
QT: Grace To Grass Counterattack System

He Yuan had accidentally caused his own death. He had no idea he was even dead until he suddenly woke up on the hard floor of an empty room. What had killed him? Well... for future reference, it's a terrible idea to install a chandelier over your bed. As he tried to get his bearings right, a strange guy suddenly popped out of thin air and he was offered a job. The job offer granted him eternal life with the alternative being reincarnation. Most would hastily choose to be reincarnated so they can start a new life but not He Yuan. He was skeptical, why would anyone want reincarnation? Once you reincarnated 'you' cease to exist. He didn't care about what people said about starting afresh, gaining new memories and all that. All he knew was that once a person reincarnated, they get thrown into a different environment, different family, meet new people and in short became a different person entirely. What scared He Yuan the most was losing his own thoughts and hence, awareness of his current self and so, he chose to accept the job. What did the job entail? He carried out tasks given to him by people who were called 'leasers.' They were called this because they leased out their bodies to 'taskers' for a period of time to help set their crooked lives straight. What the leasers didn't know was that the taskers got into realms and helped them so they( taskers) could focus on their own main tasks which was world/realm balance. These realms had 'special ones' who siphoned the luck out of it. Luck was the binding force of these realms so without it, the realms would begin to break apart and deteriorate into unlivable hells. So in essence, leasers gave put their bodies and 'payment' in the form of soul energy, taskers helped out the leasers while balancing the realms and the realms become stable once more. Pretty straightforward right? Yes. But can someone tell He Yuan why these world was so full of hypocrites, Mary sue and Gary stu characters who thought it was excusable to do horrible things just because they were in love? He Yuan grit his teeth. If you want to be in love, then be in love, was there any need to use others as stepping stones?! He rolled up his sleeves and bounced forward. Just you wait as I teach you all a valuable lesson! #Gongmc UPDATES: Twice daily ORIGINAL STORY. Author here: Again, I can't design shit so I snatched the photo from pinterest, credits to the original artist. If the artist demands I take it down, I would do so without hesitation as I only have my lack of talent to blame.

Melted_Ore · LGBT+
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326 Chs

Genius Assassin Transmigrating To Ancient Times 3.0

He Yuan shakily stood up from the straw bed and walked towards the opening of the tiny room. He was starving.

He'd be able to think up a proper plan once he was full. The Wei family were currently still in prison so he had to think of a way to get them out before anything else.

That was pretty much the request the leaser would have given if he could meet him. Once he stepped out of the room, the smell of roasted meat wafted to his nose and his stomach grumbled in appreciation.

After eating to his fill, he had a talk with the hunter and realized that Xian Taiwen's coronation and wedding to Wei Yun'er would take place on the same day and that day was not far off.

This must be the reason Wei Yun'er hadn't killed off the Wei family by now. She wanted them to see her in glory and gnash their teeth in regret for 'maltreating' her in the past.

He Yuan rested for a few more days, waiting for his wounds to properly heal and after that, he thanked the hunter profusely, gave him a few bottles of pills and set off towards the capital.

Unlike the leaser Wei Luo, he made sure to disguise himself with a human skin mask and plain clothes. He had access to Wei Luo's memories anyways and knew a great deal about medicines and miscellaneous knowledge, like how to make a human skin mask.

Although making the human skin mask was quite easy as Wei Luo's method didn't really need real human skin as he once thought, putting into practice the medicine knowledge was a different issue and he'd have to take sometime to properly comprehend the information in his head, but that was for later.

For now, he'd save the Wei family first and the coronation slash wedding day was the perfect time to do so. After getting them out, he'd return to his master in the mountains with them. That was the only safe place he knew.

He Yuan inspected Wei Luo's belongings one more time. There were bottles of medicines and poisons contained in the cloth bag. This was good, he really wasn't confident in making medicines just yet.

Three days later, he finally arrived at the capital. Preparations for the coronation slash wedding was in full swing and the streets was bustling with excited citizens and colourful decorations.

He sold off a few bottles of medicine and gathered enough silver ingots for sustenance. The money that Wei Luo had left was used to pay for entry into the capital.

Once he was settled in an inn, he went downstairs to the tea parlor. He used to love reading and was especially fascinated with the ancient times so he knew a thing or two about how things worked and one thing he was sure of was that rumours were easily spread from lively places like tea parlors.

He settled down in an obscure table and had the servers get him tea as he waited for the 'storytellers'.

Before he had a chance to take a sip of his tea, an excited young man burst through the doors of the tea parlor. Ah how timely.

"News! News!" The young man shouted with a raised fist.

"Ah little Huo, what's the excitement about?" The boss of the tea parlor asked and every other person looked over to the young man.

"The genius doctor has decided to accept disciples from the common people!"

An old patron smacked the table before him. "What nonsense! You better watch what you say young man. The genius doctor is our soon to be empress, how could she accept disciples?"

The young man touched his nose and toned down his excitement. "But that's what I heard. The news is everywhere."

He Yuan raised his brow. A soon to be empress accepting disciples. Wei Yun'er was not holding back at all. Did she really think she was still in the 24th century? And what was Xian Taiwen doing?

The younger generation might be more accepting but what about the older generation, the ones who really held power in court? This was clearly leading the old ministers to revolt! And they haven't even been coronated yet.

With the way things were developing, He Yuan was sure he wouldn't need to do much for Wei Yun'er and Xian Taiwen to fall into a pit of their own making.

He flinged his sleeves and stood up. It was better to check things out for himself. If he was lucky then he might get selected and entrance into the imperial palace would be a piece of cake. Why Wei Yun'er was even staying in the imperial palace was none of his business.

He Yuan changed into a set of old damaged robes and covered himself in dirt. He made sure to make himself look as poor and pitiful as he could.

What stoked the ego of a person with saviour syndrome better than a person who looked like they needed saving?

Once He Yuan arrived at the square, he was stunned by the amount of people gathered. Seems like the news was legit. He looked up to the raised platform to find a girl with a veil sitting arrogantly, with spread legs, on a seat inlaid with jade.

Flashes of dissatisfaction crossed the eyes of a few elders and nobles present but no one spoke up. She was a genius doctor after all.

If you pointed out her lack of manners as a noble lady and soon be empress and she ended up angry, what would you do if you ever needed her help one day?

He Yuan smiled. He'd perfected his plan, Wei Yun'er can only blame herself for being too arrogant and lacking tact. He walked over to a different street to lay in wait.

Hours later, a fancy carriage drove out of the square. When it got close enough to his hideout, He Yuan hunched his shoulders and ran out of the dark alley pretending to be chased by something.

The carriage screeched to a stop when he suddenly appeared before it and the driver cursed angrily. "What is this?! Do you know whose carriage this is? How could you be so brazen?!"

He Yuan, who was now on the ground in front of the carriage hunched even further and managed to sneak out two streaks of tears. "P...please don't hurt me~" Ah just look at him, who said the Wei family were Oscar winning actors? He'd show them true acting! How convincing, he was pleased with his skills.

"Wait." A soft voice, as refreshing as the spring breeze, called out from the carriage when the driver was about to continue his tirade. Thin, fair fingers opened the curtain and a veiled face peeked out. "Come in."

"My lady this-"

"Hush. Are you going to disobey my orders now?" The voice interrupted the agitated driver.

He Yuan smiled secretly. The fish had caught the bait. Hook, line and sinker.