

I could see the road to the Solidads mansion. I secretly thanked him because I was finally able to rest. I thanked him when he opened the door beside me, I didn't even notice that he was already there and when he came out. I don't know, I always have this feeling that my surroundings are dark whenever I get sick. He snatched my bag from me and I didn't know what to look for. He was wearing a formal attire and was carrying a bag. It was as if he had picked up his younger brother. I chuckled.

"What's so funny Ava?" He said holding the door open. I just smiled at him and continued walking and passed him. I saw Mother Celia peek into the entrance and her gaze shifted to Levi. I can only imagine Nanay Celia's thought about how cute he looks right now. Mother Celia greeted me and when her skin touched mine she was stunned.

"Oh Cyreese! You're burning."

"I'm fine, Celia. I just need a break."