
PYROSITES: My Heroines were truly Villainous

[SPIRITY WSA ENTRY - VILLAIN] When I was in middle school, my favorite genres were always Sci-fi and Reincarnation. So, when I heard that I was going to be reborn into a world of advanced AI and high tech, my excitement went through the roof, knowing that I would be reborn into my dream world. But that's not the only reason why I'm excited, because I knew to myself that in this life I would finally have a chance to find my cute heroine!! that's right... My ideal heroine... However, Little did I know that my heroines were all originally villainous villains?!!, whose fates are to destroy the world?! "Ahh shit...." ======== [Benefits of adding this to your collection] -Characters and worldview Illustrations for y'll! [Exclusive illustrations] -2.2k words per chapter for the first 10 chapters of the story. -Consistent weekly updates for you all! -It's free and accessible to read. -Writing development. -Update every 6:55 P.M / 18:55 (UTC+08) ======= Discord: https://discord.com/invite/pZHbXYjz

NightGLE_WN · Fantasy
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108 Chs

Duchy Is Under Attack [1]

Do you know the reason why I have grown to hate having a birthday party? Well, let me tell a short story.

It would have been fun and happy on my second birthday if not for what happened! Do you know what happened?

I was poisoned! Yes, that's right, I was poisoned right on my second birthday. Do you know how much pain I endured while being poisoned?

The sensation of being roasted alive burns deep inside my chest as if I am repeatedly being stabbed by a knife!

Luckily, Aria coincidentally bumped into the maid who poisoned me, and it turned out she was from the Revenire family. Because of that, they were able to identify the cure, and I was saved.

But that's not the only reason why I hate having birthday parties. Cuz, for God's sake, every single time I celebrate my birthday, something bad always happens.

For example, our party was ambushed by an unidentified assassin, who turned out to be from the Revenire family.

Yes, that Revenire family always comes and wants to kill me whenever I have my birthday or go outside our duchy.

However, they're not the only family that wants my life. There are more like the BandiCam, Killing Merchants, Black Haze, and so many more organizations and families that I can't remember all their names because there are so many of them.

I don't really know why and what my family did to offend so many families and organizations.

Was it because I was born into the family of the Dukedom? And on top of that, as the only sole successor of the Soulshearth family?

Maybe not, or perhaps... Is it because of how many women Kael made cry in his younger days? HAHAHA, that's stupid.

But it's not impossible as well, because of just how handsome he is.

To be honest, if I were born as a girl, I would really fall for him. Luckily, I'm not.

Anyway, those are some of the reasons why I hate my birthday.

It's not because I'm an introvert and parties drain me, that's for sure!

"Ha...." I let out a long sigh as I looked at the ceiling in my room.

Damn, I didn't expect to be ordered to go directly to my room after that long lecture about the use of Pyro-seed.

"Fuck you, Rowan," I cursed out loud as I tried to close my eyes.

Twenty minutes ago...

'Ha.. there goes Aria's tsundere mode. Kael, you're so fucked up,' I thought as I watched both of them arguing with each other.



When Suddenly, a knocking sound from the outside door echoed inside the room, causing both Kael and Aria to stop for a moment.

Upon hearing the knocking sound, Aria asked the person at the door, "Come in."

After saying that, the door opened, and the one who knocked walked into the room.





I was suddenly startled by what I had seen the moment he entered. 

"Wait, isn't that Rowan?" I mumbled, looking at the bloody knight as he walked.

Why is your uniform covered in blood?! And also, what the fuck happened to your right leg?!

"Huh? Shit, what happened to you, Rowan?!" I mumbled as I continued to observe him even more as he walked.

His silver-chest armor was so severely beaten that its outer shell was deformed.

Along with his right leg, which had multiple holes in it, as if it was being shot by a shotgun bullet, giving wounds due to their spread.

Not only that, his primary weapon, the rusted sword, was also destroyed.

It had a large crack in the middle. It seemed he had just been through a tough sword fight.

'What the fuck did you just get yourself into? A fucking bloody war??' I thought as I continued to gaze in silence.

"Good morning, Madam Aria, Duke Kael," Rowan said calmly, despite having so many injuries. He didn't forget to bow his head to pay respect.

While bowing, he noticed my presence and said, "Ahh, I'm sorry, I didn't notice you. By the way, good morning, young master." With a smile on his face.

After Rowan spoke, I nodded, signaling for him to raise his head.


'What the heck? Don't bend your back too much; you're injured!' I thought as I shifted my gaze to Aria.

"Rowan, what happened to you?" Aria asked in a worried tone. Kael followed up, "That's right, what happened to you, and what's with all that blood?"

What the fuck? Why are you guys just asking if Rowan is okay?! Didn't you see what happened to him?! You guys were blind or what?!

"Erh... how do I say this..." Rowan said skeptically, unsure if he should share the details.

As he stared at me, he continued speaking, "Madam Aria, Duke Kael, can we please talk about it in private?"

Wait, why do I feel like those words are directly connected to me? Who the fuck are you to order me to leave this room?!

Realizing this, I stared at Aria and Kael, staring at them, showing them that I didn't want to leave.

Cuz I'm so fucking curious about what happened to Rowan, and also, what about my birthday? Did you guys just give me a gift and force me to wear this tight blazer for nothing?

"Cutiee," Aria said, pausing for a moment before speaking again. "Cutiee, can you please go to your room?"

"But I still want to be with you guys," I begged as I looked at them with a pitiful expression on my face. 

'shit, please don't stare at me like that.'

Long story short, it still didn't work, as Aria asked Steele to escort me directly to my room as soon as possible and ordered me not to open the door, no matter what.

Additionally, Aria also instructed me not to eat the Pyro-seed under any circumstances.

Back to the current time.

"Fuck! Fuck!! I can't fall asleep, let alone play with my smart wristwatch!" I yelled in rage.

After opening my eyes again, I could not fall asleep because I was overthinking.

"What am I going to do..." I said as I finally calmed myself down. "Fuuuu," I let out a long sigh.

As I looked at the ceiling once again, I muttered, "So fucking boring," in a bored tone.

How the fuck am I not going to be bored? I can't fall asleep, and I can't even play with my wristwatch at the same time.

As It requires a fucking internet connection. However, I don't have internet now!!

"Fuck, so boring..." I said once again when suddenly I remembered something. "Oh wait, I almost forgot that damn Pyro-seed," I said as I searched for where I had put it.

"There you are," I said, grabbing the crystal box containing the Pyro-seed.

It was placed right beside me on the bed. While looking at it, I couldn't help but think about how fucking gross it really was.

I didn't notice it at first because I was so busy entertaining them, but this thing really looked like a fucking jar of... no, never mind.

Anyway, as I continued to observe it out of pure curiosity, I couldn't resist the impulse and opened it. Yes, that's right, I opened it! Damnit, impulsive thoughts!

As I opened the lid, I immediately looked away due to the similar smell it produced, and because of that, I closed it and said,

'It smells like bleach. Are they really sure this thing isn't just a jar of cu-'


But then my thoughts were interrupted when suddenly, out of nowhere, there was a loud Bang outside my room, followed by another big explosion.


Then, it went quiet for a moment. However, before I could react, my bed began shaking rapidly.

"W-What the hell is going on?!" I yelled in a shaken tone, covering my head. And once again, I said,

"Why my fucking bed was the one that only shakin-"

Yes, why the fuck is my bed the only one shaking?!! Is this some kind of fucking vibrato-

Unexpectedly, my thoughts were interrupted as I was shaken and suddenly fell inside the bed.

"Wua!!" I screamed as I quickly hit the bottom.

Then, another unexpected thing happened. What appeared to be a coffin suddenly shut close.



A sound rang in my ears as the corner of the coffin began to light up, emitting a red glow. Along with it, a holographic red screen appeared in front of my face.




"Temporary bunker? What?" I frowned in confusion, trying to make sense of what was happening.




What the fuck is going on, and what is this thing?!!

Hold on, wait. Before that, this shit isn't my priority. I need to know what's happening outside!

"Damnit, I need to know what happened outside," I accidentally mumbled out loud.




"What the fuck is happening?" I mumbled once again, accidentally voicing my thoughts.




As soon as I read those words, the confusion inside me vanished, and I realized what was really happening. "the duchy is under attack..."

Khierom's birthday is a curse rather than a blessing for him.

Khierom: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ [stupid birthday!]

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