

The need to destroy and kill monster was needed on the vast world they found themselves in. A modern world, where magic was found within humans, and guns adapted to tear rough skin. A mysterious man, carrying only a flamethrower, showed one day, around 7 years ago. He quickly rose through the ranks, and no one ever found out anything about him. Never spoke a word, finished his jobs and would reappear only when there was more. A mysterious and menacing legend.

BambooDealer · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Search and Rescue.

As the usual dizziness lessened, K saw himself in front of a destroyed city, and only with the bat of an eye, he said outloud. "Magma monster. It completely destroyed this place." The little city was torn into pieces, and ashes could be seen everywhere, with the fallen buildings. It looked would look apocalyptic if ot wasn't so recent.

The city still felt hot from whatever passed by. "Something messed the mana count. This is at least an Omega." K said as he followed the device on his hand. It was small, and showed him directions, and he quickly faced a big forest after walking through the streets of the city.

K couldn't find any trace of human life nearby, everyone either evacuated or died here, barely any dead bodies were found as he walked. The forest was seemingly destructed, but not as much as expected from a magma monster. Although, of course, the burnt trace of the monster running through could be seen.

"It came and went through here. The group probably fought the magma monster from the city until reaching the place ir came from." K liked to say his mental notes when he was alone, it was easier that way for him.

The device wasn't really used that much by K, he normally followed the traces by himself to kill whatever he was going after, but finding a person was really difficult, even more after a fight. The person could be anywhere, hurt or knocked out after trying to escape.

K went deeper and deeper through the forest, going through many destroyed plants and trees, the monster wasn't that big, or it could retain his power or reduce his size so people would lose him from sight. Suddenly, the device started to point out life, human life, of course.

K diverged from the monster old path, his priority to the mission was to rescue Emile and bring her back. He walked in the direction where the device pointed to, and a place that didn't look like it was a part of the forest entered his sight. It looked more like a battlefield, mana remnants and destruction from all around the place.

"They really weren't prepared for this. An Alpha would be rough, but they had no chance against an Omega." K said as he went to investigate where he was directed to, until he finally arrived. As he got by the side where the point was, K heard a pistol being cocked, by the place where the device showed.

A girl, with half-black half-white short hair, with white skin and really bad injuries and battle equipment destroyed, was the one pointing the gun. "Emile. I was contacted to rescue you." K said, as he looked at her, like if the gun wasn't even there.

"Oh... Rescue... Right. I thought it was some lunatic trying to loot the remains of the dead hunters." Emile said as she put the gun down. Her arm was weak, she lost blood and hadn't eaten for a long time, she would've probably missed the shot if she tried.

K didn't say a word, he picked her, putting her arm around his neck and started to walk back from the place he came from. "There's no way I can contact the center here. No signal. We have to go back to the city." K explained as he left the place.

Emile was in pain, but was trying to show how rough she was. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. You don't really look like a rescuer for me." She said, mocking what he was wearing, until she noticed he had a flamethrower. Her face suddenly got serious.

K obviously didn't even bother trying to answer her question. "Why... Do you have a flamethrower? Didn't anyone tell you that the monster is a magma monster? We are fucked if it comes back!" Emile was visibly agitated and anxious now. She knew the monster was nearby and could find them. "No reports came from your team. We had no way to know that."

"Why didn't you ask to come back when you saw that what destroyed everything was made from fire?!" As she was becoming mad, a loud roar resonated through the florest, and heavy, fast-paced, steps started to be heard.

"We are fucking dead!" Emile said in absolute terror of what was about to come. K let her go, putting her on the ground, grabbing his flamethrower. "Stay there." He said as he ajusted it, waiting the monster to come after him.

"What?! Wait?! You have a fucking flamethrower! What the fuck can you do against a fucking MAGMA monster?!" Emile said, she was sure he was a crazy man, but she couldn't run. She was sure the man in front of her was responsible from killing her and taking away any chance of survival she had.

The monster quickly entered their sight, running through the old battlefield. It was at least 50 meters large from the place K stood from the magma monster. He quickly turned his flamethrower, going way past the normal range, reaching about 40 meters.

The big magma giant ran at him in max speed, it was at least 7 meters tall, made from solidified magma and lava going through his body. His eyes were black and it had big teeth with a giant rock skull.

The monster wanted to devour both of them, or destroyed them, and soon enough, was engulfed in the fire.

Emile had fallen into deep despair. The monster ran through the fires, confident to kill them both, and he got closer, around 20 meters, she only closed her eyes and waited for death's arrival. But... It never came, after some seconds, she couldn't feel the ground shaking anymore, the monster was... standing still.

The now afraid Emile opened her eyes, seeing the magma monster being... Melted? She couldn't trust what she was seeing. The big rocks went down and melted, and even lava couldn't sustain that much heat. The monster couldn't go an inch further, not even a millimiter.

And, as the girl looked at K, he didn't show any emotions. The black lens of his mask showed only the reflection of the flames, and his intensely at the flames and watched the monster quickly go down as it absorbed more and more heat, until it got destroyed. The big giant fell, made into liquid.

Emile still couldn't believe what happened, the monster that destroyed anything with his magma, engulfing anything in his past and bursting into flames, was... Melted down. K put down his flamethrower, entered the burning hot monster, reached for a crystal inside the nonsensically hot magma and got out, and as if this was a normal occurence, he helped the dumbfounded Emile, starting to walk again.

"So that was what he could do..." She muttered to herself as she walked with K's help, only waiting until they could be teletransported back to the central and finish the work, that didn't actually take that much time, because K didn't really do any of a paramedic work.

Sorry for rushing this one too much.

BambooDealercreators' thoughts