
Pursuit for love

Mariah Edenne is a 24-year-old lady living in the western region with her husband Neil Easton. They’ve been married for close to five years now and they lived a happy life and their life has been so rosy, except that they were unable of having children. Mariah spent her time moving from hospital to hospital, and all hospitals she visited claimed she was barren, her mother-in-law, Jane Easton had never wanted her for her son, each time she had the opportunity she always flung insults at her, she claimed Mariah was a retired prostitute and was the primary reason why she was unable of bearing children. Her two friends Caitlyn Woods and Naja Cook always admired her, thinking she was one of the luckiest women as she was married to one of the influential businessmen. Khloe Darone, a fair beautiful lady and half-sister to Mariah, is jealous of her half-sister because even as she is unable to bear kids for her husband, he still loves and cherishes her. She is determined to end their relationship through Jane Easton, who promises her a place in Neil’s villa as his wife. Khloe is impressed by this agreement and goes all out for him and she succeeds in seducing him after some time, she discovers she is unable of getting pregnant for him, and been pressed by Jane, she gets her ex boyfriend Liam to do it for him in which she later holds him responsible for the baby. Neil thinking the baby Khloe is carrying is his, divorces Mariah without giving her a penny. He gets married to Khloe and in some few months they receive the baby. Liam, being a black mailer keeps writing to Khloe for his silence, and once she pays him, he squanders the money because she is always going to give him more. Liam knows she can't reject to give him money because she has more to lose than him if the truth is revealed. Neil finally discovers he is the one who has been impotent, and he finds out he is not the father to Khloe's son. Without hesitation he flungs her out of the house and goes in pursuit for his ex-wife Mariah, but she is too occupied with her new job and has a new crush who is her boss Bobby Brown. Neil in an attempt to get back his ex-wife creates a scandal at Bobby's enterprise, this makes Bobby Brown revolt against him, but not too long, he falls for his assistant Mariah in whom they get married and bear three kids.

Jessie_Affiong_5646 · Urban
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16 Chs

Chapter 4: Khloe's past

"I don't care what about all that, but she must eventually sign the divorce papers because I'm now done with her." Neil said.

Khloe was in her room getting ready to come join Neil in the living room when she received a call from Liam. "Hello my little princess."

"Hey, who gave you the right to call me, you don't have the right to call me," Khloe said in anger.

"I know, no need getting angry, I heard our plan finally worked and you are now Mr. Easton's new wife,"

"How did you get that, I thought you were far out of the city?" Khloe asked as she was shocked.

"Sure I'm out, but you know I got ears around, I called just to let you know I needed some cash, the ones you gave me got finished," Liam said.

Khloe got angry because it wasn't yet one month since she deposited 5000$ in his bank account, he called her asking for more. In anger, Khloe told him she wasn't going to give him more cash until the end of next month, and being angry about her reply, Liam promised to reveal the truth to Neil, he added saying if he was to reveal the truth, she was gonna lose more than he had to. Khloe was now afraid and promised to transfer 2000$ into his bank account, he rejected the amount and said he needed 6000$. "What, where do you want me to get 6000$ from right now?"

"I don't know and I really don't care, you are now married to one of the most influential businessmen so 6000$ to him should be nothing, you simply tell him you'll love doing some shopping and he will lend out the money to you," Liam yelled out.

"You think things are so easy, give me some time and I'll make it up to you,"

"You have seven days and if they pass without you sending my money, I'll make your life miserable." Liam said as he threatened her.

Khloe dropped the phone and never knew what to do, she had spent all her savings on Liam in return for his silence, and yet he was still not satisfied as he kept asking for more. "I don't think I'm going to cope with all these, I can't have Liam threaten me all the second it's high time I do something, how did he get to know that I'm now living in the Easton villa,"

The night was fast approaching, Khloe left her room for the living room, Jane was seated and was about going upstairs. "You are now already, I was on my way to your room," Jane said.

"Thanks mom, I can't find Neil. Has he gone out?"

"No idea, I think he is stressed up because Mariah refused to sign the divorce papers,"

"She should be ashamed of herself, keeping a man tied to her even after letting her know that he wasn't interested in her anymore,"

"She is a prostitute and all she wants is to get my son's money, but she won't have a penny of it," Jane yelled out.

Comry was seated in a lounge bar not far from his home, the people in the surroundings knew him so well and they were amazed seeing him consume so much alcohol, on usual days, a bottle of alcohol was okay for him, but he was at his fifth bottle already, and he was drunk, his friend Fred who equally lived in the neighborhood, stepped into the bar, he needed a glass of wine to calm the stressful day he had at work, he had no idea the guy sitting at the corner of the bar was his best friend, he only noticed it was Comry when he saw the necklace he wore. He remembered the necklace as he was the one who offered it to him. "Isn't that Comry? I think I should go further." Fred went further and discovered it was Comry, all surprised he asked what caused him to drink till that point. "You won't understand, I'm in trouble," Comry said.

"Even if you are in trouble, will drinking solve the problem? Please stop that and let's talk," Fred said as he seized the bottle of wine away from him.

"I think you don't understand what is going on...…" Comry explained everything and though Fred knew how stressful it could be, he asked him not to stress himself. He paid the bills and helped Comry and they both went to his house, given that, couldn't go back to his house in that condition.

"The next morning"

Beep, Beep, Beep Naja's alarm was heard in all corners of the house, she got up given that she had to be early for work that morning because her boss was traveling and was going to return only after 15 days, given that Mariah was depressed, she wanted to go move out of the house so she could change her ideas. "Hey Mariah, get up I want us to get to work together,"

"Seriously, you want me to accompany you to your job site?" Mariah asked as she was surprised.

"Actually, it's for your good, I'll be living and Caitlyn will be living in due time, I don't want you to remain alone in the house, so for that reason, we are going to go out together." Naja said.

Mariah thought of rejecting Naja's proposal but she had no other choice than to accept as her two friends said that was best for her. Mariah then asked if her boss was going to accept her coming to the enterprise and she said they were going to talk to him. In a few minutes, Mariah and Naja were done and they left for the enterprise. Standing by the street waiting for a cab, they came across Lana, Khloe's best friend. Lana had always detested Mariah and when she heard she was thrown out of the house, all she wished for was meeting her in the streets and her prayers were answered. "The Almighty Mrs. Easton standing by the streets waiting for a cab, what happened to your driver and the numerous guards who always surrounded you?" Lana asked while laughing hard. For some seconds Mariah ignored her and when she could no longer take it, she vehemently yelled at her.