
PVZ system by the multiverse.

Douglas died in an accident, knew God and ended up winning a system (plants vs zombies).

patinhoDEUSVULT · Anime & Comics
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60 Chs


Michael and Douglas went back to the city and went to the gun market to test the true way of playing, they went from store to store looking for something cool but aside from Michael who took an HK G36c and a Five-seveN Douglas was still in doubt of the to catch.

- What will I get!

Douglas said as he passed a ladder that led to the lower district, there were several other interesting weapons there, but Douglas saw something that caught his eye was a large wooden-handled gun and a large bullet barrel.


He walked over and read the description of the weapon.

(Degtyaryov light machine gun or also known as RPD, created in Russia in 1945 has a caliber of 7.62 × 39mm and has a modification that allows using special bullets without damaging the weapon.)

Douglas didn't even care about the price and took the gun, he gave it a little sniff and passed his hand, after a few moments he turned to the salesman.

- May I know if you have special bullets?

- Well we have it but no one uses it because it is very expensive and damages the weapons, even the cheapest special bullet which is the penetration bullet costs 5 credits per shot.

- Give me 3 drums each and 15 regular bullets!

- Nani ?!

The seller was surprised, no one uses these bullets unless he goes to face a boss in the desert, seeing someone buying these bullets without even blinking surprised him because the price of all this would be around 30,000 credits.

However, the seller's hands never stopped and he took all the necessary ammunition quickly.

- Thank you for your help!

- I thank you, always come back!

Douglas left the store with a smile on his face and decided to look for his second weapon now, after a few laps he bought an ax made of super sharp space steel, after buying the armor, the energy shield and a glove made of special alloy he went meet Michael in the square.

- Yo!

- You finally arrived, I thought I would have to wait for a few more hours!

- Well my taste is refined it took a while to find what I need!

At that time there was an advertisement of the BOB competition (I think the name was that) on television.

- Hey do you want to participate in that championship?

- Why not, there may be skilled players there!

The two moved quickly to the city hall to register because it was only 1 hour until the end of the registration.

Almost getting there they will see someone driving a motorcycle like crazy on the avenue but they didn't pay much attention and registered to enter the waiting area.

There were all kinds of people in there, several were squandering their weapons or drinking a beer, only a small portion turned to look at the two when they entered.

- Hey, not the Neckbreaker and the Bloody Bear?

- Indeed it seems, but I think they are not, see they are fully equipped and even the ammunition clips are with them, I think they may be other similar people.

- I understand, but if it were them we could even give up this competition I watched a video of my friend's battle against Douglas and they were wiped out it was a 6 against 1 but in the end they all died without even being able to hurt him.

The players were having a few conversations here and there, but nothing too serious.

However Douglas was a little alarmed, he felt a hidden presence near him.

(Rapid movement sounds)

Douglas moved his hand quickly without an ounce of hesitation and grabbed something in the air, some people around were confused but after 1 second a person wearing a mechanical mask with red eyes appeared.

Douglas had his hand on his throat and even if he couldn't do any damage it would still panic someone.

- Let me go!

Death Gun tried to take his hand off his neck but when he looked down he realized that his own hands were tied.

He didn't even have time to think about how it happened before Douglas released him.

- Boy you should be careful when approaching someone your intention to kill was so natural that it could tell where you were 1 kilometer away.

Douglas didn't speak anymore and went to sit in a corner of the room with Michael.

- I think you scared him!

- I gave a warning, besides I can tell just by looking in his eyes that he is garbage in human form.

With 10 minutes left to start the match two girls entered the room, one of them had a slap mark on her face which I was a little curious how she managed.

(The event will start in 5 minutes, all participants get ready)

- Finally some action!

(3,2,1 START)

All players were moved to their battles, Douglas was moved to an Urban area with several half-broken houses.

He stretched his limbs and stood waiting for the enemy to come to him. After 5 minutes he felt a presence in a building 500 meters away.

- It seems to be a sniper, he positioned himself in a place that I would have to approach from the front huh, smart move!

Douglas started walking towards his enemy, the player seeing this did not hesitate and shot Douglas.



- What?!!!

The sniper said surprised to see his shot being grabbed in the air by Douglas' hands, if it were because of the lines it would in fact be possible although almost impossible but the first shot of a Sniper does not show the line.

- As he grabbed my bullet in the air, this is not something a human can do!

But for Douglas this was easy, he simply deduced where the sniper would shoot and adjusted the position a little when the bullet was fired using his magnetic gloves to grab a bullet in the air is perfectly possible despite being difficult.

Bang, bang, bang,

The sniper continued to shoot Douglas but all of his bullets were being grabbed by him in the air leaving him in disbelief, but that ended when Dougla picked up his ax.

- What is he going to do?

Douglas pointed the ax up and threw it while picking up the RPD on his back.


The sniper ran to protect himself behind the wall of shots waiting for the round of shots to end.

(Sounds of wind cutting through)

(Notice you died)

- What?

The sniper was surprised when his death message appeared and all he could think about was how he died.

But the people watching the game were even more surprised, Douglas's ax made a complete curve in the air and landed directly on top of the sniper's head.

- This is amazing!

- How can a person do something like this, he must be a machine and not a player!

Several exclamations came from the players, but it soon stopped when Douglas started his next game.

In the end he killed each opponent in a different way until reaching the semi-finals, Michael was eliminated by a girl with blue hair in the elimination rounds.

- It seems that only capable people stayed huh!

Douglas smiled when he saw his next opponent.

- It looks like I'm going to avenge Michael sooner than expected!

(Sinon vs Douglas)

(Map- rainforest)

Douglas appeared in the middle of the forest, but he didn't bother to move.


He moved his head slightly to the side and a bullet passed him.

Sinon who saw Douglas dodging his bullet opened his mouth in shock, she was confident that he would try to catch his bullet which would fail because the caliber of his weapon is too thick and would pass through his defenses, however as if he could see the future a slight movement of the head was enough to deflect.

-He is strong, someone so strong that I can't even probe his limits.

She was determined to kill him, however when she looked at Douglas's position again he was gone.

- Ah ?, Where is he?

- Behind you, young lady!

She pulled her pistol without thinking twice but had her neck grabbed by Douglas and was disarmed without even being able to offer any resistance.

Douglas however frowned a little when he looked at her.

- Hey little girl, you killed someone and you're traumatized, aren't you?

Sinon's eyes widened, she thought about how he knows.

- I can see it in your eyes, you are playing this game to overcome your trauma and be strong in real life too!

- How do you know!

- Hahaha, I already said it is written on your face but let me give you a hint if you killed someone take responsibility so don't be afraid of what you did, if you killed him for vengeance great accept this, if you killed him for the accident accept this, if you killed to protect someone alive with the fact that your action saved someone else's life.

Her eyes widened again, she practically went into a state of acceptance for a moment but before she could thank Douglas he broke her neck.

- I hope you accept my tips can help much later!

(Douglas wins)