddenly felt that it was not impossible for Qi Yan, who was driven crazy by his biological mother to fight for status and be able to grow up at the age of ten.

"If someone who should be in my hands tries to get rid of me…" Qi Yan firmly grabbed Jiang Jiamian's waist, "I will destroy him with my own hands." 

Jiang Jiamian laughed dryly, "I, I'm hungry."

Damn, he felt like he had jumped into a fire pit.

He originally planned to complete the mission and just go his own way, but now that he is being targeted by such a madman, it will probably be very difficult.

The key time points of the plot have been solved, and Qi Yan has completely broken away from the plot trajectory.

Time flies by, and in the next semester, Jiang Jiamian's grades are already among the best.

"Jiang Jiamian, where have you been these past six months!?"

Jiang Jiamian heard the teacher say that someone was looking for him. As soon as he was brought into the office, an urgent question came from someone inside.

Jiang Jiamian took a step back expressionlessly, but the voice on the other side got louder, "Your brother is six or seven months old, and it's not an option to keep hiring a confinement nanny. You should go home and take care of him as soon as possible. Your mother has to go back to work!"

"Sir, please speak with me if you have something to say."

The head teacher couldn't help but frown, not happy with such a loud talker in the office.

Besides, Jiang Jiamian is now the top student in their class, but his father wants him to drop out of school and go home to take care of the child!?

Jiang Zhiguo took a breath, and when he saw the teacher speaking, his voice slowed down a little, "Teacher, you don't know, his mother and I are both busy." 

The head teacher pushed up his glasses and couldn't help but let out a chuckle in his heart.

Aren't you a busy person? He hasn't come to a parent-teacher conference in almost three years. In the past, every time Jiang Jiamian did something wrong, he had never seen his parents come.

"The family is expecting a second child, and there is no one to take care of him. He is not good at studying, and he is an older brother. If he doesn't take care of him, who will take care of him?"

As soon as these words came out, the head teacher's expression was very surprised, "Not good at studying? Don't you know? Jiang Jiamian's performance improvement this year is well-known throughout the school. If he maintains this level of progress and does not perform abnormally in the college entrance examination, there will be no problem with going to the best university in the country!"

Jiang Zhiguo was stunned and somewhat unresponsive, "Wha, what?"

"Never mind…" Jiang Jiamian looked at him coldly, "It has nothing to do with you. You will not be short of the alimony you deserve. Before that, don't show up in front of me again."