
PYROSITES: My Heroines were truly Villainous

[SPIRITY WSA ENTRY - VILLAIN] When I was in middle school, my favorite genres were always Sci-fi and Reincarnation. So, when I heard that I was going to be reborn into a world of advanced AI and high tech, my excitement went through the roof, knowing that I would be reborn into my dream world. But that's not the only reason why I'm excited, because I knew to myself that in this life I would finally have a chance to find my cute heroine!! that's right... My ideal heroine... However, Little did I know that my heroines were all originally villainous villains?!!, whose fates are to destroy the world?! "Ahh shit...." ======== [Benefits of adding this to your collection] -Characters and worldview Illustrations for y'll! [Exclusive illustrations] -2.2k words per chapter for the first 10 chapters of the story. -Consistent weekly updates for you all! -It's free and accessible to read. -Writing development. -Update every 6:55 P.M / 18:55 (UTC+08) ======= Discord: https://discord.com/invite/pZHbXYjz

NightGLE_WN · Fantasy
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108 Chs

Ten years Later



A faint vibrating sound of an alarm clock echoes throughout the room, forcing me to open my eyes.


As I tap off the alarm clock, the first thing I do is glance up to see my wristwatch.


With that pop, a mili-holographic screen appeared through my right arm.


Jan 8, 5041, 6:09 A.M


That is the current time today...

"Arghh, so it's been 11 years, huh..." I muttered in an exhausted tone as I tapped closed my wristwatch.


After that, I look up at the emptiness of the ceiling for a little while.

Before I eventually regained some reason as to why I needed to do this again and how I loathed this my life.

"Arghhh!! I hate this life!" I exclaimed out loud as I stretched my arms up to the ceiling.

Why did I say, 'fuck this life?' Well, basically, it has been ten years since I was reincarnated in this world, and ever since then.

Nothing has happened!! Except for this seemingly endless pile of homework that dammit Steele keeps giving!

"Fuck you, old man!" I cursed before pointing my middle finger at the pile of homework.

"Sigh..." Before I sighed out of frustration. 

Although learning isn't really that bad as they teach me everything, however, it has its own limitations to what I can really learn.

Such as mathematical equations, common sense, basic science, basic ark history, basic weapon mastery, basic herbalism, and lastly, basic survivability.

Which are so useless to me, considering the origin of my family.

'I was born with a diamond spoon!' I thought to myself while giving a gesture as if I won the lottery.

Other than that, there are also other restrictions, such as events that took place before the year 4880 in history and taking advanced classes above senior level.

"God damn it, if you want to teach me how to survive, at least let me learn what I want! Like playing VMMMOR!" I retorted as I once again stared at the endless homework pile on the wooden desk.

Which is filled with a colorful of books and thicc paperwork.

"Is this how you treat a fucking 11-year-old kid?! Giving a mountain piled with books?!" I yelled in rage while I hopefully stared at it.

"Fuck... I really regret putting on a prodigy act when I was a child... that was such a big mistake!" I muttered regretfully, placing my palm over my face.

Why had I thought it would be a fun idea to pretend to be a child prodigy?!!

Ughh... Damn it, if I had known that it would put me in such a difficult situation, I would have acted like a normal kid!

"Why on earth did I even bother following those webnovel series where a baby is portrayed as some sort of sage?" I exclaimed in frustration as I faced the harsh reality.

"It's quite clear that the main characters have no idea about the immense pressure that Asian parents put on their kids."

Well, if I'm being honest, I did it because I wanted some recognition for my parents, Cuz who wouldn't like it, right?

Anyway, the reason why it became like this is when I started saying 'Mama' and 'Papa' right after I received my first name.

And then, I began to show some unusual talent, like balancing myself with one foot at the age of two.

Learned to read at the age of three, and next is when I perfectly wrote my name at the age of four.

And lastly, the stupidest prodigy act that I did was when I acted all smart-ass in front of my parents, who have Asian blood.

Anyway, after a minute of thinking about how stupid I was, I finally got out of bed and began to clean myself.

After finishing everything, I walked over to my desk to look up what I needed.

"Put this here, and then here, lastly clean this, and throw this," I mumbled as I started to arrange the books that I would be bringing in the later class.

As soon as I finished arranging my things, I looked again at the pile of books perfectly arranged on the desk.

"Sigh... do you guys expect me to learn all of this shit again?" I frowned in an exhausted tone as I picked up the book that I needed.


When I noticed a brightly colored blue book in the corner, out of curiosity, I picked it up and took a look at the title.

"'The Ark Great History,' huh... fine, I will read it later if I have time," I muttered before unknowingly putting the book inside my mini bag.

After that, I walked towards an empty wall and knocked four times.





As soon as I knocked on the wall, countless nanomites burst through the wall and transformed into a full-body-sized mirror.

"This... this is crazy..." I mumbled as I smiled in amazement.

Upon closer look at the mirror, I then neatly prepared my clothes for today's class and put them on.

After finishing, I took a closer look at myself in the mirror.

"Damn, these Rubellite eyes and charcoal black hair are really just amazing, especially with this casual white hoodie and these shorts that I am wearing~" I praised myself as I admired how handsome I was.

[[Character Illustration]]

Damn... I'm so narcissistic.

Anyway, while praising my handsomeness, suddenly, a knocking sound echoed inside the room.



"Young master Khierom?" said by a famished, soft-toned voice.

...Hearing this, I immediately silent, thinking about who it was.

'Hmm, this soft tone and sweet voice, it's definitely Aurilya,' I thought to myself.

"...Come in," I said as I finished looking at the mirror and sat beside the bed.

"Good morning, young master Khierom!" Aurilya greeted cheerfully before she entered the room.

As soon as she entered, Aurilya then tried to run and hug me however, before she could take a single step.

"?!!" I noticed something strange around her body and stopped her from hugging me.

"Wait, Aurilya, stay still!" I yelled as I stopped Aurilya from coming at me.

Hearing this, Aurilya stopped and curiously asked me, "Young Master Khierom, do you not like to be hugged?" She looked at me with pitiful eyes and a sad expression on her face.

"Not that, just look at your uniform," I replied before trying to cover my face with my right palm and pointing my finger at Aurilya's uniform.

"So you finally noticed the blood on your chest and the ripped skirt," I muttered while simply observing.

I'm not doing this because I was embarrassed to see her ripped skirt and white thicc tights; it's just that I don't want to ruin my image as a nice, innocent kid.

Why? It's because being well-known as an innocent kid helps me hide my true identity as a grown man.

Anyway, seeing this, Aurilya quickly caught what I was pointing at and immediately looked down at her chest.

"..." After seeing what I was pointing at, Aurilya went into a pause before speaking.

"Err... this, Young Master Khierom... hehehe, how do I explain this..." Aurilya awkwardly explained, but she couldn't because I was staring at her as if I could see through her lie.



And so, just like that, we went into full silence mode, with both parties waiting for the other to speak.

However, that silence would soon be broken by Aurilya as she finally regained her composure.

"Ahem, so while I was cooking your fish for breakfast, the fish accidentally moved and spilled the blood on my uniform," Aurilya explained while putting on a clueless act.


'That's not gonna work, you know?' I thought as I continued to look at Aurilya, giving her a sense of guilt.

"And what about your skirt?" I asked while continuing to put pressure on her.

As Aurilya heard this, she looked at her skirt and noticed a large cut revealing her stockings.

"Tehe! Dunno. Maybe I accidentally bumped into some sharp object, and it accidentally ripped," Aurilya stupidly replied as she avoided looking over my eyes once again.



And because of that, the atmosphere between us became weirder and awkward.

'Hmm?! Do you expect me to believe that half-assed excuse? Sigh... I give up. When you already know what really happened,' I thought to myself as I gave up.

"Okie, fine," I said before I showed my secret weapon.

What is that secret weapon, you may ask? Well, it's myself! An innocent look of an 11-year-old child!

"Aurilya, I'm hungry. Let's eat," I begged as I forcefully shifted the mood of the room.

"Kyaaa, young master, that's an overkill!" Aurilya excitedly said as she herself tried to brighten the mood.

Soon after, we walked outside the room; I noticed a faint smell of rusting iron in the carpet and small cracks in the walls.

However, I just ignored it all as we continued our walk towards the dining room.

While walking, I mumbled, "Those damn assassins..." as my eyes turned bright red.

The blood and ripped skirt on Aurilya's uniform weren't just accidents; they were the results of Aurilya fighting those assassins last night.

"Grr, this is the fourth time this week that those bastards attacked," I retorted in rage as my pupils slowly widened.

However, before it happened, Aurilya noticed something and stared.

"Hmmm, young master Khierom? Are you okay?" Aurilya cluelessly asked while staring at me with a worried expression on her face.

No... I can't just be consumed by my own anger; I need to compose myself.

"Hehehe, nothing. I am just hungry~" I replied while maintaining the smile of an eleven-year-old kid.

Anyway, after a little bit of work, we finally arrived at the front door of the dining room.

'This... cool-ass door didn't fail to amaze today,' I thought as I looked at the door amazingly.

Because who wouldn't be amazed by this?! The intricately carved wood appears like a simple 8-foot door adorned with various types of flowers.

However, if you look closer, it will reveal itself to be a masterpiece, with each flower painstakingly crafted from the wood itself!

This level of detail is simply astounding; you will not find this masterpiece in my old world! Well, maybe I was wrong about that part.

"Ohh, we already, Young Master Khierom. Please go inside, and I will deliver your food," Aurilya said before we hurriedly moved.

"Yeah... sure," I replied before I pushed the door and entered.


As the door opened, we entered the dining room, and I gazed upon a magnificent sight.

A very long wooden table surrounded by five finely crafted chairs with different designs.

Behind the main chair, there was a beautifully crafted chimney that added to the grandeur of the room as I made my way towards the main chair.

"I guess I'm just going to sit in front of the chimney; after all, it was warm over there," I mumbled before I sat down.

Just then, Aurilya walked in, holding a plate.

"Here's your food, Young Master," Aurilya said, wearing a huge smile on her face.

"Thank you," I responded before carefully gazing at what Aurilya had cooked this time.

It was a fish that I didn't know the name of. It had fins and gills and was greatly cooked, with a golden color and a sweet aroma that tickled my nose.

"It looks nicely well done," I mindlessly mumbled as I took the first bite.

"?!!" The first bite gave me an elastic feeling.

'Hmm?! It's so tender! The fish is nicely well done and doesn't have a fishy smell! And the sauce has a great blend of saltiness and sweetness!' I thought as I took a second bite.

"How is the food, Young Master Khierom?" Aurilya chimed, looking at me with satisfaction on her face.

"Delicious," I replied as I continued to eat the fish.

A few minutes after eating the most delicious breakfast of the morning, I picked up the book from my mini bag.

"Well, I guess it's time to read 'The Ark Great History,' " I muttered as I opened the first page of the book.


The last hope of humanity, built upon countless blood and tears for the sake of humanity's survival, was a remarkable feat of engineering.

The structure was designed to protect humanity from the brink of extinction to ensure that the species continued to thrive and progress.

"Argh, nope, I am not going to read all of that, so I will summarize it. It was built to protect humanity and prevent its demise, but from who?" I muttered curiously to myself, looking into Aurilya's eyes.

"Hmm... what is it, Young Master Khierom?" Aurilya asked, looking at me.

"This book called 'The Ark Great History' says the same thing over and over again, like how great the Ark is, but it doesn't specifically state what posed the greatest threat to humanity's extinction," I inquired, pretending to look curious as I gazed into Aurilya's eyes.

Hearing this, Aurilya seemed taken aback by what I said.

"Sorry, young Master Khierom, but I can't answer that question, hehehe," Aurilya replied. She was avoiding my gaze.

'What do you mean you can't?' I thought as I kept looking at Aurilya.

"Why~ I'm so curious," I insisted while showing my secret weapon.

"I'm really sorry, young master, but I can't say it. But don't worry; you can ask teacher Steele for that question. I'm sure he can answer that." Aurilya refused to answer my question.

'Why do I always need to ask old man for this type of answer?' I thought as I began to close the book when I suddenly remembered something.

"Aurilya, come here," I called Aurilya.

"Yes, young Master Khierom? If it's about what you said, I am very sorry," Aurilya apologized in a sorry tone.

"Not that; I just want to know when Mama and Papa will go home?" I asked while showing the eyes of a child who wanted to know where his family was.

"Please don't be sad, young Master Khierom. I am sure maybe they will return this week," Aurilya reassured me with a gentle smile as she hugged me.

'What do you mean by maybe?! Just how long will they stay at Sector Neuf? My birthday is tomorrow!' I thought to myself.


In one of the old mansions in Sector Neuf, two suspicious guys were arguing with each other.

One was wearing a gray and green high-ranked military uniform, and the other was wearing a brown shirt and black pants, all of them with tatters on them.

The guy in tattered robes also wore a full-faced black mask with a crow drawing on the left eye.

[[Characters Illustration]]


"How did those fuckers survive after being assassinated multiple times?!" yelled the guy wearing the tattered clothes as he punched the wall using all his force.

"Please ease your anger, Master Drake," pleaded the guy who was wearing a military uniform.

Suddenly, a sharpened sword formed around the left arm of the tattered man.

"Don't order me around, you peasant!" Drake yelled before slicing the military guy across his chest without giving a hint of hesitation.



"Urrrgg!! You...bastard," the military guy cursed in a faint tone as he slowly slumped to the floor.

"Shut up, you peasant!" Drake yelled again in anger as he looked at the dead body lying on the floor.

NOTE: if you ever happened to be reincarnated, please don't act like a wise sage or else you will be under great pressure.

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