
PVZ system by the multiverse.

Douglas died in an accident, knew God and ended up winning a system (plants vs zombies).

patinhoDEUSVULT · Anime & Comics
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60 Chs


After eating something, the whole group went to the games room this time but instead of starting the Virtual game they went to play a deadly Kombat 13.

- I will show my skills to Lord Rimuro-sama!

Saying this, Benimaru chose Raiden as his character.

( References!)

- A mere mortal cannot challenge a God!

Douglas made Naturé take control and choose his DLC character, Ong Bak.

(For those who have never watched the Ong Bak series of films I recommend that you watch, it's like watching John Wick but Thai and instead of arming is fighting, the special effects are crap but the effort of the actor in the fights is impressive)

Choosing the Burning Gardens as a map the game started to load and the two characters approached.

However the first round ended as fast as the loading screen, Douglas gave two combos in a row and didn't even let Benimaru learn the controls.

(Round 2)


This time Benimaru managed to block his blows, but that was when Douglas broke his defense he was beaten and lost.

Soon a rodizio started for those who could defeat Douglas but everyone lost, until Ibara's turn came.

Douglas for the first time in his life saw his wife's second side, she ignored his defense and went on the offensive entirely and defeated me, even the second round that I got smarter ended up the same way.

Douglas thoughts- I can feel a disturbance in the strength!

They played a little more and decided to play the Virtual Reality games now, a wall opened and several helmets came out of it they put on the helmets and joined the game.


In the city, several lights appeared at the starting point, a loli with green hair (Rimuro), a tall bald guy (Benimaru) and lastly a fragile-looking blonde girl (Dahlia).

- Wow, this is a virtual reality game it seems to be very realistic!

- Lord Rimuro-sama what happened to you!

- I say that, why are you bald Benimaru!

The 3 looking a little strange looked at each other in the mirror and seeing their appearances were a little confused.

- I'm a woman!!!

Rimuro said indignantly, as he had no gender, the game made him a character based on his appearance which ended up resulting in him being a woman.

Soon Douglas and Michael arrived, too.

- Hahaha, I see that you finally accepted what you are inside!

- The game did this to me, I had no choice!

- Don't worry it happens, I saw other men who were more feminine!

The group joked a little before Douglas started to explain how the game works, Benimaru and Dália were having difficulty using weapons but had no problems with hand-to-hand combat.

After they were armed, they went to the desert.

- Come here, let me tell you the plan!

Douglas began to tell his magnificent plan to the team.

- Are you sure this will work, and if they don't fall into the trap.

- Just trust me, I know what goes on in the minds of players in online games this plan is infallible.

They walked again until they found a very spacious place with nothing to hide, Douglas then took his shovel and dug a hole in the sand and hid himself in it, the others did the same thing except Dahlia.

Soon their first victim approached, it was a group of 4 players with physical weapons probably looking for victims for their PK.

- HELP ME!!!

Dália screamed loudly and fell to the ground like an unprotected maiden, when the players will hear her screams they will run to the place quickly to help her.

However when they got close enough Douglas jumped out of his hole grabbed a player and pulled him to the ground, the others who diverted their attention suffered the same fate.

And this tactic worked until several people started to post the trap they suffered in the forums.

- Fuck, I went towards that woman with the intention of helping her as a good knight and it was an ambush!

- I sympathize with you brother, my companions and I heard a female cry and went there to protect a damsel in distress, who would have thought she was the danger!

These things were being posted, from that day on it became normal to have a female companion on the team to help them in ambushes and every novice player would fall into this trap 2-3 times before learning to shoot first and ask questions later.