
Chapter 1

I wake up breathing heavy. I notice I'm sweating really bad. I try and remember my dream because I feel like it wasn't an ordinary dream. After awhile I give up trying to remember and go get ready for school. My name is Dinto Suzuki,I'm 13 years old. I check the time and notice i have 30 minutes to get to school. Since I have to walk I have to hurry and leave. I run to the front door and put my shoes on. "BYE MOM!" I yell while running out the door. I run halfway to school then I start to walk. While walking a see a girl with light brown hair. I see she is wearing my schools uniform. I start to walk ahead of her. I didn't look back at her cause that would be weird. I start running again because I only have 10 minutes left. I finally get to school at have 5 minutes left till class. When I get to class I sit in my usual spot in the back by the window. "Class,today we have a new transfer student." My teacher says while pointing to the classroom door. Standing in the classroom door I see the girl I saw walking to school. The girl walks in to the class with her head down. Her hair is in two low ponytails. "Introduce yourself luv." Our teacher says. "Uh h-hi m-my name i-is Kumata." She says. I can tell she isn't very social and she is obviously shy. "Okay Kumata you can sit by Dinto." He says pointing to me. She nods her head and walks silently to the desk beside me. When she sits down next to me I catch a glance of her eyes. She has beautiful sapphire eyes. Kumata slightly looks at me and I instantly look out the window. The entire day of class I feel eyes on me. Every time I don't feel eyes on me,I would look over and look at Kumata. She would always look back at me and smile lightly. It was now lunchtime and I was going to get some milk. When I get to the vending machine I see Kumata. Every thing suddenly went into slow motion. She turned too me and her beautiful brown hair flowed through the wind and her sparkling blue eyes twinkled. I got embarrassed while looking at her, and ran back to class forgetting about the milk i wanted to buy. I then start to think, "Why is she so pretty." I then lay my head down on my desk and fall asleep. Before I know it somebody is shaking me awake. I look up and see the pale girl. "Oh uh did i shock you? Uh sorry you can back to sleep." The girl said sitting back down and putting her hand on her head. "No its okay." I say smiling. The girl sits back up and gets a notebook out. She then starts writing. I didn't wanna be nosy, so I just went back to looking out the window. After school ends I decide to go to the cafe and get a snack. Once I get some dango I sit outside and get my book out. I read for about an hour, then head home. Its about 5pm so I should be eating dinner soon. Once I get home I go to my room and immediately fall asleep. 

 In Dintos dream:

I wake up in some type of field. Its a beautiful field. Long wheat and the sun going down. The amazing tall trees surrounding the field. While im looking at the scenery I see a girl in a long white dress. Her hair flowing softly through the warm air. She then turns around and I look at her eyes. I notice they're the same as Kumata's. I then look at the rest of her face and realize that its Kumata. My eyes widen and I fall on my knees. I close my eyes for a second and when i open them she is gone. I look around every where to find her,but i just cant find her anymore. I give up and lay in the long grass. I look at the clouds and think to myself, "Ive only just met this girl. Could i like her."

Back to reality:

I wake up sweating again. I try to remember what happened in my dream but i still just can't. I fall back on my bed looking out my window. The sun is always a beautiful view. It will always be a comfort spot for me. I get hungry and go to the kitchen. My mother is always gone for work,and my father died in an accident as a child. We were all on a bus me,my mother,and father. Suddenly the bus just stopped really fast and we went flying into the air. After that i dont remember but people tell me we fell onto multiple cars. Im glad that my mother is alive. My father was always abusive to me and my mother. She wanted to divorce him but she never got the chance. I honestly hated and still hate my father. He would always just hit me and my mother for no reason. He would make my mother clean up after his messes and make her hit me on purpose. I never blamed my mother for it because i knew she didn't want to do that to me. She wouldn't really hurt me. It would usually just be a little pinch on the cheek. But for my dad,he would punch me in the face multiple times. Drag me by the neck. He even sometimes broke a couple of my bones. But my mother would always take me to the hospital and she would just say i fell really hard. My mother works hard now but i still feel like she thinks about what my father put her and me through. I feel like she is guilty of me getting hurt. I hope she doesn't hurt herself. After i had ate something I watched some tv. The movie i was watching talked about friends and what they are there for. I never had friends growing up,ive always been the quiet kid. I was always reading or writing something. I didn't really socialize other than if it was for a school project. Yeah i may only be 13 but I probably won't get many friends going into highschool. I don't get bullied much now but I did in 2nd grade. At the time I was also getting abused by my father. The kids at school didn't know. I never told anyone because I didn't want my father hitting me or my mother even worse. After i had finished my movie I got ready for bed. I checked my phone before going to bed and while scrolling through instagram,i see a post about my father and how he died. It said things about he was so called such a hard working man. All he did for me and my mother was let us live in the same house as him. I scoffed and turned my phone off. I looked out my window to see the beautiful moon shine into my room. The moon reminds me off Kumata. I don't know why,but it just does. Then I fall asleep.