
PYROSITES: My Heroines were truly Villainous

[SPIRITY WSA ENTRY - VILLAIN] When I was in middle school, my favorite genres were always Sci-fi and Reincarnation. So, when I heard that I was going to be reborn into a world of advanced AI and high tech, my excitement went through the roof, knowing that I would be reborn into my dream world. But that's not the only reason why I'm excited, because I knew to myself that in this life I would finally have a chance to find my cute heroine!! that's right... My ideal heroine... However, Little did I know that my heroines were all originally villainous villains?!!, whose fates are to destroy the world?! "Ahh shit...." ======== [Benefits of adding this to your collection] -Characters and worldview Illustrations for y'll! [Exclusive illustrations] -2.2k words per chapter for the first 10 chapters of the story. -Consistent weekly updates for you all! -It's free and accessible to read. -Writing development. -Update every 6:55 P.M / 18:55 (UTC+08) ======= Discord: https://discord.com/invite/pZHbXYjz

NightGLE_WN · Fantasy
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108 Chs

The Cute Trickster

"Don't be so sulky, cutie!" Aria said in a playful tone as she poured some cold water over the top of my head again.

"Erk! So cold!" I complained in a shivering tone as Aria continued to pour the water once again.

I felt like a cold chick left in the middle of the road, bathed in cold water in the middle of the night!

"Don't be such a baby, cutie. We need to be fast as soon as possible," Aria ordered in a hurry.

Before picking up a squishy brown sponge beside her and scrubbing my back with it.

'Argh... Why do we need to be so fast? It's still 4 A.M., you know?' I thought to myself as I looked at Aria before speaking to her.

"B-but Mother, you know that it's still 4 am, right?" I begged in a pitiful tone.

Hearing what I said, Aria put the sponge away, held both of my shoulders and stared into my eyes with a serious expression.

"Dunno, ask your damn father," Aria retorted in an irritating tone with a domineering aura.

Before picking up the sponge again and continuing to scrub my body.

'...What do you mean by asking Keal?! You know that I just missed the chance to have a good night's sleep because of that!' I thought while maintaining an innocent smile on my face.

Even though I was really pissed off because of what happened, I still tried to calm myself to maintain my innocent smile.

"E-eh... Okay, Mother," I replied in an adoring tone, even though I was shivering in coldness.

"..." And just like that, I was forced to shut myself even though I was shivering deep inside.

While Aria continued to scrub and wash my body. Over and over until my butt cheeks become white.

Now, you may ask if being bathed by Aria, let alone having the memory of an adult is weird as hell.

But the way this world works... 'Ugh. This isn't the sci-fi world that I wish for.'

It is all thanks to that damn Shadow Arcane law with its messed-up restrictions and regulations.

Where they basically straight up hang your neck if you break the 'Mandatory Recruitment law.'

The Mandatory Requirement.

Which requires you to be enrolled at Shadow Arcane at the age of 12. Because of that.

There are so many mothers who didn't have a choice but to straight-up spoil their children to rot until they reached a certain age.

So much, to the point where they basically still treat you like a baby even though you're already eleven.

In short, bathing with your parents in this world is normal as it is considered a cultural thing.

Wait... Other than the cultural thing, there's also another reason for it, and it's Aria.

Well, basically, Aria is one of the main reasons why I bathe along with her, even though I really hated it—just kidding, hehee, because who wouldn't want to see my two cute little siblings?

Anyhow, It all started when I was five years old when I accidentally slipped and injured myself.

...So, um, you can't blame me if I bathe along with her!

And so, after 10 minutes of being washed like a chick on a rainy day, it's finally over.


-Ah... chooo!!

-Ah, chooooooo!

"So cold!" I complained as my body trembled in coldness while I kept rubbing my snorts.

After finishing the bath, Aria and I stepped outside the bathroom, where we met Aurilya, waiting outside, holding a white blanket that I used to wipe myself.

"This is much better," I mumbled with satisfaction on my face.

Later on, we walked to the dressing room, which is conveniently located right next to the bathroom.

"Pretty convenient, isn't it? The dressing room is just right next door, I remarked.

As we entered the dressing room, I took a glance at the surroundings before sitting closer to the heater.

While sitting, I gazed at the room once more.

The room was filled with a wide variety of clothing items, ranging from blazers and gowns to tuxedos and other luxurious garments.

"Fuu.. so cold," I muttered while letting out a cold sigh.

While I stare at those cool-looking blazers.

"Bruh.. this is useless, not the blazer; it was this heater!" I mumbled in disappointment.

As I couldn't help but notice that despite sitting next to the heater, it didn't help cool down my fuck. Body!

'Fuck you, you useless scrap of junk!' I thought, covering myself with a thick furry blanket that I got from Aurilya to warm myself.

After that, my gaze where then shifted to Aria and Aurilya, who was in front of me, picking out which blazer was suitable to wear.

"You know, this pure black blazer with tainted red might look good for my cutiee!" Aria playfully suggested while showing it to Aurilya with a big smile on her face.

"That looks dope, if I'm being honest," I muttered under my breath.

Seeing the black and red blazer, I couldn't help but imagine myself wearing it, looking like a serial killer with those red taints that just straight up make me look like I messily murdered someone.

"It's good, but Madam Aria, take a look at this white blazer paired with a coat; it'll make young master Khierom more mature," Aurilya argued and suggested in an enthusiastic tone.

Before Aurilya showed the pure white blazer and black coat to Aria.

'Pretty good,' I thought while gazing at that blazer.

Hearing what Aurilya said, I couldn't help but agree as well, although the black with red blazer looks good to begin with.

But one thing is sure: if I choose Aurilya's pick, for sure it may be more suited for me.

"Well, that's true; it looks great for my cutiee, but my cutiee still isn't matured yet!" Aria explained as she looked at Aurilya with determination on her face.

'Wow, really? Well, even though I am physically a child, for your information, I'm mentally an adult, you know?' I thought as I continued looking at them, and my eyes widened when I saw something strange.

As They debated which one was more suitable for me while staring at each other, merely gazing at the pick of their choices.

It was so intense that, for some reason, I could now see some mystical creature behind their back, like there was a red dragon on Arias's back and a lion on Aurilya's. Side.

Now, you may be asked why a servant like Aurilya is fighting toe-to-toe with her master Aria...

Well, it is simple; it is just that Aurilya is not an average servant who was hired nor someone who applied as a maid. Aurilya was originally their close friend whom they trusted and decided to hire, the same as old man Steele and the human detector Rowan.

All because they know them, and I also know that we can trust them to take care of the family.

Did you say family?


No, nothing is stronger than family!

Furthermore, when it comes to Aurilya, Aria wants her to act more like a best friend or little sister rather than a servant maid.


Anyway, while I was busy thinking about that fact and the family memes, I noticed that both of them were now looking at me.

"Huh? Wh-what is it?" I asked as I looked at them cluelessly.

"Which one do you like?" Aria asked in a serious tone, staring deep into my eyes.

Followed by Aurilya, "Yes, young master Khierom, please choose which one you like."

"..." Hearing this, I went into silence for a brief moment.

Huh?! Why are you guys asking me?! You know I can't just pick up both of them, right?!

...But, to be honest, that question isn't really that hard to answer, to begin with; it's just that I can't really choose between those two.

Why? Well, let's think about it from two completely different perspectives.

For example, if I chose the blazer that Aria picked, I would be missing out on the opportunity to try that white blazer, which I really like.

Also, at the same time, if I do choose it, Aria will be happy that I selected her choice.

On the other hand, if I choose Aurilya's choice, I will be able to wear that cool-looking blazer that I also like.

But, even if I do, Aria will have no choice in the matter. After all, it was her child who picked it out, so there's no way that Aria would not like it.

Therefore, the best answer is to choose Aurilya's blazer; as I mentioned earlier, cuz there's no way that a mother, let alone Aria, would not like it.

However, that's not the only problem. There is another issue that I am referring to – 'the women's pride!'

Yes, and what is it? "Women's Pride." Well, it is a kind of phenomenon among girls where they secretly compete with each other's pride.

While thinking about it, a realization came to my mind.

'Wait, hold up, that's not my problem, right? I mean, I don't really have any options to begin with,' I thought as I looked at them before speaking.

Giving them an answer they wouldn't expect.

"But both of them look good, Mom," I said in an impartial tone, looking at both of them while maintaining an innocent face.

'Heh, this is it! There's no way I'm gonna make a mistake!' I thought as I looked at them, '...right?'

Hearing what I said, both Aria and Aurilya looked at each other without exchanging words for a while.



Seeing this situation, I can't help but feel that something terrible might happen later on.

'Ahh, shit, did I say something wrong? Or are my word choices wrong? I don't know?!' I thought, feeling nervous.

I have a feeling that something bad will happen at any moment.

And my guess is pretty much on point.

When suddenly, Aurilya walked to the front, crouched, and whispered in my ears.

"If you choose mine, I'm not gonna tell Madam Aria that you peed your pajamas last night," Aurilya whispered in a gentle, low tone.

She looked at me with a sly smile on her face.

'W-what the hell, that's just straight-up blackmail?!! Right??' I thought to myself as I stared at her standing in front of me.

Wait, how did you know that?! But hold up! I can't think straight, so that damn dream isn't just a dream?! I really did pee my pants!?

This is both nostalgic and embarrassing.

But then, when I'm still having deep thoughts about what happened.

Aurilya then, once again, came closer and whispered in my ear.

"Do you know how I knew it?" Aurilya mumbled as she looked at me once again with a smirk on her face.

And without any thoughts, I nodded.

[Aurilya's POV]

Later that night, Aurilya checked on Young Master Khierom in his room, as she regularly does at midnight.


The quiet sound of the door opening echoed inside the room where Khierom was sleeping.

"Excuse me, Young Master Khierom," Aurilya politely greeted as she stepped inside the room and saw Khierom lying with his mouth open.




"Aww, so cute!" Aurilya mumbled in excitement.

But then she noticed something strange on Khierom's pajamas.

"Hmm? What's up with this?" Aurilya said as she moved closer to take a look.

As she did and inspected with overflowing curiosity, she seemed to already know what had happened as she looked at it menacingly.

"Hehehe... What lucky day I can use this one to my advantage, " Aurilya mumbled before she picked up her phone.


Taking a picture of what happened. using this to her advantage



However, this isn't enough yet, so she looks at multiple pictures of Khierom while sleeping; she always does

Later, Aurilya then cleaned up the mess and changed Khierom's sleeping pajamas.

'Fuck! So that's the reason why my pajamas were already dry the night by the time I woke up?!' I thought as I looked at Aurilya, who was still standing in front of me.

As Aurilya began to mumble once again.

"If you don't want this to be exposed, all you need to do is choose mine, got it?" Aurilya mumbled in a menacing tone.

Ugh... Do I have any options? Maybe I could have denied those if Aurilya hadn't taken any evidence, but she did! She took a freaking picture!

'Fuck it, I give up, Aurilya holding my weakness,' I thought as I finally decided to agree.

Why do I agree? Because I don't really have any other choice?! I much prefer this. Then, being a kid known to pee in his pants!

So I nodded as I looked at Aurilya, whose face was filled with satisfaction as if someone had got her obsession.

After seeing that, Aurilya then stood up, looked away, and walked beside Aria.

Seeing what happened, Aria asked Aurilya.

"What did you do?" Aria asked in an intriguing tone as she looked at Aurilya.

Hearing this, Aurilya turned her gaze to Aria and replied with an innocent smile on her face.

"Nothing. I just said that if he chooses mine, I will treat Young Master to some sweets!" Aurilya replied innocently.

'What the heck?' I thought as I stared at Aurilya with disbelief written all over my face after witnessing what had just happened.

What do you mean by that? She didn't promise something like that. She just straight-up blackmailed me!!

"Then me too, Cutie! If you choose mine, I will treat you to some sweets that you will really like!" Aria offered in an energetic tone.

Hearing Aria's tempting offer, I stared at Aurilya before she began to speak.

"Don't look at me, Young Master Khierom. Whatever you choose, I will support it," Aurilya replied as if she didn't remember that she blackmailed me.

Followed by Aria, "Yeah, yeah, so what's your choice?" she said in a playful tone.

What do you mean you will support me? Weren't you the one who blackmailed me?!

"Arghh... damn it you," I ground my teeth as I made the worst decision of my life.

Well, well, well, who would have guessed that our cute, innocent Aurilya is also capable of blackmailing? just to get her obsession.

Truly an interesting turn of events...

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