
PYROSITES: My Heroines were truly Villainous

[SPIRITY WSA ENTRY - VILLAIN] When I was in middle school, my favorite genres were always Sci-fi and Reincarnation. So, when I heard that I was going to be reborn into a world of advanced AI and high tech, my excitement went through the roof, knowing that I would be reborn into my dream world. But that's not the only reason why I'm excited, because I knew to myself that in this life I would finally have a chance to find my cute heroine!! that's right... My ideal heroine... However, Little did I know that my heroines were all originally villainous villains?!!, whose fates are to destroy the world?! "Ahh shit...." ======== [Benefits of adding this to your collection] -Characters and worldview Illustrations for y'll! [Exclusive illustrations] -2.2k words per chapter for the first 10 chapters of the story. -Consistent weekly updates for you all! -It's free and accessible to read. -Writing development. -Update every 6:55 P.M / 18:55 (UTC+08) ======= Discord: https://discord.com/invite/pZHbXYjz

NightGLE_WN · Fantasy
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108 Chs

Twisted God & The alter system

After saying my final goodbye to my sister, I found myself completely alone in a vast, empty space.

A sense of loneliness washed over me, and I couldn't help but express my longing for my little sister, Kaori.

"I miss my little sister Kaori," I muttered in a voice laced with sorrow.

In another scene back on Earth, it has been five years since Kai Hazuki died due to an incident.

His friend, Jake Wilson, is still in a deep coma with no hope of waking up, as the doctor said.

As for her little sister, Kaori Hazuki? Well, she is now an intern at a well-known company.


"Achoo!" Kaori exclaimed, feeling annoyed as she brushed away the snort from her nose.

'Ugh… damnit, stupid brother of mine, why did I remember him again?' she thought to herself.

Kaori Hazuki has now grown into a mature, beautiful lady with golden silky hair and piercing blue eyes, though she now carries deep eye bags.

However, she remains a popular and beautiful figure even though her cup size remains the same.

Anyway, while Kaori was still thinking about her deceased older brother, one of her colleagues yelled at her, "Intern! It's been five minutes; where's our coffee!?"


Startled by the sudden request, Kaori quickly stood up from her seat.

"Y-yes!" Kaori stammered nervously. As she stood up, she made her way to the vending machine to grab the coffee.

"Let's see…" Kaori pondered as she stared at the wide variety of coffee options—black espresso, latte, and more.


"Let's just go with the black espresso!" Kaori decided, clicking the red button.



After a short while, the cup of black espresso was finally made.

"This should be enough for those money-hungry bastards," Kaori retorted in an annoyed tone.

With the cup in her hand, she hurriedly headed toward her colleagues' location.

However, as she was rushing to deliver the coffee, something unexpected happened to her.


Cuz as she was running, her foot slipped on the wet puddle, causing her to lose her balance.



The sound of her body hitting the floor echoed throughout the office, leaving a momentary silence in its wake.




Her colleagues who witnessed the scene just stared at her in deep silence, completely shaken by what they had seen.

'Ugh… those fools,' Kaori thought as her body went numb, her eyes shut tightly.

And there she was, dying a sudden death over a spill of water—what a ridiculous way to go…

However, Kaori's story hadn't ended yet; in fact, it hadn't even begun.




"Hmm… what a pitiful child," a husky voice rang into Kaori's head, forcing her eyes open.


As she looked up, she couldn't believe what she saw. Standing before her was a figure bathed in radiant light.

It was a god-like being, emanating an aura of wisdom and power. Behind the godly figure stretched a pure empty space, with clouds drifting across the deep blue sky.

"Are you alright, child?" the god asked, extending a hand to help Kaori up.


Kaori, still in shock, managed to nod and accept the divine assistance. As the god helped her, she could feel a comforting warmth enveloping her.

"Who… who are you?" Kaori managed to utter, her voice trembling with awe and curiosity.

However, her thoughts contradicted her: "The heck! Why is he glowing like a light stick?!"

"I'm Antheon, the god of fate and rebirth," Antheon responded, his voice resonating with a soothing tone.

"I have been observing your journey and the challenges you have faced, and for this reason, I have gifted you a chance," the god added.

Hearing this, Kaori's eyes widened with surprise. 'What the fuck is this god mumbling about?' she thought.

Because she never expected her coffee mishap to lead to an encounter with this so-called god.

"Why did you bring me here again?" Kaori asked, her voice resounding like a mafia boss.

Upon hearing this, Atheon smiled kindly, understanding the young intern's rudeness.

'Hold your temper; this is the child of your own mistake,' Atheon thought before returning his attention to her.

"Kaori, you possess remarkable spirit and resilience. Your desire to prove yourself and your dedication to your work have not gone unnoticed. I have brought you here to offer you a unique opportunity."

Kaori listened intently, her heart pounding with anticipation.

'Greatness my ass; I'm just an intern who barely feeds myself. Also, where's the answer I am looking for!?' Kaori thought.

"You have shown great potential, and I am granting you a chance to change your fate," Atheon continued.

"I can offer you a path of rebirth—a new beginning where you can fulfill your true potential and achieve greatness."


"Rebirth?" Kaori dumbfoundedly asked.

"Yeah… you know, where you're going to be reborn into another body," Atheon explained.

"Rebirth into another body… Wait… isn't this a common trope where the loser MC dies and reincarnates into another body?!!"

Atheon nodded his head.

'Ah… shit, this is my stupid brother's favorite genre,' Kaori thought as she stared into Atheon's eyes, wanting to confirm something.

"Atheon… Does the world I'm going to be reborn into have a sci-fi and fantasy genre?" she added.

Atheon nodded and replied, "Yes, that's right."

"Then I am ready. Let's go with it," Kaori blurted out, her expression blank.


Seeing her expression, Atheon became utterly confused. 'Huh? I didn't expect this…'

Usually, when he tells someone they'll be reborn in another world, the most normal reaction he receives is either fear of how they'll live there or excitement about a fresh new start.

However, that's not the case for this girl, Kaori. She doesn't feel excited or fearful; she just accepts it as if it were nothing.

"Hey, I knew guys are weird as heck, but I didn't expect you to be as well," Atheon muttered under his breath.

"You? Guys?"

"No… nothing. Anyway, do you have any last words or wishes?" Atheon asked, moving his hand to the top of her head.

And immediately, a glowing circle appeared below Kaori's foot.

"I don't have any particular last words, but I want myself in that world to be overpowered," Kaori replied with a grinning smile.

"…" Upon hearing Kaori's request, Atheon fell silent momentarily before speaking. "I can't do that."

"Then… at least reincarnate me into a powerful family," Kaori said awkwardly.


"I can't do that either… I'm not a genie."

"Then what can you do?!!" Kaori retorted, finally snapping.

Because not only was her first request rejected, but the second one was also denied.

"I can reincarnate you into a beautiful lady. That's all I'm capable of in that world."

'What...? that world?'

"Is that so? Then let's g—" However, before Atheon could move, Kaori yelled, "W-wait!"

'Again?! What does this girl want?!' Atheon thought, now thoroughly annoyed.

"Haha… what is it this time?" Atheon asked, veins popping up on his forehead.

"Aren't you going to give me superpowers?" Kaori bluntly requested.

"Ahhh, sure," Atheon replied, having given up.

"If that's all, then have fun until the bitter end…" Atheon said, slowly showing her a white smile.


'Aggg! It's so damn blinding!' Kaori thought.


But then something crossed her mind—a reminder her brother always gave her.

"Are you sure this isn't a scam?" Her voice filled with doubt.

Why? Because Atheon's words seemed rushed yet too good to be true.

Also, her brother always told her that if a deal sounded too good, it was likely a scam. Or the dealer was just irresponsible and didn't care how she spent her money.

"No," Atheon reassured.

However, Kaori remained suspicious.

"Are you sure there's no catch?" Kaori asked again, now feeling worried.



"Of course, that's a lie. Do you think this is free? You need to do something for me, whether you like it or not," Atheon said, wearing a suspicious smile.

Hearing this, Kaori's eyebrows rose. "You fuc—" However, before she could react, her mouth was shut by Atheon.


"Very well, Kaori Hazuki. Prepare yourself, for your journey toward a new destiny is about to begin," Atheon poetically said.


Before slamming his hand toward Kaori as if she were some kind of mosquito, he squeezed her painlessly.

After it was all done, Atheon sighed. "Finally, all set," he added before snapping his fingers.


As he snapped his fingers, thousands of clouds formed around, resembling a throne made out of clouds.

"That's all I need," Atheon mumbled as he sat on the throne.

Feeling tired, he closed his eyelids and went into a deep sleep. However, while he was sleeping…

"Atheon!! There is a big problem!!" A seductive, sweet voice echoed from afar, waking him up.

"What… is this now, Lucia?!!" Atheon yelled in frustration.

Lucia's body was covered with clouds, and the only thing visible were her green eyes and her long black hair.

She might appear to be an airhead, but she is someone who can destroy the universe.

Atheon called her Lucia, but others referred to her as Lucifer with melons.

"Erh… it seems that Unknown, the god of space and timelessness, has caught wind of what we're doing," Lucia replied, her voice filled with nothingness.


"Kaori Hazuki was reincarnated two years earlier than her brother Kai," Lucia continued.

"At the same time, Unknown severed the connection between Kaori and you, leaving you with limited control over her."

"He what?!!! How am I supposed to make them fight until the bitter end if I can't control that mad hound?!" Atheon retorted, completely annoyed by that fact.

After all, his plan was to reincarnate Kaori into the world where Unknown had reincarnated as Kai.

And controlled Kaori to seduce her brother, Kai, and force them to create another soul—a soul they would use to forge a new god.

However, this plan was now in ruins. The only hope remaining lay in the system he had implanted within Kaori's reincarnated body.


[The alter system...]

Kaori Hazuki Join the group.(ˉ▽ ̄~)

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