
Chapter 1

Vladislav Putinov is outstanding person. He is the president of the great republic of Russia.

"I like the feeling of dominance."

He says about himself.

He is truly the natural born leader. In some words you can say he is the jack of all trades.






~Chapter 1: President's Isekai~

"Give me recap of situation in Guangzhou"

A strong manly voice which belonged to Putinov was always fearsome. Every spoken words coming out of his mouth were like a soul command.

He was sitting on his king sized chair which was decorated by golden paint while beside him was laying a tiger.

"Yes Mr.President."

One of his ministers answered.

"As we know China is plotting some kind of new atomic bombs in Guanzhou and as says info from our hackers in USA ,the strings are being moved by the President of United States."

His minister was also slightly bold and masculine man with strict look.

"I see...so the old man really had gone crazy...*sigh* such a pitty that once great America will be ruined under his so called ruling."

Slowly he stood up from his chair.

"Be them be...they would ruin themselves by there own hands."

Putinov's words were truly right and his minister understood that as well.

"Yes Mr.President."

He said slowly going back to his own work.

A while later his secretary Elena had entered bringing him cup of coffee.

"Good day sir."

She said putting the coffee on the table.

"Ah Elena good day to you as well....as always your coffee smells the best."

He took a sip of her coffee while with relaxing expression smiled towards her.

"N-No need to praise sir.... it's my duty to take care of you."

Her face had a tilt of blush near her cheeks while she was looking towards his well toned body filled with scars and muscles.

"Haha! As always thanks Elena."

"No problem sir!"

Elena was a usually calm person but in front of Putinov her real side was showing herself. Truth be told she was madly in love with the Mr.President.

As she approached to get the cup of Putinov the tiger near him woked up.

It roared crazily as wanted to kill Elena.... However Putinov caught him with one hand and with a swift movement of his hand beheaded his pet.

"Sorry Miss Elena...seem my kitty forgot his manners."

Elena wasn't even surprised... Putinov was considered as strongest man in the world. He was already over 100 years old and still was living and kicking. Legends says that he was born in the times of Lenin.

Once when the great Republic of Russia was in a sorrowful state he was the one who united people. With his bare hands he was dealing with enemies.

Legends says that once he caught missile with his index finger and made it rotate backwards. That's what kind of man he was.

"Don't worry Mr.President and thanks for rescuing me."

He stood up while putting on his uniform.

"What do I have next in my schedule?"

"Oh! You have a planned outside walk around the assembly."

"Well...time to get some air."

Minutes after he already was near the gates of his mansion.

The wide big garden fully green and filled with the architecture statues. Vladislav Putinov as said earlier was the Jack of all trades not only masterful leader but artist,cook and many other work master.

He approached the center seeing his own statue. People of Great Republic of Russia made this statue only for him...legends says that every citizen of Russia had touched it for the president.

"Do you know what is the most valuable resource in this world,Elena?"

"Hmm...maybe Diamond?"

"Might be but no....in reality the most valuable thing in this word is relationship chains among the people. Their feelings. This the most valuable thing in the whole world. One person can start a war as well as one person can end it... however even than all alone we people are nothing."

"As always...great words Mr.Preside—"

As she wanted to continue her sentence the loud voice of Truck was heard coming towards the president.

"What is this!? Are we under attack?"

Elena was confused as to why they were under attack by truck...and not a normal truck but it was without a driver.

"We are not under the attack...this Truck...I heard about him."

Putinov said looking towards the Truck's direction.


"He is the professional killer who is from Japan. Truck-kun."


Putinov didn't answered but stood up and was going towards the truck.

Truck narrowed it's car torches.

"So you are approaching me? Instead of running away?"

Truck-kun said while Putinov smiled slowly going towards it.

"How can I kick your butt without approaching you?"

With one swift move he completely disappeared from sight.

"H-Huh? Where did he disappeared!?!?"

Truck-kun exclaimed while suddenly his back part disappeared.

"Gah! Wh-What!?"

What was going on? How the hell did this happen? These thoughts circulated on Truck-kun's mind while Putinov reappeared flying in air.

"Hahaha! Good reflexes Mr.Truck but you won't even put a scratch on my body."

"H-How are you able to fly!?"

"Hmm..I would refrain from telling enemy my secrets but it won't hurt to tell a dead man my secret.....in fact I'm using power named...Stand!!!"


Truck-kun didn't know but there was someone in Putinov's back.

"My stand name is former leader of Soviet Union...The Comrade Stalinisa!!!"

The Young girl with white hair was hugging Putin in midair.

Her cheeks were red while she was hugging him like he was her sweetheart.

"Hahaha... Vladislav Putinov! You are truly the strongest man in the world however...."

Suddenly a light circled Putinov.

"My work is not killing people...no...it is transporting them!!!"

The light was getting more tense.

"What is this?"

Putinov said calmly while Elena was trying to free him...but something like barrier was blocking her way.


Putinov was calm as water...he slowly looked towards her and said.

"Take well care of our Country Elena."


Thus the light fade away as well as Great President for Life...The Great Vladislav Putinov.


End of Chapter 1. This is the craziest story I had ever written but I'm sure...this fic will be fire. Also if you are curious on what drugs I'm sitting it is called "Candice"

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