

Welcome to the reincarnation space.

You have been randomly chosen as a subject to undergo the new protocols.

Please give feedback on your experience at the end of your new life.

As one of the new test subjects you will be granted 20 points to spend on perks in your new life.

Please enjoy your new life.

Hunter X Hunter World Menu


Ugly (+2)

Unattractive (+1)

Average (+-0)

Attractive (-1)

Well Above Average (-2)


Orphan (+-0)

Meteor City Orphan (-1)

Average Family (-1)

Zoldyck Family (-5)

Kakin Royal Family (-3)

Freeces Family (-4)

Netero Family (-5)

Jappon Ninja Clan (-2)



Average (+2)

1 in 1,000 (+-0)

1 in 10,000 (-1)

1 in 100,000 (-2)

1 in 1,000,000 (-4)

1 in 10,000,000 (-8)

1 in 100,000,000 (-12)

Peak Talent (-16)


Seed Urn (-1)

Sonata of Darkness (-5)

Divine Script enhanced Weapon (-2)

Nitro Rice (-3)

Metallion (-3)

Trinity Elixir (-3)

Unmanned Rock (-3)



Rhythm Echo (-1)

Snake Arms (-1)

Claw Hand (-1)

Muay Thai (-1)

Boxing (-1)



Killing Instinct (-2)

Electricity Resistance (-2)

Fire Resistance (-2)

Poison Resistance (-2)

Poison Immunity (-5)


The soul starring at the screen was in shock over the sheer amount of information listed.

He was originally a commonplace worker and this whole situation was entirely otherworldly.

He knew what HxH was but was still in a state of shock after dying and being sent to what could only be called a void.

Deciding not to dwell on what he couldn't understand he began carefully scanning the list once more.

A few options immediately stuck out such as peak talent despite it's obscene price.

It was clearly the best option on the list as most other things could be acquired later.

Choosing his appearance was easy, he chose average.

There were far more valuable things than his physical appearance, HxH was a dangerous world and he needed every edge he could get.

His appearance was dispensable but he couldn't bring himself to choose ugly no matter how much wanted those two extra points.

In the Family section, he chose the Jappon Ninja Clan.

He presumed it was the one Hanzo was from and felt it would give the same valuable training as the Zoldyck family but wasn't as expensive.

Finally reaching the Talent section, he immediately chose peak talent.

It was a no brainer decision.

He skipped the item section as he was unable to afford any of the good items at this point.

Not to mention that with his peak talent the dark continent was just one more stop on his journey.

Some of the techniques listed were those he would appreciate but he couldn't waste his points on something he could easily learn.

The perk section was the longest section and had many strange abilities that some would consider unnatural.

Such as, pheromones which would make the opposite gender chase after you to eat you.

A weird one for sure but not the weirdest.

He was currently deciding between two different perks, Killing instinct and Precognition.

Killing Instinct would allow him to know the best way to kill anyone near or lower in strength to himself unless they were a monster like Meruem or Netero.

It couldn't make him unbeatable but would greatly enhance his combat effectiveness and would be great preparation for his life as a ninja.

Precognition would allow him to see one second into the future.

Needless to say that it would be a great perk.

In the end he chose killing instinct.

He could always develop a future sight ability later if he really needed it.

He had great faith in peak talent.

If he was right it should put him on par with the fourth prince and maybe even above Meruem in terms of Nen talent.

Clicking the finish button the screen went blank.

A cold flow of darkness washed over the soul removing all its memories leaving only a pure white flame that was sucked into a small hole in the abyss.

A moment later the screams of woman and the cry of a baby could be heard from a small house in Jappon.

7 Years Later

A young boy could be seen jumping from tree to tree with a scroll in hand being chased by a few boys who were clearly a few years older.

The gap between them continued to grow until one of the boys shouted, "Nagato!!! Get back here you thieving bastard!!!"

The boy, Nagato, screamed back, "Make me shit head!"

The first boy to yell responded with a cry of fury, "Respect your older brother and give me the scroll!"

"Hell No" was the only response he heard before Nagato completely disappeared.

"Damn it" the older boy cried in frustration.

The other boys finally caught up and tried to comfort their clearly upset friend, "Dont worry about it Hanzo. We'll get it back eventually"

Still quite miffed by the whole situation, Hanzo replied "He better not show Mom or I'll be in huge trouble."

The worry started to set in and the rest of the boys started to shuffle their feet in anxiousness.

Although he could no longer see Hanzo chasing him, Nagato kept running until he was sure no one was following.

Finally sitting down against a tree his excitement started to rise and the curiosity about what made his brother so desperate to get his hands on the scroll began to peak.

Carefully opening the scroll he saw something he would have never expected.

The entire scroll was full of images of illicit and extremely dirty acts.

Nagato sat there stunned that he had just gone through all that effort just to be greeted with such things.

The chase had been hard, Hanzo and his friends had chased him for almost two hours to recover the scroll.

Although Nagato got away it mostly due to the fact he had carefully laid traps in preparation for the chase.

Hanzo was no chump and although both had been training for years, he was still four years older and had an advantage.

No matter how much Nagato was praised as a once in a lifetime Genius his brother was also a generation prodigy.

His brother had been engrossed with the scroll recently and had refused to show him, finally deciding to steal the scroll he had thought it contained some secret technique or at least an important training manual.

He never expected his brother to be a pervert.

The images contained had many of the most obscene fetishes and his young mind was unprepared for the horrors he witnessed.

Dropping the scroll he sat there in shock and disgust, after a moment he got up and walked home still in a state of shock.

Arriving at home with a still blank look, his brother came rushing the front door.

Immediately noticing the lack of scroll Hanzo began to pester Nagato about where it was, not responding and still in a daze he shot his brother a dirty look before walking past him into their

Arriving at his bedroom, he laid on his bed hoping that something could strike the horrible images from his head.

His room was small and simple.

The bed was placed in the back corner with a dresser next to the headboard.

A lamp was placed atop it and desk sat in the corner opposite to the door.

After coming to his senses he sat up and moved to the desk, he pulled out one of the basic technique scrolls distributed to trainee ninja.

He was the top of his class and he had gone over the scroll countless times but he still liked to read about the technique described within.

The scroll detailed Dim Mak and was quite an interesting read.

Although the scroll was one of the basics, very few in the village had mastered the technique due to the difficulty of hitting the right arteries.

Among the 1000 people in the village only 47 could have said to have mastered the technique and even then they were the top brass, masters in the field.

This technique was one of many reasons Nagato was considered a genius.

He had mastered the technique a year after he picked it up.

It may seem to be a long time but the technique required fine application of strength and usually took upwards of 20 years to master.

Nagato had mastered the technique while also learning many other basic techniques required.

If he had put his mind to it he had no doubt it would have only taken a month at most.

Although he was small and unable to fully utilize the technique due to his size it was enough to easily kill an adult with a poke to the right spot.

The basic ninja scrolls were labeled 1-10 and they were basics of everything a ninja needed to learn.

He had mastered them all years ago and moved onto the more advanced techniques but most kids his age were still learning the first 5.

Hanzo had also learned them all, he hadn't mastered them but was allowed to move on.

Only after learning them all would they be allowed access to more advanced techniques.

The basics were:

1. Silent Gait

2. Parkour

3. Close range weaponry

4. Kill points

5. Infiltration

6. Info Gathering

7. Hand to Hand Combat

8. Long range weaponry

9. Herbs and Supplements

10. Poisons

There was a legend in the village about a secret scroll that contained the most powerful ninjutsu, the scroll was called the hermits scroll and it was Hanzo's and his dream to find the scroll and bring it back to the village.

Despite their earlier spat, the brothers had a good relationship and even though they quarreled they got along well.

After a moment of thought, Nagato stepped out of his room intending to go to the training yard to practice the knife hand technique.

Almost immediately he heard the sounds of his mother screaming at his brother, it seemed the scroll was found and traced back to Hanzo.

He had been consumed in reading and hadn't noticed the commotion before exiting his room.

Silently walking down stairs he slipped out as a true ninja would, heading to the training yard ehich was located in a clearing in the center of the village there were a few people of all ages practicing.

He walked over to one of the wooden manaquens before attempting to sharpen his hands only to fail.

The technique was difficult and he had just begun his practice so it was natural to fail a few times before getting the hand of it.

It was quite interesting and wasn't really considered a ninjutsu as it was circulated throughout the assassin community albeit not everyone could do it.

While engrossed in his training a big man suddenly put his hand on his shoulder, "Hey Nagato, you getting some last minute training in before your first mission."

Turning around, he recognized the man, he was Sandayu, one of the high ranking ninja and the head of the trainee corp.

Nagato politely greeted the man with a bow, "Hello Sensei."

The man just laughed and walked off.

He was a bit of an eccentric and it was hard to read where you stood with him but he had always had a soft spot for talent and Nagato was as talented as they came.

His words got Nagato thinking though, he had prepped extensively for his first mission and was really looking forward to it.

Although he had sparred with many of his peers and Hanzo he had never killed, there was a time he tried to go for the kill but an instructor had stopped him before he could actually do anything.

He was still an amateur and he had released too much killing intent.

He had got s big scolding and was warned against doing it again but the though had always remained in the back of his mind.

Whenever he sparred it was if there was something pushing him to go for the kill, he finally had an outlet for his pent up bloodlust and was very much looking forward to his first mission.

After practicing a bit more he was finally able to sharpen his nails slightly, although they couldn't compare to a real knife it was still progress.

As the sun began to set he walked back home looking forward to his big day tomorrow.

I wanted to talk quickly about my plans for this fic and I'm open to suggestion if you have any.

If you don't want to read about them just skip it but it's also subject to change so you might want to.

He won't learn Nen until he's at least 14 so similar to when gon and killua learn it.

With his Nen talent he would stomp everyone if he learns it too early.

I might add some more important OC's but I doubt it.

Im thinking of making him develop into a more Hisoka like character but you'll see that soon enough.

Hell take part in the Hunter exam, maybe heavens arena, York new, chimera ant arc, and the succession arc.

I have no plans for the dark continent but I want him to explore that.

I might take my own twist on gyro since he seems important.