
PYROSITES: My Heroines were truly Villainous

[SPIRITY WSA ENTRY - VILLAIN] When I was in middle school, my favorite genres were always Sci-fi and Reincarnation. So, when I heard that I was going to be reborn into a world of advanced AI and high tech, my excitement went through the roof, knowing that I would be reborn into my dream world. But that's not the only reason why I'm excited, because I knew to myself that in this life I would finally have a chance to find my cute heroine!! that's right... My ideal heroine... However, Little did I know that my heroines were all originally villainous villains?!!, whose fates are to destroy the world?! "Ahh shit...." ======== [Benefits of adding this to your collection] -Characters and worldview Illustrations for y'll! [Exclusive illustrations] -2.2k words per chapter for the first 10 chapters of the story. -Consistent weekly updates for you all! -It's free and accessible to read. -Writing development. -Update every 6:55 P.M / 18:55 (UTC+08) ======= Discord: https://discord.com/invite/pZHbXYjz

NightGLE_WN · Fantasy
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108 Chs

Shadow Arcane Law

Shadow Arcane, also known as "Natural Selection," has a death fatality rate of 37%.

It was founded during the early days of Ark to produce talented individuals to protect the Ark and to thin out the endless number of immigrants at that time.

Joining Shadow Arcane is mandatory, and social status holds no value if you enter.

Thus, children as young as 12 years old are required to join Shadow Arcane.

Failure to follow the rules properly could result in immediate execution.

Now, you might be wondering, 'What if I don't give my child an identity chip and just hide him for the rest of his life?' Well, that might work temporarily.

However, in Ark, there's this thing called a certificate.

It's proof that you enrolled at Shadow Arcane and also serves as validation of whether you are an outsider or not.

This certificate is a vital requirement for living inside the Ark, and without it, your life would be much worse than that of a mouse.

Just like how a bank card and residential card work, without it, you will be treated as an illegal immigrant.

Anyway, Shadow Arcane is also known for its strict adherence to equality, where fame, money, and family name are all useless.

Attempting to use these traits will instantly put your life at great risk due to the unique system employed by Shadow Arcane.

Shadow Arcane has one of the most brutal and strictest sets of rules, and breaking any one of them can lead to execution.

Therefore, individuals who join Shadow Arcane must be prepared to adhere to its rules and regulations without fail. And this is the short version of what Teacher Steele said.

"Ugh... this is really a dystopian world," I mumbled under my breath while continuing to listen to Steele's long story.

"And all the limited information that I know, Young Master," Steele finished before giving another sly smile.

As I heard this, it made me pause for a little bit as I sensed something strange.

Is that it?! Also, stop that sly smile of yours. I somewhat felt that I was being scammed. On how lacking the information I received holds up, did I really get scammed?!

"Steele, you fu-" However, before I could say it, I stopped myself midway and reversed my thoughts.

Ughh... stupid, impulsive thought, you almost blew your innocent image of mine!

And so, after realizing this, I shifted my way of thinking and just did something like this.




"Wow!! That's amazing, you're too cool, teacher Steele!!" Exhausted, I praised while clapping my hands.

Seeing my reaction, Steele couldn't help but laugh like a freaking Santa.

"HOHOHOHO! Of course, as your teacher, it's my responsibility to make things amazing." Steele happily exclaimed with a smile.

Yes, that's right. Just laughs as long as you like; I will boost that damn confidence of yours and suck up all the information you have!.

"HAHAHAHA! By the way, cool teacher, do you have any limited information? Because father's already told me about it," I suddenly asked while looking at Steele with a curious expression.

I called you a cool teacher, Steele. Isn't that what you want? To be called cool? So hurry up and give me that damn information that I needed!

Because that information you just give isn't near to what I want! At least I would like to know what the test is, the living environment, and some spoilers!

"HOHOHO, thank you for boosting my confidence, Young Master, but unfortunately, I can only answer one question," Steele replied, still laughing like a Santa.

What?! Do you mean you can't? You are lying, old man!

"What?! Do you mean you can't? You're lying, old man!"

"Cool Teacher Steele, I know, but my little brain still wants to know more!" I begged as I looked into his eyes like a child wanting his favorite toy.

Do you see this?! It's the eye of a child begging for something he wants, and yet you don't want to give it to him? Just how rotten are you?!

Ugh...but I really hate doing this, but for the sake of my own selfishness, I will do this!

"Please don't stare at me like that, Young Master, because even if I wanted to, I really can't give it to you," Steele simply responded.

He's built like a wall made out of metal that cannot be penetrated by persuasion.

"Young Master, it seems we're already behind schedule," Steele said before he began to start the class about basic survival skills.

Aghh...! You're so cheap, even for a child?! But do you think I will give up? Let's see about that.

And so, I continued to give Steele a pitiful look for the entire class hour.

And after hours of hard work, begging, and pleading with Steele throughout the entire class, he finally gave in as the class ended.

"Class is finished, Young Master," Steele said in an exhausting tone.

"Young master, please don't be like that. Fine, I will give you one last experience-based limited information I have," Steele begged with a frustrated expression on his face because of my endless begging.

Heh... As expected, there's no way an adult like you can refuse a child who's begging, let alone a cutie like me.

"But in return, you can't ask what kind of limited information I am going to give. I will just say it to you. Deal?" Steele requested as he moved his hand forward, waiting for me to take it and agree.

Grrr... You're really so cheap, but sure, I will gladly take it, you damn old man.

Seeing this, I held his hand. Soon after that, he looked at me before he spoke.

"What I am going to give you isn't related to Shadow Arcane, but it is ultimately what you need once you enter Shadow Arcane," Steele explained, but he paused for a moment.

"Yeah, fine, as long as it's useful, and I will make use of it," I thought as I waited for Steele to begin speaking.

But before he spoke, Steele then asked me a question, "So before we start the class, you said that the book you read always says how great Ark is but doesn't tell the reason why it was built, right?" as he waited for my answer.

"W-wait, don't tell me..." I thought before I answered his question.

"Yeah, that's true. That book didn't say what the cause was," I replied like a clueless child.

Hearing this, Steele then smiled and revealed the answer I was looking for, which would help me later in the future.

"The thing that drove humanity to extinction and forced them to build Ark was 'Pyromites,'" Steele said this like it was nothing.

"Wait, do you mean Pyrosites?" I asked confusedly.

"I don't know~ anyway; I need to go, young master," Steele replied as he hurried to pick up his things and ran like a thief.

"Wait..." I said, but before I could call him, Steele was nowhere to be seen.

"Good damn it!" I yelled in frustration.

After Steele disappeared, I found myself lying on the bed, thinking hard about what Pyromites really were.

"Arggh, never mind, there's no need to force myself to know it. I will eventually learn about it once I enter Shadow Arcane," I mumbled, shifting my thoughts to the most important thing.

Are Pyrosites that, my mother always mentioned to me when I was a child and Parasites the same thing? No matter how much I think about it, they sound the same to me.

I can't ask others about it either since all the information available about Pyrosites is EX-Rank experience-based limited information, making it impossible to gather or find an answer.

However, if you ask me, Pyrosites and Parasites may not be the same species.

Although their names may sound similar, they are both completely different entities. But they do share one common trait.

Which is that they both feed off their host in order to survive; other than that, I don't have anything that I can think of to compare those two.

"Anyway, let's stop thinking about those sudden stupid thoughts that just popped up out of nowhere," I thought to myself as I looked at my wristwatch, which suddenly vibrated.

I tapped it open and saw that someone had messaged me on M'Chat.

M'Chat is also known as the worldwide chatbox, and it works the same way as messenger apps in my old world. The only difference is that with M'Chat, you don't need to pay to use it - it's free.

"Hmm... let's see who sent that," I mumbled as I opened the M'Chat.

[[Character Illustration]]


Jan 8, 5041, 12:11 A.M

Clingy Aria (New 5 messages)

Old Man (New 1 message)

Cool as Kael (New 0 messages)

Kawaii Aurilya (New 0 messages)


"So it's Mother and the Old Man, huh..." I mumbled as I tapped on the message Aria sent.

There's no need to read the Old Man's message. I bet he's just going to say, "Study your homework and read some books," so I'll just read it later after this.


*Clingy Aria* [Jan 8, 5041, 6:10 A.M]


Clingy Aria: Cutiee, Good Evening!

ヽ(*.>Д<)o゜< p>

Clingy Aria: I'm really sorry if we're not at home; there's just so much to do.

ヽ(*.>Д<)o゜< p>

Clingy Aria: But... ...(* ̄0 ̄)ノ

Clingy Aria: I have a surprise for you!!

(ˉ▽ ̄~) 

Clingy Aria: hehehe... (ˉ▽ ̄~) 


"What the heck, HAHAHHA, what's up with those emoticons?" I mumbled before I start writing my message.


*Clingy Aria* [Jan 8, 5041, 6:10 A.M]


Jan 8, 5041, 6:11 A.M

Cutiee: Hehehe, no need to do that! All I need is for you guys to come home safe and sound. q(≧▽≦q)



After sending that message, I decided this was enough and closed my wristwatch, laying around in my bed, looking at the emptiness of the ceiling.

"So it's tomorrow before I turn 12, huh... how fun," I mumbled and immediately fell asleep.

So y'll now know the reason, why Aria Soulsheath is so clingy affectionate towards Khierom.

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