
PYROSITES: My Heroines were truly Villainous

[SPIRITY WSA ENTRY - VILLAIN] When I was in middle school, my favorite genres were always Sci-fi and Reincarnation. So, when I heard that I was going to be reborn into a world of advanced AI and high tech, my excitement went through the roof, knowing that I would be reborn into my dream world. But that's not the only reason why I'm excited, because I knew to myself that in this life I would finally have a chance to find my cute heroine!! that's right... My ideal heroine... However, Little did I know that my heroines were all originally villainous villains?!!, whose fates are to destroy the world?! "Ahh shit...." ======== [Benefits of adding this to your collection] -Characters and worldview Illustrations for y'll! [Exclusive illustrations] -2.2k words per chapter for the first 10 chapters of the story. -Consistent weekly updates for you all! -It's free and accessible to read. -Writing development. -Update every 6:55 P.M / 18:55 (UTC+08) ======= Discord: https://discord.com/invite/pZHbXYjz

NightGLE_WN · Fantasy
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108 Chs


Twelve years ago... [Sector Neuf]

The 'Sector Neuf' was once called the most peaceful sector in the entire ARK.

Now, it is engulfed in chaos and destruction and has been renamed the 'Pit of the Bottom hell.'

All of this happened over a piece of territory, but that small piece of land contained something very precious called ■■■■■.

(Cannot be identified due to security reasons)

Because of this, numerous powerful families go into a fierce, bloody war to possess this priceless treasure.

However, that war only resulted in the downfall of many great families while also introducing new powerhouses due to this event.

Furthermore, this chaos also marked a historical event with the rise and fall of many large families while also claiming the lives of many talented individuals.

Lily's 3rd POV

In a certain part of Sector Neuf, the once field full of crops and laughter is now turned into a bloody battlefield.

There was a girl named 'Decapitate Executioner' or 'Madly Psycho' by her colleagues.

Why? decapitate the executioner? Well, it's because of her weird hobby of decapitating his enemies.

As for the Madly Psycho, it's because of her crazy laughter as she brutally kills her enemy.




"Master Kael, master! Look at me, look at me! I killed the general and his family!" Lily said enthusiastically, with a bright smile on her face, as she stared at Kael.

She held the head of the enemy general in her right hand, along with the other three family members in her left hand.

Seeing this, Kael nodded and said, "Yes, you are. You don't need to say it."

"Really?! I'm really that great?!!" Lily asked once again.

"Hmm, yes, you don't need to repeat yourself," Kael replied to Lily.

Smith chimed beside him, "Don't spoil her too much, Master," Smith said to Kael.

Hearing this, Lily smiled at Smite and threw the decapitated head right in front of him. And retorted, "Shut up! At least I was able to kill their General."

"You... ha.." Smith said, about to explode, but tried to calm himself as he moved the decapitated head away.

'Heheheh, Master's praise. Next time, I'm going to bring him more heads,' Lily thought before leaving.


But then, a vibrating sound caught her attention, which made her stop.

"Who's that?" Kael asked the subordinate beside him.

"Err... it seems there's a message from the main mansion, Master Kael," the subordinate quickly replied, handing over the phone to Kael.

By the way, you may ask why they don't use their fucking smartwatch. Well, that's because smartwatches hadn't been invented yet at this time of development; now, back to the story.

Seeing this, Lily got curious and walked up to Kael and asked, "Hmm? What does it say?" In a cute accent.

"It says that Aria has finally given birth... Wait, given birth?!" Kael exclaimed, with a surprised look on his face.

'Huh? What does he mean by that?!' Lily thought to herself before speaking.

"Hehehe, congratulations! Nice," Lily applauded, her innocent smile lighting up her face as she clapped her hands.

Others joined in and followed, clapping their hands as well.



-"Congratulations, master!!"


-" You're going to be a father! Master!"



"Hehehe, congrats! By the way, I need to go," Lily said once again to Kael before she left.

The moment she left the tent, one of her colleagues rushed up to her, tapped her shoulder, and said, "It looks like you're going to be an auntie, Lily," with a smile on her face.

"Huh? What do you mean, an auntie?" Lily dumbfoundedly asked her colleague.

"You and Master Kael are siblings, right?" the subordinate replied playfully with a pleasant expression on her face.

"What the fuck? What are you talking about? Can't you see I have blue hair, and he has charcoal black hair, right?" Lily retorted to her colleague

"Ehh... I always thought you guys were siblings because Master always says you're a very good sister to him," the subordinate explained.

Hearing those words, an atmosphere of bloodlust enveloped Lily's body as she seemingly pissed, "So I am just his fucking sister?!"

Her colleague saw this and tried to speak.

"Hehe, did I say something wr-" However just before her colleague could speak, Lily stabbed her chest and left.

But before she left, Lily mumbled once again, "Kael, you fucker! So I'm just your sister, huh? After all that I've done, I'm just going to end up being sister-zoned?!

After saying those words, Lily left the Soulsheath and never came back ever again. Not even a word of her.

[Duchy 4th floor]



A loud sound of clashing metals clang to each other echoed throughout the entire hall as Smite engaged in a fierce dogfight with the twin Lily had brought along.



"You damnit, you fucker!" Smite yelled, frustrated as his attacks were once again deflected


Pushing him backward, the recoil from his attack was absorbed by the enemy, causing him to stagger.

"Die! You bitch!!" Smite yelled with a face covered in sweat as he tightly gripped his sword, repositioned himself, and prepared to launch another attack.

"HAHAHAH, do you really think you can attack me?!" Lily laughed as she taunted Smite.

"Nah, I'd win, bitch!" Smite retorted as he rushed forward directly towards Lily with an inhuman speed.

But, unfortunately for Smith, a pair of sibling twins guarded Lily, each wielding a completely different type of weapon.

One of the twins wielded a thick, crimson-red spear that was the same length as his arm, while the other wielded a big, blue shield that was the size of his entire body.



Their synchronized fighting style was a work of art as they displayed their talent in wielding a spear and shield since their early childhoods.

"Fuh..." Smite let out a cold sigh as he attempted to attack one of the spear-wielding twins.


While Smite was getting closer, the spear-wielder repositioned himself, ready to attack.

But the moment Smite entered his range, the spear-wielder mumbled, "Target locked," as he recklessly thrust his spear multiple times at Smite.

The elder spear-wielder has the ability to launch multiple swift thrusts toward the enemy, but the downside is that each attack precisely aims for the most obvious weakness of the enemy.

-Shuu!!! ×31 times

"Heh, do you really think you can hit me with that cheap skill of yours?!" Smith taunted as he easily dodged one of the twin's spear attacks.

However, this skill is useless if the enemy has honed reflexes like Smite, who possesses abilities and experience that allow him to evade attacks.

"Die, you idiot, and that stupid ability of yours!" Smith cursed as he swung his sword downward to the spear-wielder right arm.


Then, out of knowing, the little one appeared, wielding a shield as big as his back. Swiftly moves his shield and positions himself to defend his older twin.

Displaying impressive defensive abilities, he is capable of even defending against attacks from an expert like Smith.


"God damn it, again?!" Smith exclaimed as his attack was once again deflected, pushing him backward.

"HAHAHHA Smite~ do you really think you can kill me with that half-assed ability of yours?" Lily mocked, looking at Smith with a sadistic smile on her face.

"Arhgg, Can you shut up for a moment, bitch!" Smite yelled at Lily as he once again rushed forward with inhuman speed directly toward the older twin.




"Argghh again!!"



And so it continued for what felt like an eternity. The clash of their abilities and the resounding echo of clashing metals filled the air as Smith engaged in a fierce dance of blades with the twins.

In this seemingly endless fight...

[Back at the Khierom coffin]

"This is terrible. It's so hard to watch this fight anymore!" I exclaimed after witnessing such a shitty-ass fight battle.

I believed Smite was more skilled and experienced than Rowan, but apparently, he's not.

He couldn't even defeat those stupid twins despite being a fucking war veteran!!

"Smite, you shitty ass! Why didn't you even try to analyze their synchronicity so you could counter it?" I criticized him as I continued to observe his fight with the twins.


Suddenly, I noticed something odd about Smite's behavior in this battle.

'Wait, why does he always use that repetitive backdown and attack pattern even though it's useless?' I thought, trying to carefully observe Smite's moves.

And to my surprise...

I discovered that the seemingly stronger Smith was nothing more than a muscle head! Yes fuck! a mindless muscle head!!

"This shit, wait, did... did I already say that? Anyway, I suddenly got curious about that gyaru," I muttered to myself before I zoomed in on the camera at Lily's face.

"I didn't expect one of our own to be the betrayer, let alone a gyaru?" I said in excitement after seeing his face in closer

"She's so fucking cute!" I remarked, mesmerized by his seductive cuteness

I didn't expect that the gyaru would be somewhat cute...

Wait, let me clarify this: I'm not implying that I have a crush on her!

What I'm merely stating is that I find the gyaru to be cute and nothing more. Absolutely nothing!

Anyway, I still can't believe that cute gyaru turned out to be our enemy, even after overhearing their conversation.

But if she really did betray us, then I have no choice but to believe what Smite said.

"Such a waste..." I muttered when suddenly, as I became curious about the gyaru's identity.

'Hold up. Didn't Smith say that the gyaru's name is Lily? If I'm correct, then maybe...' I thought before speaking.

"Hey, AI, can you help me identify someone?" I asked the AI.




"Really? Is that so? Fine," I said, pausing for a moment before continuing, "Do you have any information about Lily?" I asked.




"Nice!" I remarked excitedly,

However, that excitement quickly faded when I saw Lily's track record.




"Ahh, the fuck this shit," I cursed, with a mix of shocked and disgusted expressions on my face.

Just what did he saw?!!

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